
   Angielski Chiński
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H.= S. head size rzecz.
włók. 头围
H [eɪʧ] przym.
hodowl. 氢的化学元素符号; H 抗体 (antibody); 鞭毛抗体 (antibody); H 抗原 (antigen); 鞭毛抗原 (antigen)
mot. 表示此类轮胎最高允许使用车速为 210knVh轮胎侧壁的速度符号标记,如 P205/75 84H中的最后一个字母H
H [eɪʧ] skr.
posp. H 形
ekon. 英语的第八个字母
 Angielski tezaurus
H [eɪʧ] skr.
skr., gen. heterozygosity; hypoxanthine
skr., komun. High state
skr., med. His
H. skr.
skr., ekon. highest price
H [eɪʧ] skr.
skr., mot. halogen; hard mode; hard roof sedan; hatchback; head lamp/headlight; high beam; high pressure
H [eɪʧ] skr.
inwest. highest price
inżyn., skr. heater
meteorol., skr. heat; heat content; heavy; helicopter; high pressure area (anticyclone); highland; hill; hooded (instrument flight); horizontal; hot; hydrogen
przem., skr. enthalpy; hard; hecto-; local average fluid enthalpy
skr. Boltzmann function; Half; Ham; Hands; Harcourt General, Inc.; Hardball; Harn; Hearing; heat; heater; Heaven; heavy; hecto-; Hell; Helpful; Hepatitis; Hero; Heterosexual; Hexadecimal; Hexapole; high pressure area (anticyclone); highland; Highlighted; hill; Hindu; Hmm; Hoax; Hog; Holy; Honduras; Honesty; Honor; Honorary; hooded (instrument flight); Horrific; Hospitalization; hot; Hub; Hue; hug; Huggable; Huh; Humanities; humidity; Hypodermic; Miller index; Symbol for the magnetic field of the propagated radio wave; The Hogs; Height; Home; local average fluid enthalpy; aerodynamic hinge moment; atomic weight of hydrogen; hardened; heat content (enthalpy); hooded instrument flight; horizontal welding position; Hungary; Hungarian; intensity of magnetic field (magnetic field strength); luminous emittance; relative humidity; total heat; voltage of magnetic field; Knoop hardness; Vickers hardness; heritability
skr., agrochem. hail; hardness; haze; height; high; horizon
skr., biol. histidine
skr., bizn. half hardened; highway; hook; horizontal engine
skr., broń. Mustard agent
skr., bryt.ang. Hussars
skr., chem. helium; hexamethylenetetramine; hyoscine
skr., eduk., nauk. History
skr., elektron. heating; heuristics; Honeywell Corp.; hypercard; magnetic field intensity; magnetic induction intensity
skr., farm. isoniazid (изониазид Dimpassy)
skr., fizj. Health; Histidine
skr., fizj., med. Head
skr., geol. Huron (MichaelBurov); Huronian (MichaelBurov); Huronian age (MichaelBurov); Huronian Era (MichaelBurov); Huronian time (MichaelBurov); the Huronian (MichaelBurov); Huronian erathem (MichaelBurov); Huronian epoch (MichaelBurov); Huronian era (MichaelBurov); Huronian time Huronian (MichaelBurov); Huronian epo`ch (MichaelBurov)
skr., gleb. hilly
skr., hand. hoy
skr., hutn. hardenability
skr., inżyn. hot bulb engine; harden
skr., kartogr. harbour; hard (surface runway); hotel
skr., lab. Haploid; Hematachometer; mustard gas
skr., lotn. heading; high altitude; high potential side of output (input); angular momentum; hall; hanger
skr., med. Bacterial Antigen In Serologic Classification Of Bacteria (Ger. Hauch, Breath); Heart; hydrogen; henry; hyperopia; hyperopic; halothane; Hemophilus; hinge region; histamine; Holzknecht (unit); horizontal line; hormone; hyaluronidase; hygiene; hygienic; hypermetropia; hyperplasia; hypothermy
skr., med., notacj. rate of heat removal
skr., meteorol. haustus
skr., nauka o z. gibbsite; hafik; halite; hambergite; Hamiltonian; hausmannite; Hawaii; hedstrom number; hexagonal; hexahedrite; high iron group; high-melting; howardite; howellella; hypersthene; magnetic force
skr., polim. heat content; Henry; horizontal; hydraulic; hydrazine; hard
skr., roln. horison; hose
