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unit.meas. abbr. M
abbr. m
abbr. oil m; mtr
abbr. plast. metre
IT abbr. m
metrol. A device intended to make a measurement, alone or in conjunction with other equipment
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abbr. U
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['mi:tə] abbr.
abbr., oil m; mtr
abbr., plast. metre
IT, abbr. m (s)
lit. A recognizable though varying pattern of stressed syllables alternating with syllables of less stress. Compositions written in meter are said to be in verse. There are many possible patterns of verse. Each unit of stressed and unstressed syllables is called a "foot." iambic is one example of meter.
metrol. A device intended to make a measurement, alone or in conjunction with other equipment
meters ['mi:tə] abbr.
abbr. m
meters abbr.
abbr., O&G mss (Johnny Bravo)
Meters n
unit.meas., abbr. M
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Measuring instruments1

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