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do fraz
KB skr.
komp. Kilobyte; KB
skr. kiss back
Kb skr.
med. Kilobase
 Angielski tezaurus
KB skr.
fizj. Knee bearing amputation
skr. Kate Barlow; Kelly Burgess; Ken Brock; Ken Brown; Kevin Batchelor; Kilo Bits; Kitty Boy; Kommunikation Basis; Kaiser Broadcasting; Kansas Bear; Kathryn Boyle; Keeler Brass; Ken Baxter; Kent Brewery; Kidney And Bones; Kill Boys; Killer Buns; KiloByte; King's Bench; Kingston's Best; kiss back; knee brace; Knight of the Order of the Bath; Knowledgeability Brief; Knowles Building; 1000 Btu
skr., bizn. kilo bytes
skr., bot., nauk. Killer Bud
skr., broń. see DIPAE
skr., elektron. Kanazawa and Batra model; kauri-butanol solvency value
skr., fizj. Kidney and Bones
skr., kard. kissing balloon (ННатальЯ)
skr., król. Knight Bachelor (eldest daughter of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Richard Tremaine KB wikipedia.org bekky_blum)
skr., mat., nauk. Klein Bottle
skr., med. Human Oral Epidermoid Carcinoma Cells; Kilobases (1kb = 1000 Nucleic Acid Bases); ketone body
skr., micr. KB (A data unit of 1024 bytes); KB (A Microsoft Web site that provides customers with access to a database of articles written by Microsoft Support professionals); KB (A searchable collection of articles and facts about a particular subject area)
skr., mot. kilo-bit
skr., muz. Keyboard; Kill Bosby; King Of Bluegrass
skr., nauka o z. key-board; knowledge based
skr., praw. Kissing Bandit
skr., przem. Kind Bud
skr., przestrz. Khimautomatiki
skr., relig. King's Book
skr., ropa / r. kelly bushing (andrushin); kelly bushings; key board; kilobarn; Kimberlite-granite breccia
skr., rozsz. Keyboard script file; Kilobits; Program source (Knowledge Pro); Kilobyte (1,024 bytes)
skr., sieć. keyboard
skr., sport Kicking Butt
skr., szach. King's Bishop
skr., szkoc.ang. Kilobyte (data processing)
skr., techn. short waves
skr., technol. Kilo Byte; Knowledge Base
skr., ubezp. Height of the centre of buoyancy above the keel or above the molded base of a ship
skr., wet., med. Killer Bee
skr., wojsk. Ka Boom; Kilobyte
skr., znak. Kaiser Bessel; Keine Benachrichtigung
skr., żarg. knockback
techn. keyboard button
technol., elektron., nauk. Kilobytes
wojsk. kite balloon
Kb skr.
med. kb
skr. knob; kilobit; kilobar
skr., komp. Kbit; Kbyte
skr., med. Klebsiella
kb skr.
gen. kilobase (zhvir)
skr. kilobase (dimock); kitchen and bathroom
skr., ropa / r. kilobits
kB skr.
skr. thousand British thermal units
skr., ropa / r. kilo Btu
KB A data unit of 1024 bytes skr.
skr., micr. KB
: 4 do fraz, 3 tematyki
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