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abbr. Walker Franklin; Water Front; Wheelchair Foundation; Wildlife Federation; wash fountain; weather forecast; withdrawn failing; work factor (Yakov); With Food; with feets (Eugene37)
abbr., avia. web frame; weight factor; weight of fuel; weld fixture; wing fence; wing fillet; wing fold; working field
abbr., Canada Walter's Falls, Ontario, Canada
abbr., cartogr. waterfall
abbr., chem., scient. Water Factor; Well Formedness
abbr., ed., scient. Withdrawn Failing
abbr., el. Walsh function; Wannier function; wireless file; work function; write forward
abbr., food.ind. World Famous
abbr., inet. Web Forwarding
abbr., Makarov. whitening filter
abbr., med. white female (Vosoni); working formulation; work of flexion
abbr., met. wire feeding; wire feeder
abbr., mil., air.def. wide frequency-band
abbr., mil., avia. water filter
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. fire fighting water; firefighting water
abbr., oil waterflood; well files; wide flange
abbr., physiol. Well Formed
abbr., physiol., med. White Female
abbr., polit. Wallis and Futuna Islands; Wallis and Futuna
abbr., polygr. woodfree paper
abbr., polym. wire feed
abbr., progr., IT Window Function
abbr., scient. World Friendship
abbr., sport. Washington Field
abbr., transp. Weight Forward; Wright Flyer
abbr., USA Workforce Development Partnership Fund (fddhhdot)
energ.ind. water feed
meteorol. wind force
mil. wear-out failure
tech. water flood; wave form; wave function; wearout failure
Wf abbr.
abbr. weight of fluid
abbr., IT Workflow
abbr., oil well flowing conditions
wf abbr.
abbr., adv. wrong font
mining. working face
WFS abbr.
abbr. Wafer Flat Face; Women For Sobriety, Inc.; WorkFlow System; wood furring strips; Work For Shit
abbr., comp., net. workflow software
abbr., comp., net., IT Web Feature Server
abbr., el. Walsh-Fourier series
abbr., hydrol. Water Flow Stop (уровень воды в реке, при котором происходит остановка течения nikolkor)
abbr., inet. Web Feature Service
abbr., IT Webtop File System; Windows File Script
abbr., med. Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome; World Fertility Survey; Women For Sobriety; Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome (Игорь_2006)
abbr., media. Wired For Sound; Women's Feature Service; World Future Society
abbr., oil waveform spacing (for waveform logs); wrench fault system
abbr., opt. wavefront sensor
abbr., radiol. Water-fat separation (метод в МРТ разделения сигнала от воды и жира за счёт сдвига фаз на основе разницы резонансных частот жира и воды VasDoc)
abbr., railw. West Isle Line Incorporated
abbr., tradem. WaterMark Financial Services; Watonwan Farm Service; Wausau Financial Systems; Windows in Financial Services; Workflo Systems, Inc.
abbr., UN World Food Summit
abbr., weld. Wirefeed speed (NikSayko)
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