
   Angielski Chiński
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posp. ; ; 乘坐;
ekon. 接管; 抵充; 付清; 承兑; 认购
| fulfilling
posp. 履行
| safeguarding
techn. 安全设备
| and
| developing
hutn. 发展
| the
| fundamental interests
 fundamental interests
chin. polit. 根本利益
| of the
 of the
posp. 大城市的流浪儿
| overwhelming majority
 overwhelming majority
posp. 绝大多数
- znaleziono osobne słowa

rzeczownik | czasownik | do fraz
take [teɪk] rzecz.
posp. ; ; 乘坐; ; 接受; 所取之量; 收人; 已〔待〕拍摄之景; 一次拍摄的电影电视镜头; 录音; 一次录的音; 反应
chir. 成活
ekon. 接管; 抵充; 付清; 承兑; 认购; 捕获量; 收入; 脱掉; 飞机起飞; 取消; 停止
hutn. 占领 (During the decarburization, a sample of the steel was taken for carbon analysis under the down-leg snorkel at an interval of 30 ~ 60 seconds. 脱碳期间,供碳分析用的钢样取自下降管的下面,取样间隔为30 ~60s。)
most. ; ; 赢牌
mult. 影视镜头
papier. 接盘; 接收财产; 收人金额; 获得; 赚取
rekl. 验收的广告像带
repr.biol. 母畜接受交配
roln. 活着指嫁接; 取得量
szach. 吃子; 提子
techn. 收获量; 成效量
zarządz. 取得
"Take" rzecz.
wojsk. "竹" (号驱逐舰(日))
take [teɪk] czas.
posp. ; 拿 〔得〕到; 取〔获〕得; ; 带去; 搬移; 量〔读〕出; ; ; 拍摄; 采〔利,使,占,引〕用; ; 花,耗; 承担; 担负; 甘受; ; 阅,购; ; ; ; 认〔以〕为; 理解; 领会; 受欢迎; 产生; 引起; 齿轮啮合; 对待; 负起…责任; 学习; 奏效; 起作用; 凝固〔结〕; 结冰; 封冻; ; ; ; 攻占〔取〕; 占领; 胜过; 打垮; ; ; 逮捕; 俘虏; 打中; 击中; 生根; 发芽; 不容易褪色; 一次动作; ; ; 以…为例
archit. 采用; ; ; ; (购); 假定; 推断; 处理; 研究; 河道封冻; 凝固; 吸收; 传递; 以……为例
gra p. 起跳
hand. ; ; 记录; 采取; 容纳
sport 赢得; 拿走; 击球; 跳过栏架等
włók. 氧取; 衣服改动
zajęc. 收绳
 Angielski tezaurus
take [teɪk] rzecz.
kino. A single continuous recorded performance of a scene. A director typically orders takes to continue until he or she is satisfied that all of his or her requirements for the scene have been made, be they technical or artistic. For interesting exceptions, see the trivia entries for Stagecoach, The Gold Rush, The Player, Rope, Shi di chu ma, Some Like It Hot, and The Usual Suspects. A continuity report stores the status of each take. Of the ones that don't contain obvious errors, the director will order some to be printed. See also out-take, hold.
nauki o ż. To take
skr. taken; took
TAKE [teɪk] skr.
skr. The Angry Kangaroo Executioner
skr., eduk. Technology Assistance For Kansas Educators
skr., eduk., nauk. Talk Action Knowledge Equipment
take fulfilling, safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki