1 |
23:56:19 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
waste one's time |
впустую тратить время |
Franka_LV |
2 |
23:55:27 |
eng-rus |
chem. |
rotary vacuum evaporator |
ротационный вакуумный испаритель (установка для выпаривания растворов летучих растворителей) |
sunirk |
3 |
23:54:03 |
eng |
inf. |
Whoa! |
To slow down (Example: "Like whoa, start from the beginning," said Allen.") |
Franka_LV |
4 |
23:53:23 |
eng-rus |
inf. |
Shooting The Bull |
Пустые речи, не содержащие никакой важной информации (Пример: "The new foreman said that we were shooting the bull too much.") |
Franka_LV |
5 |
23:49:32 |
eng |
abbr. inf. |
some kind of carisma, acting potential. |
star wattage (Пример: "Many singers must have a lot of star wattage to be successful.") |
Franka_LV |
6 |
23:47:36 |
eng |
comp.games. |
Boston |
To get all books in a game of "Bid Whiz" (Пример: "I always run a 'Boston' when I play Bid Whiz.") |
Franka_LV |
7 |
23:46:10 |
eng-rus |
slang |
booty call |
сексуальный позыв |
Franka_LV |
8 |
23:44:55 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
get some shut eye |
поспать |
Franka_LV |
9 |
23:44:49 |
eng |
fr. |
Beaucoup |
A lot (Пример: "I can make beaucoup dollars selling these items.") |
Franka_LV |
10 |
23:44:19 |
eng-rus |
modern |
Get a Shut Eye |
поспать |
Franka_LV |
11 |
23:39:23 |
eng |
abbr. comp.games. |
Wow, Loot! (Used in online multiplayer gaming) |
Franka_LV |
12 |
23:36:47 |
eng |
arabic |
Shakir |
A thankful Person (In Arabic) |
Franka_LV |
13 |
23:36:38 |
eng |
abbr. modern |
To leave quickly |
Dip (Example: "I have to dip, I'll see you later.") |
Franka_LV |
14 |
23:35:33 |
eng |
inf. |
Near do well |
Middle class (Пример: "We have a lot of 'near do wells' in our community") |
Franka_LV |
15 |
23:34:42 |
eng-rus |
tech. |
versatility |
широкая функциональность |
achiro |
16 |
23:33:33 |
eng |
abbr. modern |
An old car that often breaks down and stalls commuter traffic. |
Hoopdie (Пример: "Every morning there is a hoopdie stalling traffic and it's in my lane.") |
Franka_LV |
17 |
23:33:32 |
eng |
inf. |
Mad Dog |
Name give to a popular wine with the same initials "MD" (Пример: "Many college freshmen drink Mad Dog.") |
Franka_LV |
18 |
23:31:35 |
eng |
abbr. dial. |
kanna sai like sh*t in dialect |
kns |
Franka_LV |
19 |
23:30:42 |
eng |
slang |
krunk |
To get excited, adrenaline flowing, hyper |
Franka_LV |
20 |
23:30:10 |
eng-rus |
slang |
cake |
флиртовать (без серьёзных намерений – to flirt with no inentions of getting serious) |
Franka_LV |
21 |
23:29:03 |
eng-rus |
abbr. |
Свои мысли оставь при себе (Keep Your Thoughts To Yourself) |
Franka_LV |
22 |
23:28:34 |
eng-rus |
invect. |
Чертова потеря времени! (F*&king Waste Of Time) |
Franka_LV |
23 |
23:26:57 |
eng-rus |
sl., drug. |
nose candy |
кокс (сленговое название кокаина; Another name for the drug cocaine. Пример: "Nose candy is a problem in rural communities now.") |
Franka_LV |
24 |
23:25:43 |
eng |
abbr. |
Pony Up |
To pay with money (Пример: "If you want gas, you have to pony up big these days.") |
Franka_LV |
25 |
23:23:28 |
eng |
inf. |
Hammered |
To get extremely drunk, and afterwards feeling as if you were hit by a hammer. (Пример: "I went to the bar last night and got hammered.") |
Franka_LV |
26 |
23:22:44 |
eng |
abbr. slang |
Keeping the pressure on |
No slack |
Franka_LV |
27 |
23:21:58 |
eng |
inf. |
Gray boy |
Caucasian male (Grayboy was used to interchangeably with white during the 1970's) |
