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EST [ist] skr.
nazw. Division du commerce et des marchés
 Angielski tezaurus
EST [ist] skr.
skr., biochem. Evacuated Secondary Tube (Elmitera)
est [ist] skr.
kontr. estimate
skr. Erhard Seminar Training; established; estate; estimate, estimation; estimated; estuary
skr., wierc. estimating
est. skr.
polim. estimate
skr., nauka o z. established; estimation; estuary
EST [ist] skr.
przem. emergency shutdown system; even combustion temperature
skr. Earliest Starting Time; Earth Standard Time; Electrical Service Technician; Electronic Sales Tool; Erhard Seminar Training; Estimated; Estonian; European Standard Time; Earth Subsolar Temperature; Eastern Standard Time-5:00; Eastern Summer Time; Employee Support Training; Energy Saving Trust; Environmental Science and Technology; Environmental System Testing
skr., bizn. establish; establishment; estimation; evaluation and service test
skr., bot., nauk. Expressed Sequence Tags
skr., broń. electrical specific training
skr., eduk. Educational Support Teacher; Educational Support Team
skr., elektron. embedded sensor technique; emission start time; emitter switched thyristor; environmental stress testing; estimated street price
skr., fizj., med. Electro Stimulation Therapy; Electroshock Therapy
skr., gen. expressed sequence tag
skr., kard. exercise stress test (MichaelBurov)
skr., kolej. Environmentally-sound technology
skr., lotn. estimated time (over significant point); Electronics Systems Technologist; Electronics Technologist; NAV CANADA Electronics Technologist; elevation; slope; temperature; equipment status telemetry; employment and suitability test; enroute support team; European Satellite Team
skr., med. Endodermal Sinus Tumor; Endometrial Sinus Tumor; Expressed Sequence Tag; electroshock therapy
skr., mot. electronic spark timing; electronic shift technology; electronic shift transmission
skr., nauka o z. Earth Station-Turkey; environmental science & technology
skr., nazw. Divisione del commercio e dei mercati
skr., progr. extended standard theory (ssn)
skr., przestrz. elevation, slope, temperature; experimental stealth technology
skr., publ. Eastern Standard Time; Expanded Sound Track
skr., ropa / r. elastic surface transformation; electrolytic sewage treatment; expandable slotted tube
skr., sach. Edwards system technology; Emergency Response Team
skr., szkoc.ang. Electronic Support & Training; Emergency Services Team
skr., technol. Exterior Shell Technology; electrostatic storage tube
skr., transp. Electronic Servo Throttle; Electronic Spark Timing
skr., wojsk. Equipment Specific Training; Estimate; Electronic Support Training; embarked security team; emergency service team; emergency support team (FEMA); en route support team
skr., zakł. Extremely Stable Technology (технология глубокого гидрокрекинга Альвидас); Eni Slurry Technology (технология глубокого гидрокрекинга Альвидас)
skr., znak. Erhard Seminars Training
skr., ład k. expenditure specialized transaction
techn. emergency security team; estimator
wojsk. earliest start time; electronic support and training; en-route support team; engine systems test; engineer support tractor; engineering support teat; enlistment screening tests
Est. skr.
geogr. Estonia (Vosoni)
EST. skr.
skr. estimated
Est [ist] skr.
łac. Esther
: 10 do fraz, 5 tematyki
Nazwa organizacji2