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 Angielski tezaurus
ASE [-eɪz,-eɪs,-əz] skr.
skr. Airborne Support Equipment; Active Storage Element (GigaB, IP-Router); Admiralty Signal Establishment (Vosoni); Aladdin Smartcard Environment (Fast, Aladdin); airborne search equipment; Association of Society of Engineers; agricultural system engineering
skr., astronaut. Active Seismic Experiment (trv-science.ru dimock)
skr., biot. Allele-specific gene expression (Altuntash)
skr., bryt.ang. Admiralty Signals Establishment
skr., chem. Accelerated pressurized solvent extraction (kreecher)
skr., eduk. Automotive Service Excellence
skr., elektron. amplified spontaneous emission (noise); accumulated spontaneous emission (noise); adaptive server enterprise; address space executive; advanced silicon etch process; Agency Spatial European; application support environment; application system entity; ATM switching element; authentication system engineer
skr., elektron., nauk. Amplified Spontaneous Emission
skr., finans. Athens Stock Exchange
skr., giełd. Alberta Stock Exchange; Amman Stock Exchange
skr., kartogr. Army Survey Establishment
skr., kino. Australian screen editors
skr., komun. application service elements
skr., lab. Active Selection of Experiments
skr., lotn. Aspen, Colorado USA; amperes per square foot (Interex); altimetry system error; auto-slat extension; advance system engineering; actual steering error; aeronautical standard group; aerospace support equipment; air surveillance evaluation; airborne stabilization equipment; Airbus supplied equipment; airline selected equipment; airline support engineer; airspeed error; auto slat extend (extension)
skr., makar. aromatic stabilization energy
skr., med. Acute Stress Erosion; Application Service Element; Australian Society Of Endodontology
skr., mot. automotive service excellence; National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
skr., nauka o z. Amalgamated Society of Engineers (UK); American Science and Engineering, Inc.; annual smallest events; A standard error; Australasian Society of Engineers; Australian Society of Engineers
skr., numizm. American Silver Eagle
skr., papier. Australia Stock Exchange
skr., polim. allyl stearyl ether
skr., progr. application service element (ssn); application-service-element (ssn)
skr., progr., technol. Accelerated Solutions Environment
skr., przestrz. advanced space engines; Agence Spatiale Europeenne (ESA); airborne support environment; Anti-Submarine Establishment; Association of Space Explorers
skr., relig. All Seeing Eye
skr., ropa / r. air standard efficiency; alkylsulfonic acid ester; All Steel Equipment, Inc.; American Society of Engineers; American Stock Exchange; anisotropic stress effect; anode split encapsulator; average square error
skr., siec. associative search element (clck.ru dimock)
skr., sieć. Accredited System Engineer; application service element
skr., sieć., technol. Application Services Environment
skr., szkoc.ang. type abbreviation Research ship (Japan); Advanced Systems Engineering; Aero Systems Engineering Inc. (USA)
skr., technol. Ascii Scene Export; AutoCAD SQL Extensions
skr., transp. Automated Speed Enforcement
skr., urządz. American Society of Echocardiography (harser)
skr., wierc. Amalgamated Society of Engineers; Associate of Society of Engineers
skr., wojsk. Administrative Support Equipment; Army Support Element; aircraft survivability equipment; automated stabilization equipment
skr., wojsk., lotn. airborne support equipment
skr., znak. American Street Edge
techn. advanced space engine; averaged square error
wojsk. aircraft survival equipment
wojsk., skr. advanced sensor exploitation; advanced system engineering; allowable steering error; automatic stabilization equipment; automatic support equipment; aviation support equipment