Franka_LV |
28 |
23:20:53 |
eng |
inf. |
Grayboy |
Caucasian male. (Grayboy was used to interchangeably with white during the 1970's .) |
Franka_LV |
29 |
23:16:51 |
eng |
abbr. |
Chump Change |
A little bit of money (Пример: "The money you're making is chump change", said the pusher to the pimp.") |
Franka_LV |
30 |
23:16:20 |
eng-rus |
cinema |
on location |
на съёмочной площадке (for; за пределами студии) |
denghu |
31 |
23:15:25 |
eng |
abbr. |
Cross-Overs |
a person identifies with a physical sex different from the one that they were born with. |
Franka_LV |
32 |
23:15:24 |
eng-rus |
cinema |
location |
съёмочная площадка (за пределами студии) |
denghu |
33 |
23:13:03 |
eng-rus |
modern |
Big Shot |
тратящий много денег человек (Пример: "Jim thinks that he is a big shot now, since he received the raise.") |
Franka_LV |
34 |
23:09:09 |
eng |
abbr. |
Camping Out |
To intentionally avoid work by calling in sick. (Пример: "This is the sixth time this month that Mr. Johnson has been reprimanded for camping out.") |
Franka_LV |
35 |
23:07:43 |
eng |
abbr. |
To relax |
Let one's hair down (Example: "After 5:00pm, many employees let their hair down") |
Franka_LV |
36 |
23:07:09 |
rus |
abbr. |
Министерство гражданской авиации |
Franka_LV |
37 |
23:06:42 |
rus-ger |
el.mach. |
минимальный пусковой момент |
Sattelmoment |
Schoepfung |
38 |
23:03:10 |
eng |
abbr. |
Blow one's mind |
put in a trance. |
Franka_LV |
39 |
22:57:54 |
eng |
abbr. taboo |
Derogatory term for Black people |
N-Word |
Franka_LV |
40 |
22:53:57 |
eng-rus |
slang |
go commando |
не надевать нижнего белья (Many high-profile celebrities have been seen going commando.// Celebrities these days seem to prefer going commando.) |
Franka_LV |
41 |
22:53:23 |
eng |
abbr. |
Shooting The Bull |
Talking about nothing of importance |
Franka_LV |
42 |
22:51:45 |
eng |
abbr. |
Pink Slip |
get fired (A piece of paper given to you by your place of employment stating that your services are no longer required. In the earlier days these papers were pink or they were multi-layered sheets and the copy you got was pink. Пример: "Peter got his pink slip on Friday.") |
Franka_LV |
43 |
22:50:42 |
eng |
abbr. |
To cast a spell. |
Mojo (Пример: "Some people believe that a mojo can be put on you") |
Franka_LV |
44 |
22:49:32 |
eng |
inf. |
star wattage |
some kind of carisma, acting potential. (Пример: "Many singers must have a lot of star wattage to be successful.") |
Franka_LV |
45 |
22:44:19 |
eng |
abbr. |
Get a Shut Eye |
To get some sleep (Example: "I'll stay home tonight and get some shut eye.") |
Franka_LV |
46 |
22:40:37 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
investigate |
проработать |
kotechek |
47 |
22:40:26 |
eng |
abbr. excl. |
Showing excitement or enthusiasm. |
Man-o-man |
Franka_LV |
48 |
22:39:48 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
physical intimidation |
угроза физической расправы |
Briciola25 |
49 |
22:38:13 |
eng |
abbr. |
dime bag |
$10.00 worth of marijuana (Jason purchased a dime bag off the street.) |
Franka_LV |
50 |
22:36:38 |
eng |
modern |
Dip |
To leave quickly (Example: "I have to dip, I'll see you later.") |
Franka_LV |
51 |
22:33:38 |
eng |
abbr. modern |
Extremely intoxicated. |
Get lit (Пример: "Harrvey told me: 'After the game, we got lit last night'!") |
Franka_LV |
52 |
22:33:33 |
eng |
modern |
Hoopdie |
