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oar [ɔ:] rzecz.
transp., mor. åre
OAR [ɔ:] rzecz.
mat. OAR
oars rzecz.
posp. årer
OAR [ɔ:] skr.
mat. tilfældigt observeret
 Angielski tezaurus
OAR [ɔ:] rzecz.
przem. operator accelerated retraining
skr. Organization for Autism Research; Order of Augustinian Recollects (Johnny Bravo)
skr., amer. Oregon Administrative Rule (s Leonid Dzhepko)
skr., elektron. Office of Aerospace Research; one armed router; operand address register; operational analysis report; operator authorization record; organic analysis reagent; output address register; overall area reliability; Oxford Applied Research Co.
skr., fizj., med. Offal And Regurgitation
skr., giełd. Ohio Art Company
skr., inżyn. operand-address register
skr., kolej. Old Augusta Railroad Company
skr., księg. overhead absorption rate
skr., lotn. Office of Airspace Regulation (bonly); Operational Analysis and Resourcing; Operational Analysis Reporting; order as required
skr., makar. operation address register
skr., mor., nauk. Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
skr., opt. off-axis rejection; open area ratio
skr., stat. observed at random
skr., szkoc.ang. Operational Analysis & Research
skr., technol. Original Aspect Ratio; Occupational Air Requirement (DAKK)
skr., ukraińsk. Album Oriented Rock (формат американских FM радиостанций с преобладанием не попавших в хит-парады малоизвестных альбомных песен, в основном, известных исполнителей Viacheslav Volkov)
skr., urządz. organ at risk (vlad-and-slav)
skr., wojsk. Of A Revolution; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff operation plans assessment report
skr., znak. Oxford Applied Research
techn., skr. operational assessment and readiness; operational availability and reliability; optical angle readout
wojsk., skr. operations analysis report; ordnance allowance report; ordnance alteration reporting; ordnance alteration requirements; overhaul and repair
OAR [ɔ:] skr.
skr. Office of Air Research
skr., komp. operational address register
skr., lotn. optically amplified regenerator
skr., med. office of AIDS research
skr., nauka o z. ocean applied research model
skr., przestrz. operations anomaly report; optical automatic ranging; Office of Aerospace Research
skr., ropa / r. Office of Atmospheric Research; organic analytical reagent
skr., sport Olympic Athletes from Russia (bigmaxus)
oar: 3 do fraz, 2 tematyki