abbr. |
циклический цитруллинированный пептид (cyclic citrullinated peptide welovedoka) |
account. |
дипломированный специалист по финансовому планированию (Certified Financial Planner); текущая покупательная способность (current purchasing power) |
adv. |
эффективность расходования средств |
agric. |
пестицид, продукция для защиты посевов, продукция для защиты сельскохозяйственных культур (Crop protection products itranslator) |
chem. |
хлорированный полипропилен (Chlorinated Polypropylene (CPP) is a thermoplastic resin produced by the chlorination of polypropylene. It is a nontoxic white or light yellow granular solid and can be easily soluble in organic solvents such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, toluene, butanone or other mixed solvent. And it has high hardness and good properties of wear-resistance, acid-resistance, salt water resistance and aging- resistance. Stella70) |
coal. |
обогатительная установка (MichaelBurov); углеобогатительная установка (MichaelBurov); углеобогатительное производство (MichaelBurov); углемойка (MichaelBurov); завод по обогащению угля (MichaelBurov); установка для мокрого обогащения угля (MichaelBurov) |
energ.ind. |
теплоэлектроцентраль (ТЭЦ; co-generation power plant Peter Cantrop) |
hindi |
централизованные государственные закупки (Central Public Procurement (Portal) Шандор) |
med. |
церебральное перфузионное давление: ЦПД (Civa13) |
min.proc. |
углеобогатительная фабрика (MichaelBurov) |
план по осуществлению Программы по борьбе с пиратством (Yeldar Azanbayev) |
nautic. |
гребной винт регулируемого шага-ВРШ (Val_Ships) |
pharma. |
паспорт лекарственного препарата (Паспорт лекарственного препарата – официальный документ, содержащий идентифицирующую информацию о лекарственном препарате, имеющую юридическое значение в сфере обращения лекарственных средств cntd.ru underlander) |
proj.manag. |
Процесс управления капитальными проектами (Mary_G) |
shipb. |
ВРШ (MichaelBurov) |
UN |
Программа "Культура мира" (Culture of Peace Programme Начата в 1994 mazurov) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
current purchasing power (Vosoni) |
abbr. |
coal preparation plant; condensate purification plant; controllable-pitch propeller; cost per part; Canada Pension Plan; Card Protection Plan; Centralized Postage Payment System; Certified Packaging Professional; Certified Payroll Professional; Certified Professional Purchaser; Certified Protection Professional; Communicative Positioning Program; Consumer Preview Program; Creoles and Pidgins, Portuguese-based; Critical Peak Pricing; A Commitment To Paul's Plan; Capitalist Party Pursuers; Center for Plutonium Production; Collaboration Protocol Profiles (ebXML); Communist Party Parrot; Communist Psychos Party; condensate processing plant (Alexander Demidov); Coral Parks Program; cost per point (Alexander Oshis); Customer Purchase Preferences; certificate of a pharmaceutical product (паспорт лекарственного средства 4uzhoj); command processing program; CPU protect policy; card-punching printer |
abbr., adv. |
characters per pica; cost per purchase |
abbr., agric. |
calcium pyrophosphate |
abbr., auto. |
clutch pedal position |
abbr., avia. |
cost per passenger; complete purchased part; controllable pith propeller; corrosion prevention program; critical parts plan |
abbr., bank. |
common purchase point |
abbr., biochem. |
crop protection product (Andrey250780) |
abbr., chem. |
cyclopentanophenanthrene |
abbr., coal. |
coal cleaning facility (MichaelBurov); coal washer (MichaelBurov); coal washery (MichaelBurov); coal washing plant (MichaelBurov); wash plant (MichaelBurov); washplant (MichaelBurov); coal preparation plant (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., comp.name. |
China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau |
abbr., earth.sc. |
collaborative planning process |
abbr., ed., scient. |
College Of Physicians Of Philadelphia |
abbr., el. |
calling party pay; call processing program; card punching printer; conductive plastic potentiometer; cordless patch panel |
abbr., energ.ind. |
current perpendicular to the plane (Yakov); condensate polishing plant |
abbr., file.ext. |
C++ language source (Watcom C/C++ Vosoni); Presentation (CA-Cricket Presents) |
abbr., insur. |
commercial package policy |
abbr., IT |
C Plus Plus; C++ language source code file; Calling Party Pays; Presentation |
abbr., labor.org. |
critical process parameter (igisheva) |
abbr., law |
Community Penalties Program; Comprehensive Personality Profile; Council of Public Prosecutors (Ker-online) |
abbr., med. |
Cancer Proneness Phenotype; Canine Pancreatic Polypeptide; Cerebral Perfusion Pressure; Chest Pain Policy; Current Problems In Pediatrics (periodical); Central Precocious Puberty (Natalya Rovina); Committee on Private Practice (AMA); cyclopentan phenanthrene |
abbr., media. |
Caltech Poly Pcc |
abbr., met. |
controlled pressure pouring |
abbr., mil. |
Commercial Package Policy; Communications Protocol Processor |
abbr., mil., avia. |
celestial principal point |
abbr., min.proc. |
CPP facility (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., O&G, casp. |
capital project procurement (Yeldar Azanbayev) |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
Center of Primary Processing; Central Production and Processing Complex |
abbr., oil |
casing potential profile; central processing platform; Clean Petroleum Products (sarryana); calendering polypropylene; capillary pressure potential; cathodically protected pipeline; chemical processing plant; clean petroleum product; central process platform; compliant piled platforms; computer printout processing; controllable pitch propeller; crossplot porosity; cyclopropylformyl peroxide |
abbr., oil.proc. |
Catalytic Pyrolysis Process (CPP is a high-severity catalytic process that has the advantage of maximizing the production of both ethylene and propylene in varying proportions from heavy, low-value feedstocks. The first commercial CPP unit achieved startup in 2009. ixtra) |
abbr., pharm. |
Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product (Dimpassy) |
abbr., pharma. |
Critical Process Parameters (Olga_Tyn) |
abbr., physiol. |
coronary artery perfusion pressure (Игорь_2006) |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Cerebral perfusion pressure |
abbr., plast. |
chlorinated polypropylene |
abbr., polit. |
Collaboration Party Profile; Color Pattern Poem |
abbr., polygr. |
Characters per page |
abbr., polym. |
Cast polypropylene (kumold) |
abbr., post |
Centralized Postage Payment system |
abbr., scottish |
Cambodian People's Party; Commercial Practices Program (USA); Communist Party of the Philippines; Compact Power Plant; Controlled Pitch Propeller |
abbr., space |
Columbus polar platform; Columbus preparatory programme; communications patch panel |
abbr., sport. |
counter promenade position |
abbr., st.exch. |
Cornerstone Properties, Inc. |
abbr., tradem. |
Columbia Pictures Publications |
energ.ind. |
containment pre entry purge; conventional power plant |
mil. |
civilian personnel pamphlet |
tech. |
coil power programmer; containment pre-entry purge; containment protection professional |
abbr., med.appl. |
microscale continuous projection printing method (Natalya Rovina) |