An old car that often breaks down and stalls commuter traffic. (Пример: "Every morning there is a hoopdie stalling traffic and it's in my lane.") |
Franka_LV |
53 |
22:31:35 |
eng |
dial. |
kns |
kanna sai (like sh*t in dialect) |
Franka_LV |
54 |
22:30:50 |
eng |
abbr. |
To explain thoroughly. |
Laid it out (Пример: "This is how Phillip laid it out.") |
Franka_LV |
55 |
22:28:55 |
eng |
abbr. modern |
Having gotten drunk. |
Laid one on (Пример: "I've laid one on last night") |
Franka_LV |
56 |
22:28:25 |
eng |
abbr. slang |
A slow person. |
Lame brain (Пример: "We have many lame brains in our office.") |
Franka_LV |
57 |
22:25:16 |
eng-rus |
modern |
Love bones |
Парень-друг (Пример: "Vicki ,at one time, was my love bones.") |
Franka_LV |
58 |
22:23:34 |
eng-rus |
fig. |
Lost a screw |
потерять управление над собой (Not functioning properly because all the screws that hold it together are loose. Пример: "Look at Kal, he acts like he lost a screw.") |
Franka_LV |
59 |
22:22:44 |
eng |
slang |
No slack |
Keeping the pressure on |
Franka_LV |
60 |
22:20:40 |
eng-rus |
modern |
Loose screw |
потерять управление над собой (Not functioning properly because all the screws that hold it together are loose. Пример: "Be careful around Kal, he's a loose screw!") |
Franka_LV |
61 |
22:20:06 |
eng |
abbr. |
Nina |
9mm handgun (Пример: "One can easily find a nina on the street for about one hundred dollars.") |
Franka_LV |
62 |
22:17:48 |
eng |
abbr. |
Acid Test |
To test for the truth. (The acid test is a test from basic chemisty. It is used to test whether a solution is acidic by turning litmus paper red or testing precious metals) |
Franka_LV |
63 |
22:16:51 |
eng |
abbr. modern |
To expire |
Conked out (Пример: "Megan got "conked out" at the party.") |
Franka_LV |
64 |
22:13:30 |
eng |
abbr. |
Keeping it real |
keeping every thing on the level, honest. (Пример: "Whitney was keeping it real when she apologized to Brittany.") |
Franka_LV |
65 |
22:13:03 |
eng |
abbr. |
Big Shot |
A person that spends a lot of money. |
Franka_LV |
66 |
22:07:43 |
eng |
idiom. |
Let one's hair down |
To relax (Example: "After 5:00pm, many employees let their hair down") |
Franka_LV |
67 |
22:06:23 |
eng |
abbr. modern |
To hang out with someone. |
Kick it with (Example: Lauren said," I am going to kick it with Justin.") |
Franka_LV |
68 |
22:04:08 |
eng |
abbr. |
Front and Center |
A phrase used for highlighting or emphasizing smt (Most politicians put taxes and unemployment fron and center during their campaigns) |
Franka_LV |
69 |
22:00:30 |
eng |
abbr. |
Double Nickle |
To drive at fifty-five miles per hour. (Came from CB jargon. Пример: "To conserve gasoline, I always drive at a double nickle. Yeah, I love it!") |
Franka_LV |
70 |
21:50:42 |
eng |
gen. |
Mojo |
To cast a spell. (Пример: "Some people believe that a mojo can be put on you") |
Franka_LV |
71 |
21:47:13 |
eng |
abbr. loc.name. |
The upper floors of skyscrapers where the CEO's offices are located |
Ivory Tower |
Franka_LV |
72 |
21:40:26 |
eng |
gen. |
Man-o-man |
Showing excitement or enthusiasm. |
Franka_LV |
73 |
21:36:00 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
Hit the road Jack |
Вежливо попросить кого-то убраться |
Franka_LV |
74 |
21:33:38 |
eng |
modern |
Get lit |
Extremely intoxicated. (Пример: "Harrvey told me: 'After the game, we got lit last night'!") |
Franka_LV |
75 |
21:32:11 |
eng |
abbr. fig. |
left bewildered, surprised and taken advantage of |
high and dry |
