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Request for Comments
sieć. RFC-asiakirja
Request For Comments
micr. RFC (A document in which a standard, a protocol, or other information pertaining to the operation of the Internet is published. The RFC is actually issued, under the control of the IAB, after discussion and serves as the standard. RFCs can be obtained from sources such as InterNIC)
request for comment
komun. kommenttipyyntö; selityspyyntö
 Angielski tezaurus
Request For Comments
skr., rozsz. RFC (Internet)
technol., skr. RFC (ala ARPA Internet); RFC (Internet, RFC)
telekom., skr. RFC (IETF)
request for comments
technol. A document that has been approved by the Internet Engineering Task Force IETF becomes an RFC and is assigned a unique number once published (If the RFC gains enough interest, it may evolve into an Internet standard)
Request For Comments ala ARPA Internet
skr. RFC
Request For Comment
skr., astronaut., wojsk. RFC (Internet protocol)
Request For Comments A document in which a standard, a protocol, or other information pertaining to the operation of the Internet is published. The RFC is actually issued, under the control of the IAB, after discussion and serves as the standard. RFCs can be obtained from sources such as InterNIC
skr., micr. RFC (Request For Comments)
Request for Comments
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki