gen. |
Эл; Ал (мужское и женское имя) |
gen. |
что-либо очень хорошее или высочайшего качества |
geogr. |
о. Альс (Балтийское м., Дания) |
Makarov. |
-альный (suffix); придаёт значение подобия, сходства, обладания некоторым свойством (accidental случайный; additional добавочный, дополнительный; comical комический; hysterical истерический, истеричный); suff тж -ial встречается в отглагольных существительных (accrual нарастание, возрастание; накапливание; appraisal оценка, определение ценности); suff тж -ial встречается в прилагательных, омонимичных прилагательным без суффикса -al (canonical канонический (= canonic)); suff тж -ial встречается в существительных латинского происхождения, совпадающих по форме с прилагательными (aboriginal туземец; коренной житель, абориген; annual ежегодник; ежегодное издание; capital столица; заглавная буква); suff тж -ial образует существительные, обозначающие названия химических веществ альдегидов и лекарств (furfural фурфураль, фурфурол; phenobarbital фенобарбитал); suff тж -ial образует прилагательные от существительных |
gen. |
Американский легион |
dentist. |
уровень прикрепления (MichaelBurov) |
Gruzovik, polit. |
Авраам Линкольн (Abraham Lincoln; 16-й президент США); Алабама (Alabama; штат США) |
hotels |
всё включено (в стоимость входит проживание, питание в течение дня, алкогольные напитки местного производства tavost) |
IT |
адаптационный уровень; управляемая петля |
oil |
арабская лёгкая нефть (Arab Light Crude konstmak) |
progr. |
искусственная жизнь (ssn) |
tech. |
бедная смесь (напр., горючая; autolean mixture Yan) |
chem. |
алюминиевый (igisheva) |
gen. |
алабама; аляска |
cycl. |
сокр. от aluminium алюминий (алюминиевые сплавы применяются для изготовления рам и некоторых других деталей и узлов велосипедов) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
artificial intelligence |
abbr., busin. |
acceptance inspection; accident indemnity; accident insurance; Accounting Instruction; ad interim; after inspection; all iron; approval of import; artificial insemination; assistant inspector; Availability Index |
abbr., earth.sc. |
almandine |
abbr., fin. |
first contract amount |
abbr., oil |
alum; alumina; aluminum oxide (abrasive) |
abbr., sport. |
adequate intakes |
abbr. |
Alabama; Alaska; Alaskan; alley; allied |
abbr., earth.sc. |
alumina |
abbr., phys. |
Alfven number |
abbr., earth.sc. |
alluvial soil |
abbr., mil., avia. |
air-launched interceptor missile |
abbr., auto. |
auto leveling; automotive lighting |
abbr., avia. |
advisory light; aerodynamics laboratory; air launched; aircraft logbook; alerting services; alumel; anticollision light; approach lighting; associated lists; audio language; automatic location; aviation laboratory |
abbr., comp., MS |
assembly linker (Alex_Odeychuk) |
abbr., econ. |
annual lease |
abbr., med. |
amyloid light chain |
abbr., med., lat. |
limen absolutum |
abbr., textile |
alginate fiber |
abbr. |
andalusite; alcohol; alcoholic; Aluminium; AND inverter; first-class (Seregaboss) |
abbr., auto. |
abrasion index; air injection vacuum switching valve; air injection; air second injection (unit); air speed indicator; amplifier input; anti-knock index; anticipate-control idle step-motor; articulation index; autoignition; automatic inspection; azimuth indicator |
abbr., med. |
aluminum |
abbr., securit. |
accrued interest |
abbr., shipb. |
acetylene |
abbr., tech. |
analog input; automatic input; aluminium, aluminum |
energ.ind. |
combustion liner cross-sectional area |
abbr. |
Alaska Reports; Aleyn's Reports |
abbr., plast. |
aluminium |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Albian |
abbr., oil |
allied; allotriomorphic; alluvial |
abbr. |
alius |
abbr., earth.sc. |
alcohol |
abbr., econ. |
allotment letter |
lat. |
alii (alibi, alias, "others", "elsewhere", "otherwise") |
abbr. |
Aeronautical Laboratory; Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp.; Army List; Aviation Medical Laboratory; "azure laid"; alarm light; alkylated liquor; A Law; Abraham Lincoln; Absolute Latency (Alex Lilo); Acceptable Language (Alex Lilo); Acceptable Level (Alex Lilo); Acceptance Limit (Alex Lilo); Access Line (FS-1037c Alex Lilo); Account Librarian (Alex Lilo); Action Level (OSHA Alex Lilo); Action Limit (NREL Alex Lilo); Active Link (logical communications circuit Alex Lilo); Active Lipid; Ad Libitum; Ada Language (Alex Lilo); Adaptation Layer (Alex Lilo); Additional Listing (Alex Lilo); Address List; Administrative Leave (Alex Lilo); Administrative Logistics; Adult Language (Alex Lilo); Adult Literacy; Advanced Leader (Toastmasters Alex Lilo); Aeronomy Laboratory (Alex Lilo); Age Location (Internet chat Alex Lilo); Agency Liaison (Alex Lilo); Agricultural Labourer; Air Land (Alex Lilo); Air Leakage (Alex Lilo); Air Lift (Alex Lilo); Air Lingus (Irish Airline Alex Lilo); Air Liquide (Alex Lilo); air lock; Airloop (AT&T Alex Lilo); Alagoas (Brazil Alex Lilo); Alarm Light (NEC Alex Lilo); Albany