skr., ropa / r. enthalpy; gross pay thickness; hydrogen index; magnetic field strength; halimeda; halloysite; hawaiite; header; heel; hematite; heterogeneous; hiatus; highlands; histogram; hollow shaft; Holocene; homogeneous; honeycomb; hornblende; horsepower; host; hull; humate; hurricane; hydraulics; hydrocarbon; hydrodynamic head; hydromica; hydrophone; hyperfocal distance
skr., rozsz. Header file
skr., sport hit; sacrifice hit
skr., szkoc.ang. Hotel (phonetic alphabet); Hydrographer to the navy (UK); Mustard (Chemical warfare blister agent); Time zone 112.5 E-127.5 E (GMT -8)
skr., techn. alta frecuencia de banda lateral; homing pattern
skr., technol. half-adder
skr., telekom. hybrid circuit
skr., ubezp. height of wave; Meridian altitude; Draught
skr., zaut. head
skr., żarg. heroin
techn. degree of hydrolysis; electronic countermeasures evaluator; exposure; half adder; halt; hardening; hold; holding; home; horizontal force of the earth's magnetism; horizontal take-off; hydrant; hydrolysis; hyperbolic; magnetizing force; nebulous; nondirectional radio beacon homing; radar air-navigation system
techn., agrochem. haze
wojsk. handset; hardware; hatch; hazardous; headphones; headquarters; helicopter; homing; hospital; hostile; howitzer
wojsk., lotn. heading
h [eɪʧ] skr.
kartogr. height above water
kontr. hybrid
mor. heavy sea
olej. fast line; fluid level; hole; hydrocarbons; thickness
opt. Planck's constant
polim. heat
roln. horn; horse; house
skr. convective heat transfer coefficient; Heater; height; hence; Hexode; high; hundred; outside film heat transfer coefficient for unsubmerged tubes; register width; hora - hour; Planck contant; Planck's contant; hecto- (hundred); host range mutant
skr., bizn. harbor; have; honour
skr., elektron. modulation index
skr., fiz. Dirac's constant; specific enthalpy
skr., lotn. altitude
skr., med. Planck constant; hour; hemophilia; heredity; human; husband
skr., med., notacj. Plank's constant
skr., nauka o z. hornfels
skr., ropa / r. harzburgite; hecto; hours
h. skr.
bud. hardened; hour
górn. relative humidity
hutn. harden
skr. hardenability; heat content (enthalpy); house; hecto-; henry; degree of hydrolysis
skr., nauka o z. hard; hardness; heat; heavy; height; hot
skr., sport base hits
skr., techn. harbor
H. skr.
drewn. cross cut and rip saws for hardwood
praw. husband
skr. Hilary term; head; high; hundred
skr., hutn. horizontal-vertical welding position
skr., wojsk. howitzer
skr., łac. Haeres ("heir"); Hic ("here")
H+ skr.
meteorol. hour plus... minutes past the hour
skr. hydrogen ion concentration
skr., med. hydrogen ion
.H skr.
skr. Header (C)
μH skr.
skr. microhenry
skr. one of the lines of the Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum
skr. one of the lines of the Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum
H* skr.
skr., elektron. hydrogen radical
H- skr.
skr., med., notacj. minutes past the hour
H! skr.
skr., rozsz. Pertext database (HELP.EXE Vosoni)
H-- skr.
skr., rozsz. C-- language header (Sphinx C-- Vosoni); Header file (Sphinx C--)
H— skr.
skr., technol. Header file
H! skr.
skr., technol. Help database
.H skr.
technol. text/plain
.h skr.
rozsz. Header (file name extension, C)
/hɒ skr.
skr. hospitable (Isaev)
skr. one of the lines of the Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum
skr. one of the lines of the Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum
γH skr.
skr., chem. oxidation-reduction potential
α-h skr.
skr., med. the right handed helical form assumed by many proteins
skr., publ. plane
H++ skr.
skr., technol. Header file
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki