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hi [haɪ] rzecz.
posp. bonjour m (informal); salut m (informal)
HI [haɪ] wykrz.
urządz. altitude de l'appareil
 Angielski tezaurus
HI skr.
skr. Hercules Inc.; Honeywell, Inc.; horizontal internal; Hudson Institute
skr., bizn. high priority
skr., kart. hazard identification (igisheva)
skr., lotn. handling instruction; honer indicator
skr., med. hemagglutination inhibition (test, titer)
skr., nauka o z. hollow inclusion; Hydraulic Institute (US); hydro-impact
skr., nazw. Houston Instrument Inc.
skr., przestrz. heading indicator; height indicator
skr., ropa / r. Hawaiian Islands; heavy ion; high-intensity; high island; horizontal interval; humidity index
hi [haɪ] wykrz.
posp. privet (m nimachka)
olej. highly
polim. high
skr. high; hectoliter; hole
skr., mot. high beam; high input; high signal voltage
hi. skr.
skr. hectolitre
HI [haɪ] wykrz.
przem. high-intensivity; hydrodynamic instability; hydrogen igniter
skr. hot issue; Abap List Viewer; Hand In; Handicap Index; Hanging In; Hanging Indent; Harassment Ideas; Harmful Input; Harvest Institute; Hayes International; Head In; Health Information; Hearing Impaired; Hearing Impairment; Heartbeat International; Heat Index; Heat Intercept; Here Is ....; Hideous Idiot; Higher Intelligence; Hindi; Holiday Inns; Home Inspector; Homemaker Interactive; Homo Iconos; Honesty And Integrity; Hospitality Industry; Household International, Inc.; Humorous Individual; Humorous Intention; Hyperactive Impulsive; hospital insurance (program Vosoni)
skr., broń. Hazard Index; Hydraulic Institute (US)
skr., elektron. hard interrupt; header information; heterogeneity information; high impedance; hold instruction; hole injection; Houston Instrument, Inc.; hydrogen iodide
skr., fizj. Hypoxia Ischemia
skr., geogr. Hawaii (Vosoni)
skr., immun. hemagglutination inhibition (goedzak)
skr., kard. heart insufficiency (igisheva)
skr., kynol. Herding Intermediate
skr., lab. Haemagglutination Inhibition
skr., lotn. handing instruction; high intensity; Honeywell Inc; HUM high humidity
skr., med. health information; high impulsiveness; hospital-induced; hospital insurance (program); hydroxyindole; hypothermic ischemia; Heart Infusion
skr., medyc. latent hyperopia
skr., obron. hyperspectral imagery
skr., obuw. heat insulation against warmth (специальное обозначение Yuriy83)
skr., onkol. hematologic improvement (гематологическое улучшение (IWG-2006) GhostLibrarian)
skr., papier. Herfindahl index (显示公司兼并对市场自由竞争力所造成的影响)
skr., polim. high-impact
skr., przem. EHI (MichaelBurov); equipment health index (MichaelBurov); health index (MichaelBurov)
skr., roln. heat increment
skr., ropa / r. human interface; hydrocarbon index; hydrogen index
skr., rozsz. Game high scores table (Vosoni); High scores (games)
skr., szkoc.ang. Civil aircraft marking (Dominican Republic); Hawaii (US state)
skr., sztuczn. human intelligence (as opposed to artificial intelligence – AI); human intelligence (as opposed to AI – artificial intelligence 4uzhoj)
skr., techn. height of instrument
skr., tworz. high impact
skr., ubezp. health insurance; hospital insurance (key2russia)
skr., wojsk., lotn. hardware interface
techn. height of instrument; helical instability; hydromagnetic instability; hyperfine interaction
telekom. Hello
wojsk. handling instructions; high impact; high intensity; high intercept
Hi skr.
skr., imion., zdrobn. Hiram
skr., med. histidine; histone
HIR [haɪ] wykrz.
meteorol. high (er)
: 39 do fraz, 15 tematyki
Amerykański używanie2
Brytański używanie2
Kinematograf i filmologia2
Opieka zdrowotna1
Technologia informacyjna6
Zautomatyzowany sprzęt1