Franka_LV |
76 |
21:30:50 |
eng |
gen. |
Laid it out |
To explain thoroughly. (Пример: "This is how Phillip laid it out.") |
Franka_LV |
77 |
21:28:55 |
eng |
modern |
Laid one on |
Having gotten drunk. (Пример: "I've laid one on last night") |
Franka_LV |
78 |
21:28:25 |
eng |
slang |
Lame brain |
A slow person. (Пример: "We have many lame brains in our office.") |
Franka_LV |
79 |
21:28:11 |
eng-rus |
fig. |
HardLegs |
сильный пол (Пример: "Bachelor's parties are for hardlegs only.") |
Franka_LV |
80 |
21:27:03 |
eng-rus |
fig. |
Hard Legs |
сильный пол (Пример: "Bachelor's parties are for hardlegs only.") |
Franka_LV |
81 |
21:25:16 |
eng |
abbr. |
Love bones |
a girl or boy friend. |
Franka_LV |
82 |
21:23:34 |
eng |
abbr. |
Lost a screw |
to be a little bit crazy |
Franka_LV |
83 |
21:20:40 |
eng |
abbr. |
Loose screw |
to be a little bit crazy |
Franka_LV |
84 |
21:19:23 |
eng |
abbr. slang |
a polite way of saying "Bull$#t!" |
Horsefeathers |
Franka_LV |
85 |
21:16:51 |
eng |
abbr. |
Conked out |
to fall asleep after parting |
Franka_LV |
86 |
21:16:30 |
eng-rus |
amer. |
couponeer |
кандидат в парламент на всеобщих выборах 1918, принявший свидетельство об официальном одобрении |
Aly19 |
87 |
21:13:30 |
eng |
gen. |
Keeping it real |
keeping every thing on the level, honest. (Пример: "Whitney was keeping it real when she apologized to Brittany.") |
Franka_LV |
88 |
21:10:51 |
eng-rus |
fig. |
High Dollar |
Очень дорогой (Example: "These shoes are high dollar.") |
Franka_LV |
89 |
21:08:01 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
has-been |
много повидавший (пример: "The night street walkers are considered has-beens.") |
Franka_LV |
90 |
21:06:23 |
eng |
modern |
Kick it with |
To hang out with someone. (Example: Lauren said," I am going to kick it with Justin.") |
Franka_LV |
91 |
20:57:19 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
undecided |
неопределившийся (об избирателе) |
bookworm |
92 |
20:53:00 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
happenstance |
случайность (It was by happenstance that I came by here today.) |
Franka_LV |
93 |
20:51:25 |
eng |
abbr. |
Grease Down |
eating, evolved into "to get your grub on" (Example: "I was greasing down when I was interrupted by some salesman calling.") |
Franka_LV |
94 |
20:48:27 |
rus-ger |
gen. |
сделанного не вернёшь не воротишь |
geschehene Dinge haben keine Umkehr (пословица) |
Abete |
95 |
20:47:13 |
eng |
loc.name. |
Ivory Tower |
The upper floors of skyscrapers where the CEO's offices are located |
Franka_LV |
96 |
20:45:11 |
eng |
abbr. |
Las Vegas, Nevada. |
Sin City (Пример: "Last week, Jenna and her new husband went to Sin City for their honeymoon.") |
Franka_LV |
97 |
20:43:33 |
eng |
abbr. |
Done Told You |
to have already told smt to smn once before. (Example: "I didn't know that Phillip had two wives," said Carla."I done told you," said Rio.) |
Franka_LV |
98 |
20:41:38 |
eng |
abbr. |
Large portable radio tape player with stereo |
Blaster (Пример: "Jerome has a huge blaster that he carries with him all the time.") |
Franka_LV |
99 |
20:38:29 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
architectural and engineering specifications |
архитектурно-строительная документация |
Alexander Demidov |
100 |
20:36:00 |
eng |
abbr. |
Hit the road Jack |
To tell somone to leave (Пример: "You had better 'Hit the road Jack'!") |
Franka_LV |
101 |
20:34:17 |
eng |
abbr. ironic. |
Bad Breath |
Dragon Breath (Example: "This toothpaste is for those who have dragon breath in the morning.") |
Franka_LV |
102 |
20:33:37 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
Down To a T |
Идеально (Example: "I have this song down to a T", said Phillip. "Just watch my performance tonight.") |
Franka_LV |
103 |
20:32:11 |
eng |
fig. |
high and dry |
left bewildered, surprised and taken advantage of |
Franka_LV |
104 |
20:28:38 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
arrangement plan |
план расстановки |
Alexander Demidov |
105 |
20:28:30 |
eng-rus |
railw. |
maglev train |
магнитоплан, маглев |
sponderling |
106 |
20:28:11 |
eng |
abbr. |
HardLegs |
Males |
Franka_LV |
107 |
20:27:03 |
eng |
abbr. |
Hard Legs |
Males |
Franka_LV |
108 |
20:26:14 |
rus-ger |
met. |
вода для первичного охлаждения |
Primärkühlwasser (напр., кристаллизатора) |
Veronika78 |
109 |
20:23:13 |
eng-rus |
agric. |
grain-growing |
зерноводство |
Aelred |
110 |
20:22:15 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
architectural and engineering drawings |
архитектурно-строительные чертежи |
Alexander Demidov |
111 |
20:19:23 |
eng |
slang |
Horsefeathers |
a polite way of saying "Bull$#t!" |
Franka_LV |
112 |
20:16:43 |
eng-rus |
inf. |
Bible-thumper |
религиозный человек (Mr. James is a Bible thumper; he knows the bible from cover to cover and will undoubtedly tell you.) |
Franka_LV |
113 |
20:14:42 |
eng |
abbr. slang |
Same as saying: "That is Bull Sh#t!" |
Mule stuff (Example: "When Joe the salesman told me that he only had one TV left, I told him "That is Mule Stuff! You have plenty left.") |
Franka_LV |
114 |
20:10:56 |
eng |
abbr. |
The Universities and Colleges Employers Association |
Anglophile |
115 |
20:10:51 |
eng |
abbr. |
High Dollar |
Very expensive. |
Franka_LV |
116 |
20:09:27 |
eng |
abbr. |
Hold Down the Fort |
Secure a place. (Пример: "Hold down the fort," said Roger as he left the apartment .) |
Franka_LV |
117 |
20:05:40 |
eng |
abbr. |
Another name for a dude |
Clyde (Пример: "What's up Clyde?") |
Franka_LV |
118 |
20:02:24 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
Blue Moon |
что-либо, происходящее очень редко (Something that rarely happens; Пример: "I haven't seen you in a Blue Moon", said Joan to her old friend Mary.) |
Franka_LV |
119 |
20:02:20 |
eng-rus |
ling. |
dialect continuum |
диалектный континуум |
denghu |
120 |
19:57:11 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
through thick and thin |
несмотря ни на что |
Anglophile |
121 |
19:57:06 |
eng-rus |
slang |
Cheese |
Деньги (Пример: "Do you have any cheese?") |
Franka_LV |
122 |
19:56:23 |
eng |
abbr. |
Hog Heaven |
Things are going great, like a fat hog in the mud. (Пример: "If I win the lottery, I will be in hog heaven.") |
Franka_LV |
123 |
19:55:15 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
as things go |
с учётом сложившихся обстоятельств |
Anglophile |
124 |
19:53:45 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
thin-skinned |
ранимый |
Anglophile |
125 |
19:53:16 |
eng |
abbr. |
Grinning only for the camera, usually expressed when explaining the actions of some people. |
Cheesing (Some politicians are only cheesing when it comes to making demands.) |
Franka_LV |
126 |
19:51:25 |
eng |
gen. |
Grease Down |
eating, (Example: "I was greasing down when I was interrupted by some salesman calling."; evolved into "to get your grub on") |
Franka_LV |
