abbr. |
Всемирная католическая ассоциация (Association Catholique Mondiale = World Catholic Union Углов); атомный силовой микроскоп; атомная силовая микроскопия |
avia. |
турбохолодильник (air cycle machine Lena Nolte) |
chem. |
Акрилатный каучук (Acrylic Rubber Baskakov) |
comp., abbr. |
устройство управления доступом |
dentist. |
инструмент для получения костной стружки (automatic chip maker Sash-ka!) |
econ. |
мокрый лизинг (долгосрочная аренда воздушного судна с экипажем, техническим обслуживанием и страхованием) (aircraft, crew, maintenance, insurance SergeyL) |
Gruzovik, econ. |
Азиатский валютный рынок (Asian Currency Market) |
Gruzovik, mil. |
перспективная крылатая ракета (advanced cruise missile) |
Gruzovik, scient. |
улучшенный композиционный материал (advanced composite material); перспективный композиционный материал (advanced composite material); Ассоциация по вычислительной технике США (Association for Computing Machinery) |
IT |
Ассоциация по вычислительной технике США; ассоциация по вычислительной технике (Метран) |
med. |
Метод активного контура ACM (Active Contour Method (ACM) moonlike) |
mil. |
средства контроля воздушного пространства (Airspace Control Means Шандор) |
Netherl., econ. |
Управление по делам потребителей и рынков (Alex_Odeychuk) |
nucl.pow. |
альтернативный режим охлаждения (MichaelBurov); альтернативный режим охлаждения ядерного реактора (MichaelBurov) |
O&G, karach. |
асбестосодержащий материал (Aiduza) |
oil |
кислый буровой раствор (acid-cut mud) |
ophtalm. |
anterior chamber maintainer, поддерживатель-ирригатор передней камеры, ирригационная канюля для поддержки передней камеры (doc090) |
progr. |
ассоциация вычислительной техники (сокр. от Association for Computing Machinery ssn); ассоциация вычислительных машин (ssn); АВМ (адаптивная вычислительная машина ssn) |
средства связи Ассоциации вычислительной техники (Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery Shmelev Alex) |
tech. |
ВМУС (Adjusting Cable Machinery; Вспомогательный механизм управления спредером – механизм управляющий натяжением канатов спредера для выполнения его наклона/поворота/перекоса Priolia); альтернативный режим контакта (MichaelBurov) |
chem. |
ацетамидометильная группа (meerkat) |
tech. |
равновесная температура фазовых превращений в железных сплавах |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Accumulated Call Meter; All China Made; Antonio Carlos Magalhaes; Audio Codec Manager; The Alliance for Community Media; Academy Of Country Music; activate; Activities For Current Month; Advanced Campaign Mode; Advanced Cruise Missile (Усовершенствованная крылатая ракета); Aerial Combat Maneuvers; Air Court-Martial; Aluminum Conductor Material; American Campaign Medal; Anormal Chemical Material; Application Character Map; asbestos-covered metal; Asian Currency Market (Азиатский валютный рынок Углов); Assocation For Computing Machinery; Association For Computer Machinery; Asynchronous Communication Method; access control matrix; adaptive case management; asynchronous communication control mode |
abbr., agric., econ. |
abbr., auto. |
absorbed glass mat; active control mount; airbag control module; air control module; audio control module; Automobile Club de Monaco; active counter measure; air-bag control module; alternating current motor; air bag system diagnostic module (air bag control module) |
abbr., avia. |
air commercial manual; air cycle mashine (Interex); aircraft conversion manual (Interex); apu condition monitoring (Interex); air combat maneuvering (modes); automatic continuous monitor; automatic configuration management rules; abbreviated component maintenance manual; acquisition control module; activity classification management; aerodynamic configured missile; aileron centering mechanism; air conditioning module; aircraft configuration matrix; allocated configuration management; application control management system; attitude control motor; authorized controlled material; automated checkout machine; automated configuration management system; auxiliary control module; air combat manoeuvre; ATC communications management |
abbr., bank. |
agency commissions (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., BrE |
air chief marshal |
abbr., chem., scient. |
Aluminium Composite Material; Astrocyte-Conditioned Medium |
abbr., clin.trial. |
all-cause mortality (kreecher) |
abbr., commer. |
American Commerce Manual; Asian Common Market, Arab Common Market, Andes Common Market |
abbr., commun. |
alarm & control module |
abbr., comp., net., IT |
Abstract Control Model |
abbr., comp.name. |
Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co. |
abbr., earth.sc. |
active continental margins; adjustable compensator method; Australian Consolidated Minerals Ltd.; auto/cross correlation matching |
abbr., ecol. |
advanced composite materials; air cycle machine |
abbr., econ. |
aircraft, crew, maintenance, insurance (SergeyL) |
abbr., el. |
additive color mixing; address call mode; advanced circuit module; advanced component mounter; advanced computer model; alarm control module; anti-armor cluster munitions; anti-cruise missile; approximate conditional mean filter; asynchronous communication control module; automatic color monitor; automatic communication monitor; automatic calling machine |
abbr., file.ext. |
Associative Communication Multiplexer; Audio Compression Module add-on (Windows); Graphics file (ACMB format) |
abbr., fin. |
Arab Common Market |
abbr., IT |
Association for Computing Machinery (USA); Address Complete Message; Advanced Computer Modeling; Audio Compression Manager; area composition machine |
abbr., lab.eq. |
Abnormal Chemical Material |
abbr., math., scient. |
Alternative Calculation Method |
abbr., med. |
Albumin-calcium-magnesium; Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy; Alveolar Capillary Membrane; Anticardiac Myosin; Arnold-Chiari Malformation; Asbestos-containing Material; Association Of Computing Machinery; Automated Cardiac Flow Measurement; Association Of Clinical Microbiologists; Australian Collection of Microorganisms (intern); Adriamycinum, Cyclophosphanum, Methotrexatum; arteria colica media |
abbr., mil. |
Additional Crew Member; Air Combat Maneuvers; Airspace Control Measures; Asbestos Containing Materials; advanced conventional munitions; air combat maneuver; air contingency Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF); airspace coordinating measure |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
air combat model; antiship cruise missile |
abbr., mil., avia. |
atmospheric physical and chemical monitor |
abbr., mus. |
Academy of Country Music |
abbr., nucl.pow. |
alternate cooling method (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., oil |
acid-cut mud; advanced composite material; acrylamide; amplitude comparison monopulse; asbestos covered metal; automatic coating machine |
abbr., progr. |
adaptive computing machine (ssn); Association for Computing Machinery (ssn); Association of Computing Machinery (ssn) |
abbr., relig. |
Anti Cult Movement |
abbr., scottish |
type abbreviation MCMV tender; Access Control Module; Advanced Conventional Munitions; Air Combat Manoeuvre; Anti-Armour Cluster Munitions; Arithmetic Computation Module; Australian Chamber of Manufacturers |
abbr., space |
active countermeasure; antiarmor cluster munition; attitude control and measurement; automatic coding machine |
abbr., tech. |
polyacrilate elastomer (13.05); alternate contact mode (MichaelBurov); alternate calibration method; Air combat maneuvers |
abbr., telecom. |
Adaptive Coding and Modulation (tannin) |
abbr., textile |
Air Commerce Manual |
abbr., tradem. |
American Computing Machinery |
comp. |
access control machine |
energ.ind. |
alternate cooling mode |
mil. |
acoustic countermeasures; active countermeasures; additional crew member; advanced cluster munition; advanced concepts missile; advanced cruise missile; air combat, maneuvering; aircrew manual; antiarmor cluster munitions; authorized controlled materials |
plast. |
Poly (Acrylic Acid Ester Rubber) |
tech. |
alterable control memory; alternate contact mode; artificial compression method; audio compression module; automatic clutter mapping; auxiliary cooling method; auxiliary core memory |
abbr. |
acmite; one of the critical points of steels at which the transformation of cementite takes place |