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 Angielski tezaurus
cph skr.
polim. close-packed hexagonal
skr. cycles per hour
skr., elektron. components per hour
skr., nauka o z. candle power hours; copies per hour
CPH skr.
lotnisk., lotn. Copenhagen, Denmark
skr. Chapman Preston Hastie; Corpses Per Hour; County Parish Holding; Cost Per Hour; Cutie Pie Husband
skr., bizn. candlepower hours; central power house
skr., elektron. calling party handling; cards per hour; command and prompt handler
skr., farma. capsules per hour (AGaliguzov)
skr., giełd. Capital Pacific Holdings, Inc.
skr., lotn. coordinated pilot hole
skr., med. Certificate In Public Health; Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania; Chronic Persistent Hepatitis; Chronic Primary Headache; Certified in Public Health (Millie); chronic persisting hepatitis
skr., nauka o z. computer controlled phase; counts per hour
skr., opt. computer polarization holography
skr., przem. combined power and heat
skr., rekl. cost per hundred
skr., ropa / r. capillary pressure history; capillary pressure hysteresis
skr., znak. Chari Pharma
Cph skr.
skr., med. cyclophosphan