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abbr. Teen Programmers Unite; thermoplastic polyurethane (User); Thermoplastic Polyurethane (User); Time Pickoff Units; Troop Programs Units
abbr., avia. Technical Publications Unit; terminal processor unit; transient power unit; transient pressure unit; transverse propulsion unit
abbr., chem. Thermoplastic Urethane (Уретановый Термопластик andrew_egroups)
abbr., commun. Ticket Processing Unit
abbr., comp. tensor processing unit (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. power-up time; task processing unit; telecommunications processing unit; terminal processing unit; test processing unit; thread processing unit; timing processor unit; transfer processor unit
abbr., el., scient. Terminal and Protection Unit; Thermal processing unit
abbr., file.ext. Borland Pascal DOS Mode Library (Borland Pascal Vosoni)
abbr., IT Borland Pascal Pascal Unit; Transaction Processing Unit; Turbo Pascal Unit; VAX TPU editor Command file; tape preparation unit
abbr., law Transition Penalty Unit
abbr., mil. Tank and Pump Unit; Transmitter Processing Unit; Troop Program Unit; tank pump unit
abbr., missil. turbopump unit (TatkaS)
abbr., oil tool power unit; trailer-mounted pumping unit
abbr., plast. thermoplastic urethanes
abbr., police Tactical Planning Unit
abbr., progr., IT Text Processing Utility
abbr., scottish Timer Power Unit (components of IED)
abbr., space terminal position update
abbr., UN Territory Planning Unit
mil. troop program unit
tech. trunk processing unit
TPu abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. transplutonium element

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