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micr. 시간
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time [taɪm] rzecz.
micr. 시간 (A SQL Server system data type that stores a time value from 0:00 through 23:59:59.999999)
 Angielski tezaurus
TIME [taɪm] rzecz.
nasd. Time Financial Services
skr. Technology Information Multimedia And Entertainment; Things I Must Earn; Total Information Management Electronically; Tourism In My Europe; Top industrial managers for Europe (Yanick)
skr., eduk. Tell Involve Mature And Encourage; Training, Information, Mentoring, And Education
skr., eduk., nauk. Trends In Mechanical Engineering
skr., elektron. timed interactive multimedia extension; total instructional management environment
skr., elektron., nauk. Timing Installation Made Easy
skr., meteorol. Techniques to Improve Management Efficiency; Toolkit Of Instruments To Measure End-of-Life Care
skr., mor., nauk. Tsunami Inundation Mapping Efforts; Tsunami Inundation Modeling Exchange Project
skr., poczt. Time in Hours and Hundredths (MODS report abbreviation, 1375 = 1:45 pm)
skr., psychiatr. Time to Intervention for a Mood Episode (в клинических исследованиях ННатальЯ)
skr., relig. Teens In Mission Evangelism; Teens In Mission Experiences; Teens In Missions Evangelism; Torah Infertility Medium Of Exchange
skr., technol. Technology Infrastructure Measurements And Environment; Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions; Telecommunication, Information, Media, Entertainment
skr., wojsk., lotn. technique for information management and employment
skr., znak. Telecom It Media Entertainment; The Inventory Management Experts
time [taɪm] rzecz.
it's time (пора что-л. делать)
skr., medyc. interresponse
skr., polim. t.
TIME [taɪm] skr.
skr., nauka o z. Transactions of the Institute of Marine Engineers
time of
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki