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mandate ['mændeɪt] rzecz.
micr. съгласие (A source document that documents an agreement between a payee and a payer based on an understanding that the payee is authorized to collect fixed or variable direct debit payment amounts from the payer's bank account)
mandate ['mændeɪt] przym.
ochr.środ. мандат (Нареждане или пълномощия за действие по определен начин, дадени от администратор на подчинен, от по-висшестоящ на по-нисшестоящ съд или от електората на представителя му)
polit. мандат за преговори
 Angielski tezaurus
mandate ['mændeɪt] rzecz.
praw. A judicial command or order proceeding from a court or judicial officer, directing the proper officer to enforce a judgment, sentence, or decree
skr. mand
MANDATE ['mændeɪt] skr.
skr., elektron. multiline automatic network diagnostic and transmission equipment
skr., szkoc.ang. MCCIS Austere Northwood Database & Terminal Equipment
mandate: 18 do fraz, 5 tematyki
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