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air defense | section
posp. katern; subsectie,3)afdeling,4)groep,5)klasse,6)categorie,7)subcategorie
eduk. sectie
ekon. profielstaal; sectie,
hutn. profiel
inżyn. bud. kantlengte
micr. sectie
nauki o ż. stengellid
szt. afdeling
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do fraz
 Angielski tezaurus
air defense ['eədɪ'fens]
stan. Defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy aircraft or missiles in the atmosphere, or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such attack (JP 3-01) zob. też active air defense, aerospace defense, passive air defense
wojsk., logist. Set of measures designed to suppress or limit an enemy air action. (FRA); All actions conducted by specialized units in order to guarantee the freedom of action of the land forces against the enemy's air actions. For the army, these specialized units include the AD artillery and army aviation formations. (FRA)
air defense
: 3 do fraz, 3 tematyki
Język angielski1