Field Office; Alberta (Alex Lilo); Albuquerque Operations Office (US DOE Alex Lilo); Alcan Aluminum, LTD.; Alessandria (Piemonte, Italy Alex Lilo); All Languages; Alliance Leader (Starkingdoms online game Alex Lilo); Alsace-Lorraine (Alex Lilo); Altec Lansing (Alex Lilo); Alteration (Alex Lilo); Albania (Alex Lilo); ALGOL; aluminum; Always Late; amber light; Amendment Leaflet (Alex Lilo); American League (baseball Alex Lilo); American Legend (Alex Lilo); American Legion (Alex Lilo); American Libraries (American Library Association journal Alex Lilo); Ames Laboratory (Alex Lilo); Amplitude Limiter; Analog Link (Alex Lilo); Analog Loopback (diagnostic test Alex Lilo); Analytical Laboratories (Alex Lilo); Analytical Limit (Alex Lilo); Android Lust (band Alex Lilo); Angelic Layer (manga/anime Alex Lilo); Anno Lucis (Alex Lilo); Annual Leave (Alex Lilo); Answer List (Alex Lilo); Antennal Lobe (Alex Lilo); Apache Longbow (Attack Helicopter Alex Lilo); Aphus Lassel (gaming, Asheron's Call Alex Lilo); Apparatus List (Alex Lilo); Application Layer (Alex Lilo); Applications Layer; Approach & Landing; Approach and Landing (Alex Lilo); Arab League (Alex Lilo); Armament Laboratory (Alex Lilo); Armor Level (gaming, Asheron's Call Alex Lilo); Armstrong Laboratory (Alex Lilo); Arrival Locator (Alex Lilo); Arse Licker; Artificial Lines; Asian Littoral (Alex Lilo); Assisting Layer (Alex Lilo); Aster Leafhopper (Alex Lilo); Astronautics Laboratory (Alex Lilo); Asynchronous Learning; At Last; Atomic Learning (Alex Lilo); Attoliter (10 E^-18, one quintillionth Alex Lilo); Auroral Electrojet index lower (Alex Lilo); Authorized Leave with Pay (Alex Lilo); Automotive Lenses; Autonomic Logistics (Alex Lilo); Auxiliary Lighting (Alex Lilo); Avril Lavigne; Awami League (Bangladesh Alex Lilo); Axial Length (Alex Lilo); FAADC2I Lightweight Computer Unit; Lightship (Alex Lilo); St. Albans (postcode for a village Alex Lilo); Auris Laeva left ear |
abbr., agric. |
absorbed light (Uljan) |
abbr., automat. |
Arm Language; assembly language |
abbr., avia. |
airline; alternate; approach light; autoland |
abbr., busin. |
air letter; alley; allotment letter; alloy; autograph letter; average life expectancy; light ship |
abbr., cartogr. |
instrument approach and landing (chart) |
abbr., comp. |
Advanced leveraging (Artjaazz) |
abbr., comp., net. |
arbitrated loop |
abbr., dentist. |
attachment level (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., earth.sc. |
abstraction limit; active layer; Aeronony Laboratory; alaskite; allanite; altocumulus; alvén number; Associated Laboratories; associated lead; astronomical league; attenuation length; Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm |
abbr., el. |
average life; absolute loader; absorption loss; access link; actual loss; address length; adiabatic limit; air-launched; allylcyanide; analog loop; angle lapping technique; atomic layer; audio load; autoepistemic logic; automatic locking; availability level; accidental loss |
abbr., file.ext. |
ALAW format Sound file |
abbr., footb. |
away loss (Alexey Lebedev) |
abbr., geophys. |
acoustic logging (igisheva) |
abbr., IT |
adaptation level; artificial life |
abbr., lab.eq. |
Average Lifetime; After Loading; ALbumin; accepted limit |
abbr., med. |
Acute Leukemia; arterial line (внутриартериальный катетер (канюля) kat_j); arterial line (Vosoni) |
abbr., mil. |
air landing; air liaison |
abbr., mil., avia. |
acceleration level |
abbr., mil., WMD |
Airlock; Alabama |
abbr., nautic. |
accomodation ladder |
abbr., O&G |
acoustic log (MichaelBurov); sonic log (MichaelBurov); SL (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
acoustic log (compensated) |
abbr., oil |
accident loss; accommodation ladder; alkali lignin; algorithmic language; all length; anchor leg; angle-lock; ANSI American National Standard Institutelabel; Arabian light crude oil; arm length; artificial lift; assembler language; assumed latitude; audio library; auto lean (mixture); autolean mixture |
abbr., physiol. |
Accessory Ligament; Anterior Lateral; Auris Left left ear |
abbr., polit. |
Albania |
abbr., progr. |
A-life (ssn); ALife (ssn); artificial life (ssn) |
abbr., railw. |
alert limit |
abbr., scottish |
Alabama (US state); Albania (NATO country code) |
abbr., soil. |
alisol |
abbr., space |
ABBAS; air launch |
abbr., sport. |
American League (Baseball); Asian League (Ice Hockey) |
abbr., textile |
accrued liabilities |
energ.ind. |
Alaska; alert level; authorized limit; automatic loading |
IT, abbr. |
Alabama (US state postal designation) |
meteorol. |
accuracy landing |
mil. |
acquisition logistician; action left; airlift; allowance list; amendment list; ammunition loading |
physiol. |
Left ear |
tech. |
accredited laboratory; acoustics laboratory; action level; address latch; address line; alarm relay; analytical laboratory; angle lock; antenna laboratory; auto-lean mixture; automatic landing; avionics laboratory |
tradem. |
Atlas |