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ISS rzecz.
inżyn. Sicherheitsinstitut n; Schweizerisches Institut zur Förderung der Sicherheit
ISS International Space Station rzecz.
posp. Internationale Raumstation
ISS skr.
inżyn. SI
ISS Immunization Service Support skr.
posp. Impfservice-Unterstützung
 Angielski tezaurus
ISS skr.
fiz. ion scattering spectroscopy
przem. integrated safeguards system
skr. Immigrant Social Services; Impotent Sea Snakes; Instant Space Station; Institute Of Silly Strings; Instrument Sales And Service; Intelligence Systems Secretariat; International Space Station; Information Security System; Information Systems and Services (информационные системы и услуги Oleg Sollogub); Institute for Security Studies; Institute for Socioeconomic Studies; Institute for Strategic Studies; Institute of Space Sciences; Institute of Special Studies; Integrated System Study; Intelligence Support Staff; Intelligence Support Subsystem; International Seaweed Symposium; International Social Service; International Students Society; International Sucking Sound; image symbol set; low-energy ion scattering spectroscopy; Investigator Sponsored Study (Исследование, спонсируемое (проводимое) исследователем sidotatv); Ionosphere Sounding Satellite; Internet Security Systems
skr., badan. integrated summary of safety (Dimpassy)
skr., bank. interest on securities less than a year (MichaelBurov)
skr., bizn. international water supply standard
skr., broń. influent suspended solids; installation supply system; Installation Support System
skr., chem. ion-scattering spectrometry
skr., eduk. In School Suspension; Indiana Science Standards
skr., eduk., nauk. Institute of Social Studies; Instructional Support Staff; International Students Service
skr., ekon. international Sharing System
skr., elektron. ion surface scattering; impedance standard quartz substrate; impedance standard substrate; individual survivability and sustainability; inductive storage switch; Industry Strategy Symposium; information search system; information sending station; Information Services Seminar; information service system; information storage system; Information Strategy Symposium; information system support; infrared surveillance sensor; instruction set simulation; integrated storage service; integrated storage system; integrated structured solutions; interactive subscriber service; interexchange signaling sender; interface area for session serialization; interface signal simulator; internal signaling system; Internet security scanner; Internet security suite; Internet security system; interrupt service subroutine; ionosphere searching satellite; ion scattering spectrometer; ion-scattering surface analysis; ISDN subscriber signaling; issuer; Information Security Systems
skr., elektron., nauk. Ion Scattering Spectrometry/Spectroscopy
skr., fiz.jądr. iterative section separation (technique)
skr., fizj., med. Injury Severity Score
skr., hand. industrial standard specifications
skr., higien. Incinerated Sewage Sludge (agrabo)
skr., intern. Internet Security Service
skr., lotn. information systems services; information & support service; integrated surveillance system; instrument subsystem; intelligent support system; imaging science subsystem; inboard slat station; inertial sensing system; inertial subsystem; information and support services; instrument source select; integrated scheduling system; integrated sensor system; integrated support system; in-service system
skr., makar. interim storage site
skr., med. Infantile Sialic Acid Storage (disease); International Skeletal Society; International Society Of Surgery; idiopathic short stature (идиопатическая низкорослость Dimpassy); International Staging System (ННатальЯ)
skr., mor., nauk. Inclination Sensor System; Integrated Sounding System
skr., mot. input shaft speed; instant start system (diesel engine); idle speed solenoid; idle speed stepper; idle stopshutdown and start unit system; integrated safety system
skr., nauk. Input to State Stability
skr., nauka o z. ice status system; impulsive stimulated scattering; inert solids; Institute of Soil Science (CAS); intergovernmental sea service; International Society of Soil; intermediate solid solution; ion-scattering spectroscopy; Iron and Steel Society
skr., nazw. International Scientific Symposium on Measurement and Assessment of Food Deprivation and Undernutrition; International Symposium on Sturgeon
skr., obron. integrated sensor suite; information system security
skr., olej. Industrial Sewage Sludge (agrabo)
skr., poczt. Input SubSystem; International Symbology Specification USPS pub. 109 for barcode
skr., polim. ion scattering spectrometry
skr., przestrz. ignition shielding system; imaging science subsystem; Indonesian Space Society; inertial sensor system; inertial surveying system; intersatellite services; ionospheric sounding satellite
skr., ropa / r. instrument safety system; imidazoline salt surfactant; in-seam seismic method; industry-standard, single-stage; in-seam seismics; inserted stainless steel seat; interchangeable sleeve stabilizer; interlaminar shear strength; International Seismological Summary; ion source spectrometry
skr., sieć. integrated support station
skr., sieć., technol. Initial Send Sequence; Internet Server Supplement
skr., sport International Superstar Soccer
skr., szkoc.ang. In-Service Support; Intelligence Support System; Interface Shipset (Canada); Interference Suppression System; International Security Services Ltd (UK)
skr., technol. image storage system (key2russia); Information System Study
skr., urządz. ion scattering spectroscope
skr., wojsk. Information Systems Security; Inspection Selection System; Integrated Systems Support; Interactive Survivability Simulation; independent suspension system (qwarty); in-system select
skr., włók. industry standard specification; International Sportswear Salon, Monaco
skr., zaut. information-sharing system
techn. infrared surveillance system; intercomputer synchronization scheme; ionosphere sounding station
wojsk. image sensor system; image sharpness scale; industrial security section; industry standard specifications; inertial subsystem; information system section; infrared sensor system; infrared surveillance set; installation support services; instruction summary sheet; instrumentation subsystem; integrated satellite system; integrated sealift study; integrated system, schematic; intercept surveillance station; intermediate service school; internal switching system; interservice supply support; interservice support; interstage section shell
iss skr.
skr. issue
iss. skr.
skr. issued (Vosoni)
Iss. skr.
inwest. issue
skr. Iron and Steel Society of AIME
ISSs skr.
skr., fizj. injury severity scores