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nuclear power stationstresses
construct. атомная электростанция
energ.ind. атомная электростанция (АЭС)
phys. атомная энергетическая станция
railw. атомная энергосиловая станция
tech. ядерная электростанция; атомная станция; атомная электростанция (a station or plant where nuclear energy is converted into heat, electricity, etc Example Sentences Including "nuclear power station" A prisoner trapped in an Arctic nuclear power station , thousands of miles from anywhere. INDEPENDENT (1998) Didn't the Carrick MP also campaign passionately against a proposed nuclear power station on the Ayrshire coast some years back? GLASGOW HERALD (2001) French Island is famous mainly for its former prison and was once earmarked for a nuclear power station. THE MERCURY, SUNDAY TASMANIAN (2005) Or a nuclear power station , perhaps near Port Augusta, which would generate enough electricity to satisfy the needs of Australia. THE ADVERTISER, SUNDAY MAIL (2005) Or else return to the river on the D749 and cross over, passing the monstrous Avoine-Chinon nuclear power station. Millon, Kim & Millon, Marc THE WINE ROADS OF FRANCE She did actually try to give him away when he ate 2nd nuclear power station but no one wanted him. Benedicte Newland and Pascale Smets AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR (2005) Similarly an old-fashioned, inefficient lighting system will cause no CO2 emissions if powered by a nuclear power station. SPIKED (2003) The most venerable reactor in Bulgaria's Kuzloduy nuclear power station was melting down through the Earth's crust, it was reported. Aldiss, Brian SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE. Collins Alexander Demidov); АЭС; электростанция на ядерной энергии
nuclear power generation station
el. атомная электростанция (АЭС)
electr.eng. атомная электростанция; АЭС
nuclear thermal power station
Gruzovik, therm.energ. АЭС (ГОСТ 26691-85); атомная электростанция (ГОСТ 26691-85)
nuclear power stations
Makarov. атомные электростанции
nuclear thermal power station                   
Gruzovik, therm.energ. атомная электростанция (ГОСТ 26691-85)
nuclear power station
: 65 phrases in 11 subjects
Cables and cable production1
Electrical engineering2
Energy industry4
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Nuclear and fusion power44