
   Kataloński Angielski
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 Angielski tezaurus
agent ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] rzecz.
kino. A person responsible for the professional business dealings of an actor, director, or other artist. An agent typically negotiates the contracts on behalf of the actor or director, and often has some part in selecting or recommending roles for their client.
praw. someone who has authority to act for another; one who officially represents someone else
praw., skr. agt.
stan. In intelligence usage, one who is authorized or instructed to obtain or to assist in obtaining information for intelligence or counterintelligence purposes (JP 2-01.2)
wojsk., logist. In intelligence usage, one who is recruited, trained, controlled and employed to obtain and report information. (FRA)
wojsk., skr. agt
AGENT ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] skr.
wojsk. advanced graphite experiments nosetip testing
Agent: 23 do fraz, 4 tematyki
Kinematograf i filmologia1
Ochrona środowiska12