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EHP abbr.stresses
avia. эффективная мощность
dril. эффективная мощность в л. с. (effective horsepower)
O&G электрогидравлический насос (electro-hydraulic pump Andrey250780)
oil эффективная мощность в лошадиных силах (effective horsepower)
refrig. электрический теплонасос (Electric Heat Pump OlCher)
 English thesaurus
ehp abbr.
abbr. effective horse power; electric horse power; equivalent horsepower
polym. effective horsepower; electric horsepower
EHP abbr.
abbr. Extended High Power; Electron-Hole Pairs; Environmental Health Practitioner (Anglophile); di-2-ethyl hexyl peroxy dicarbonate; di-2-ethyl hexyl phthalate; electric horse-power
abbr., alum. effluent holding pond
abbr., automat. Electric and Hybrid Propulsion
abbr., avia. electrical horsepower; electrical horse power; equivalent horse power
abbr., chem. di-2-ethylhexyl hydrogen phosphate
abbr., dril. electrical horse power
abbr., earth.sc. elementary hydrological processes; enzymatically hydrolyzable phosphate
abbr., el., scient. Electron- Hole Plasma
abbr., electr.eng. extra-high pressure
abbr., med. Environmental Health Perspectives (periodical); Evaluation & The Health Professions (periodical); excessive heat production
abbr., mil. Extra High Power
abbr., mil., avia. effective horsepower
abbr., mining. effective horse-power
abbr., nautic., scient. USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
abbr., oil e.h.p. effective horsepower; electrochemical hydrogen probe; enhanced performance; extra high potency; extra high pressure
abbr., opt. electron-hole pair
abbr., semicond. electron-hole plasma
tech. electrical hull penetrator; electron-hole potential method
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects
Electrical engineering2

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