127 |
19:50:03 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
thick as blackberries |
навалом |
Anglophile |
128 |
19:49:46 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
trial court |
апилинковый суд (т.е. суд первой инстанции – Литва – см. http://www.kurier.lt/?r=14&a=1172, а также http://www.echr.ru/documents/doc/2462766/2462766-004.htm; see http://www.ebrd.com/pubs/legal/lit041d.pdf kurier.lt, echr.ru) |
Tanya Gesse |
129 |
19:49:37 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
lap dancing |
танец наподобие стриптиза (исполняется на коленях у клиента) |
Franka_LV |
130 |
19:46:47 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
three-decker |
трёхтомник |
Anglophile |
131 |
19:45:59 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
pole dancing |
танец наподобие стриптиза |
Franka_LV |
132 |
19:45:11 |
eng |
gen. |
Sin City |
Las Vegas, Nevada. (Пример: "Last week, Jenna and her new husband went to Sin City for their honeymoon.") |
Franka_LV |
133 |
19:44:55 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
pole dance |
стриптиз (танец у шеста) |
Franka_LV |
134 |
19:43:47 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
throw into confusion |
приводить в замешательство |
Anglophile |
135 |
19:42:57 |
eng |
abbr. |
Golden Ghetto |
Residence of the rich upper class. (Пример: "The area north of here is called the golden ghetto.") |
Franka_LV |
136 |
19:42:26 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
from the get-go |
изначально (с самого начала: If that is the case that sounds like a bad plan from the get go.) |
Franka_LV |
137 |
19:41:48 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
through and through |
до мозга костей |
Anglophile |
138 |
19:41:38 |
eng |
abbr. |
Blaster |
evolved into the boom box. |
Franka_LV |
139 |
19:40:21 |
eng |
abbr. |
Fruit Salad |
Pick and choose what you like, as in a fruit salad bar. (Пример: "Let's not treat the problems in our school like a fruit salad.") |
Franka_LV |
140 |
19:40:03 |
eng |
abbr. |
Gag a Maggot |
maggots eats anything and everything, and if the food you ate would gag a maggot, then it must have been very bad. |
Franka_LV |
141 |
19:39:25 |
eng |
abbr. |
To inform |
Lay it on me |
Franka_LV |
142 |
19:37:24 |
eng |
abbr. |
Dressed well, like the men in "Gentlemens' Quarterly" "GQ" magazine. |
GQ |
Franka_LV |
143 |
19:36:14 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
thrust oneself forward |
обратить на себя внимание |
Anglophile |
144 |
19:34:17 |
eng |
abbr. |
Dragon Breath |
when someone exhales, they smell like a dragon. |
Franka_LV |
145 |
19:33:46 |
eng |
abbr. |
An object that is distorted, contorted, or squished up. |
Squidgy (Пример: "Big John turned that been can into a squidgy hunk of metal.") |
Franka_LV |
146 |
19:33:41 |
eng |
abbr. slang |
A street name for Crack-Cocaine. |
Crill (Example: "There is much crill on the streets today.") |
Franka_LV |
147 |
19:33:37 |
eng |
abbr. |
Down To a T |
have it nailed. |
Franka_LV |
148 |
19:31:14 |
eng |
abbr. loc.name. |
A name given to Florida by truck drivers because of the beaches. |
Bikini State ("I think I'll go to the "Bikini State" for my vacation.") |
Franka_LV |
149 |
19:26:07 |
eng |
abbr. |
Copastatic |
to be cool (Example: "Look at me," said Phil as he looked at himself in he mirror, "Everything is copastetic!") |
Franka_LV |
150 |
19:26:03 |
eng |
abbr. |
Popped a nuclear weapon |
Dusted |
