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do fraz
identity [aɪ'dentɪtɪ] rzecz.
micr. identitet (" The "digital persona" by which other users recognize and interact with you.")
 Angielski tezaurus
identity [aɪ'dentɪtɪ] rzecz.
micr. ID (A person or entity that must be verified by means of authentication, based on criteria such as password or a certificate)
skr. indentity (iNdentity - ошибочное написание слова identity. повторите ввод с правильным написанием или просто щелкните ссылку. SirReal)
wojsk., logist. In imagery interpretation, the discrimination between objects within a particular type or class. (FRA)
wojsk., skr. ident
identity A person or entity that must be verified by means of authentication, based on criteria such as password or a certificate [aɪ'dentɪtɪ] skr.
skr., micr. ID
identity: 6 do fraz, 2 tematyki
Organizacje pozarządowe3