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 Angielski tezaurus
PACT [pækt] skr.
skr. Parent And Child Time; Parent And Child Together; Parents And Children Together; Parents And Community Together; Peers Acting To Challenge Tobacco; Port Aransas Community Theatre; Positioning, Advertising, Copy, Testing; Program For Assertive Community Treatment; Program Of Assertive Community Treatment; Public Awareness Campaign Together; Partnership in Advanced Computing Technologies (organization UK); People Against Crappy Tensioners; Production Analyses Control Technique
skr., eduk. Personal Academic Counseling Team; Placing Assessment and Counseling Team; Positive Alternative Choices Today; Pregnant Adolescent Childcare Training; Program For Academic And Creative Talent
skr., eduk., nauk. Program For Academic Creative Talents
skr., med. Papillary Carcinoma Of Thyroid; Philadelphia Association Of Clinical Trials; Prospective Acute Coronary Syndrome Trial; Psychiatric Assessment Center For Treatment
skr., praw. Partnership Against Car Theft; Police Agency Combined Testing; Police And Children Together; Police And Community Together; Prosecute Animal Cruelty Together
skr., progr., technol. Portable Application Code Toolkit
skr., relig. Partners Achieving Change Together; Planting Alliance Churches Today
skr., sieć. pay actual computer time
skr., sport Palmetto Achievement Challenge Test
techn. portable automatic/calibration tracker
wojsk. project for the advancement of coding techniques
Pact. rzecz.
łac. Pactum ("agreement")
pACT [pækt] skr.
skr. personal air communications technology
PACT [pækt] skr.
skr., elektron. personal air communication technology; production action control technique; program for automatic coding technique; programmable acquisition & controlling timer; programmable asynchronous clustered teleprocessing; progress in advanced component technology; project for the advancement of coding technique
skr., finans. Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa
skr., lotn. parts accountability control technique; phased control technique; program for automatic coding techniques; purchased article configuration traveler
skr., nazw. Programme for Accountability and Transparency
skr., okręt. production analysis control technology
skr., urządz. photoacoustic computed tomography (MichaelBurov)
skr., wojsk., lotn. partial aircrew coordination trainer
PaCT [pækt] skr.
skr., technol. PBX and Computer Teaming
pact [pækt] skr.
skr., wyst. paction
PACT [pækt] skr.
skr. programmed automatic circuit tester
skr., lotn. portable automatic calibration tracker; precision aircraft control technology; purchase article configuration traveler
skr., nauka o z. powdered activated carbon biological treatment process
skr., onkol. Program of Action for Cancer Therapy (Bauirjan)
skr., przestrz. programmable automatic continuity tester
skr., ropa / r. platform abandonment combined technologies; powdered activated carbon treatment; production analysis control technique
: 92 do fraz, 19 tematyki
Aktywizm na rzecz praw człowieka1
Imigracja i obywatelstwo1
Międzynarodowy fundusz walutowy1
Nauki społeczne6
Nazwa organizacji1
Organizacja narodów zjednoczonych2
Prawo karne1
Prawo pracy2
Związki handlowe1