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 Angielski tezaurus
BLIP [blɪp] skr.
skr. Background Limited IR Photography; Brookhaven Linear Isotope Producer
skr., elektron. background-limited infrared performance; beam-lead interconnected packaging
skr., opt. background-limited infrared photoconductor
skr., szkoc.ang. Big Look Improvement Program (US Navy)
skr., wojsk., lotn. background-limited infrared photoconductor
techn., skr. background-limited infrared photodetector; beam-lead interconnect packaging; beam-lead interconnection packaging
wojsk., skr. background-limited infrared photography
BLIPS skr.
skr., mor., nauk. Benthic Layer Interactive Profiling System
blip [blɪp] rzecz.
med. A temporary, detectable increase in the amount of HIV in the blood viral load that occurs after antiretroviral therapy ART has effectively suppressed the virus to an undetectable level. Isolated blips are not considered a sign of virologic failure. zob. też undetectable viral load, viral load, virologic failure
BLIP [blɪp] skr.
skr. background limited infrared photoconductor
skr., nauka o z. boundary layer instrumentation package; brookhaven liner isotope producer