abbr. |
Central Securities Depository; Community Spirit Development; Computer Services Division; Computer Support Division; Core Switching Division; Customer Service Desk; Civil Service Department; Cock Sucker Dickhead; cold side; Control flow Specification Diagram (CASE); core shift driver; Corrective Service Diskettes (IBM); Customer Specific Dictionaries; circuit switch data; chlorotic streak disease |
abbr., adv. |
chief strategy director |
abbr., astronaut. |
Canisterized Satellite Dispenser (semfromshire) |
abbr., auto. |
controlled slip differential; cold-start device; controlled-slip differential; cool start device; cool start delay action relay; crash survival distance |
abbr., avia. |
constant speed drive (Interex); control synchro differential (Interex); component specification drawing; constant speed drive or control surface display; customer services division; close system delivery; constant speed design; contract support detachment; crew system division; customer services department (division) |
abbr., chem. |
crystal-size distribution |
abbr., commer. |
Computer Software Documentation |
abbr., comp., net. |
configuration status descriptor |
abbr., comp., net., IT |
Circuit Switched Data |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Community on Sustainable Development of the United Nations; calibrated sweep delay; coastal surveys division (C&GS); Commission on Sustainable Development (UN); Committee of Science for Development; continental scientific drilling; cross-strike structural discontinuity |
abbr., ecol. |
Commission on Sustainable Development (TatkaS); Commission on Sustainable Development, UN |
abbr., el. |
cache server director; call set-up delay; charge storage diode; charge sweep device; coat source deposition; code sender device; collimated sputter deposition; communications system development; component status display; composite signal dialing; continuous slowing down; control structure diagram; create sub-document |
abbr., el., scient. |
Current Source Density |
abbr., fant./sci-fi. |
Corrective Service Darkstar |
abbr., file.ext. |
Computer Science Division; Computer Services Department |
abbr., fin. |
central securities depositary; centralized securities depositary |
abbr., food.ind. |
Carbonated Soft Drink |
abbr., foreig.aff. |
UN Commission on Sustainable Development |
abbr., geol. |
Cambridge Structural Database (lxu5) |
abbr., IT |
Corrective Service Diskette; Custom Software Development; Customer Service Disk; circuit-switched data |
abbr., logist. |
closed shelter-deck vessel |
abbr., med. |
Chronic Slapping Deficiency - Annoying/unruly Family Members Hitting Nurse's Call Button Every 5 Minutes With Minor Requests/inane Questions Or For Fun; Collimator-skin Distance; cat scratch disease; cat-scratch disease; catscratch disease; conditionally streptomycindependent |
abbr., microel. |
charged sidewall doping (frgrk) |
abbr., mil. |
Concepts and Studies Division |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
communication system division; communications at speed and depth |
abbr., mil., avia. |
Chemical Systems Division |
abbr., mil., WMD |
chemical stockpile disposal |
abbr., NGO |
Civil Society Division (in IREX international organization uar) |
abbr., O&G |
casing shoe driller (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. |
Critical Shutdown |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
Cutter Suction Dredger (Sakhalin Energy) |
abbr., OHS |
Critical Safety Device |
abbr., oil |
casing setting depth; Compensated Spectral Density (tool); Company Sanctioned Driver (Везерфорд tat-konovalova); Cambridge Structure Database; cargo ship dock; casing shoe drilling; chemical spraying deposit; coarse sand; Committee on Drilling Statistics; computerized standard data; conceptual structure definition; conditional standard deviation; conventional scanning diffraction; crack surface displacement; critical solvent deasphalting; critical solvent deashing; cross strike structural discontinuities |
abbr., org.name. |
Office of Assistant Director-General, CS |
abbr., phys., scient. |
Computational Structural Dynamics |
abbr., physiol. |
current source density |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Cat Scratch Disease |
abbr., polygr. |
customer service department |
abbr., polym. |
constant-speed drive |
abbr., post |
Customer Service District |
abbr., progr., IT |
Corba Software Descriptor |
abbr., scottish |
Charge-Sweep Device; Common Strategic Doppler; Contemporary Systems Design Ltd (UK) |
abbr., sec.sys. |
communication security device |
abbr., semicond. |
chemical solution deposition |
abbr., shipb. |
closed shelter deck-vessel |
abbr., silic. |
controlled spray deposition |
abbr., space |
Chemical System Division; contract start date; control system development; critical system demonstration |
abbr., tech. |
constant speed drive units; control speed drive |
abbr., telecom. |
composite signal dialling |
abbr., transp. |
Critical Sector Detector |
chem. |
crystal size distribution |
energ.ind. |
computer-simulated drawing; constant settable droop |
mil. |
classification and standards division; combat and training developments; command supply depot; communication systems division |
tech. |
cold shutdown; command signal decoder; communications system division; corporate safety directives |
abbr. |
sand conductivity |