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bid [bɪd] czas.
micr. দর প্রস্তাব (The price at which a buyer has offered to purchase an item)
 Angielski tezaurus
bid [bɪd] rzecz.
med. An abbreviation meaning "two times a day." The abbreviation is commonly used in drug dosing instructions.; bis in die (лат. I. Havkin); bis in die (2 раза в день ADol)
skr., med. twice a day
BID [bɪd] skr.
skr. Break It Down; biology (comb form)
skr., broń. barricaded intraline distance
skr., elektron. battlefield information distribution; bus interface desk; bus interface device
skr., fizj., med. Twice Daily
skr., giełd. Sotheby Holdings, Inc.
skr., intern. Back In The Days
skr., lab. Bacterial IDentification
skr., lotn. Block Island, Rhode Island USA; bundle installation data; business improvement district
skr., med. Twice A Day; biventricle inner diameter (harser); brought in dead
skr., mot. breakerless inductive discharge (AMC); board computer info display
skr., ropa / r. International Development Bank
skr., techn. blunt impact damage (bonly)
skr., telekom. board inward dialing
skr., wojsk. Brazilian Infantry Division
skr., wojsk., lotn. British Intelligence Department
BADE [beɪd] skr.
skr., med. Thoracic Bioimpedance As An Adjunct To Dobutamine Echocardiography (study)