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 Angielski tezaurus
ahr skr.
skr. anchor
AHR skr.
skr. Ad Hoc Report
skr., alerg. airway hyperreactivity (igisheva); airway hyperresponsiveness (igisheva)
skr., biolog. aryl hydrocarbon receptor (igisheva)
skr., bizn. ampere-hour; another
skr., broń. Air handling room
skr., elektron. acid hardening resin; active homing radar
skr., giełd. Anthracite Capital, Inc.
skr., lotn. altitude and heading reference; attitude and heading reference
skr., med. Antihyaluronidase Reaction; Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor; Association For Health Records; Atrial Heart Rate; Australian Health Review (periodical)
skr., mot. Active Head Restraints (translator911); active head restraint
skr., praw. Assisted Human Reproduction
skr., przestrz. attitude hold (roll axis)
skr., ropa / r. accumulated heat release; ampere hour
skr., wojsk. Attack Helicopter Regiment
skr., wojsk., lotn. ablative heat rate
skr., znak. Andrew Hayes Racing
techn. active high resolution; aqueous homogeneous reactor
wojsk. acceptable hazard rate
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki