
Dutch-English dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Accounting 1.689
Acoustics 88
Agriculture 39.207
Animal husbandry 651
Antennas and waveguides 1.911
Art 1.238
Astronautics 792
Astronomy 67
Automated equipment 1.136
Aviation 273
Banking 209
Biology 14
Book binding 168
Business 865
Chemistry 25.046
Coal 3.336
Commerce 2.169
Communications 31.817
Computer numerical control 986
Computers 95
Construction 17.183
Corporate governance 50
Criminal law 1.107
Cultural studies 3.270
Customs 362
Data processing 174
Demography 623
Dyalysis 207
Earth sciences 18.579
Ecology 146
Economy 18.432
Education 4.900
Electronics 31.235
Employment 242
Energy industry 2.679
Engineering 4
English 533
Environment 22.999
European Union 72
Finances 29.564
Fish farming pisciculture 4.926
Food industry 3.984
Forestry 1.080
General 61.701
Geography 705
Geophysics 26
Government, administration and public services 748
Health care 15.299
Hobbies and pastimes 2.397
Human rights activism 1.151
Hydraulics 2.990
Ichthyology 28
Immigration and citizenship 1.937
Industry 23.120
Informal 1
Information technology 27.767
Insurance 3.714
International law 160
International trade 1.369
Investment 76
Labor law 5.082
Labor organization 96
Latin American 6
Law 25.877
Leather 141
Life sciences 14.221
Linguistics 380
Mammals 46
Marketing 4.806
Materials science 6.183
Mathematics 5.159
Measuring instruments 4.477
Mechanic engineering 22.294
Mechanics 84
Medical appliances 30
Medical 65.517
Metallurgy 15.086
Meteorology 27
Microsoft 13.209
Mineral products 503
Mining 72
Municipal planning 2.235
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation 5.812
Natural sciences 16.735
Nautical 4
Navigation 8
Nuclear and fusion power 300
Nuclear physics 1.002
Obsolete / dated 804
Oil / petroleum 300
Optics branch of physics 13
Ornithology 37
Patents 6.188
Pharmacy and pharmacology 3.081
Physical sciences 1.660
Physics 58
Politics 3.759
Polygraphy 192
Polymers 2
Private international law 41
Procedural law 1.062
Psychology 11
Public relations 17
Religion 496
Research and development 422
School 22
Scientific 1.154
Security systems 162
Social science 5.519
Sociology 234
Sound recording 37
Statistics 7.087
Sugar production 71
Surveying 29
Taxes 2.039
Technology 6.806
Telecommunications 2
Textile industry 784
Trade unions 408
Transport 47.025
United Nations 595
Waste management 108
Wood processing 182
Work flow 2.382
Zoology 8.031
Total: 727.509