Franka_LV |
151 |
19:25:08 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
Yard Bird |
Курица (Пример: "I am going to have some yard bird for dinner.") |
Franka_LV |
152 |
19:21:18 |
eng |
abbr. |
Busting Suds |
To wash dishes. (Example: "I was "busting suds" for the local hotel.") |
Franka_LV |
153 |
19:20:26 |
eng |
abbr. |
Busting Suds |
To drink beer (Example: "Phil and I were 'Busting suds' at the local tavern, when the accident happened.") |
Franka_LV |
154 |
19:17:29 |
eng-rus |
mil. |
closing the nonconformance |
устранение несоответствия |
Alex_Odeychuk |
155 |
19:16:43 |
eng |
inf. rel., christ. |
Bible-thumper |
someone who preaches from the Bible all of the time. an enthusiastic or aggressive exponent of the Bible |
Franka_LV |
156 |
19:14:42 |
eng |
slang |
Mule stuff |
Same as saying: "That is Bull Sh#t!" (Example: "When Joe the salesman told me that he only had one TV left, I told him "That is Mule Stuff! You have plenty left.") |
Franka_LV |
157 |
19:12:10 |
eng |
abbr. ironic. |
A bad car actually any product or one that you have just purchased and it's no good |
"Lemon" (Probably leaving a bad or bitter taste in your mouth like a lemon. Пример: "I purchased this new car and it turned out to be a lemon.") |
Franka_LV |
158 |
19:12:09 |
eng |
abbr. |
Lined Up |
To have things in order. (Пример: "What do you have lined up for the meeting tomorrow?") |
Franka_LV |
159 |
19:10:56 |
eng |
gen. |
Celliquette |
Cell Phone Etiquette |
Franka_LV |
160 |
19:07:34 |
eng-rus |
abbr. |
nomo |
хватит! |
Franka_LV |
161 |
19:05:40 |
eng |
abbr. |
Clyde |
a generic name. |
Franka_LV |
162 |
19:02:38 |
eng |
abbr. modern |
A wish or desire to be something different. |
Wanna-be (Example: "These are my singer "Wanna-be's", said the producer as he introduced the competitors.") |
Franka_LV |
163 |
18:59:43 |
eng |
abbr. |
Cut-A-Step |
To dance very well. (Пример: "When it comes to dancing, Brenda can really cut-a-step.") |
Franka_LV |
164 |
18:58:39 |
eng-rus |
slang |
make bank |
хорошенько заработать |
AlexPozd |
165 |
18:57:06 |
eng |
slang |
Cheese |
Money. |
Franka_LV |
166 |
18:55:49 |
eng-rus |
mil. |
recurrence of the identified nonconformance |
повторение обнаруженного несоответствия |
Alex_Odeychuk |
167 |
18:53:16 |
eng |
gen. |
Cheesing |
Grinning only for the camera, usually expressed when explaining the actions of some people. (Some politicians are only cheesing when it comes to making demands.) |
Franka_LV |
168 |
18:50:32 |
eng-rus |
mil. |
action to prevent recurrence of the identified nonconformance |
мера по предотвращению повторения обнаруженного несоответствия |
Alex_Odeychuk |
169 |
18:49:44 |
rus-fre |
gen. |
ознакомиться |
Consulter (например: ознакомиться с каким-либо документом) |
Светлана Бабина |
170 |
18:48:53 |
eng-rus |
mil. |
corrective action |
мера по исправлению |
Alex_Odeychuk |
171 |
18:39:25 |
eng |
gen. |
Lay it on me |
To inform |
Franka_LV |
172 |
18:37:24 |
eng |
abbr. |
GQ |
Dressed well, like the men in "Gentlemens' Quarterly" "GQ" magazine. |
Franka_LV |
173 |
18:33:46 |
eng |
gen. |
Squidgy |
An object that is distorted, contorted, or squished up. (Пример: "Big John turned that been can into a squidgy hunk of metal.") |
Franka_LV |
174 |
18:33:41 |
eng |
slang |
Crill |
A street name for Crack-Cocaine. (Example: "There is much crill on the streets today.") |
Franka_LV |
175 |
18:33:14 |
eng |
abbr. |
Double Nickle |
Another name for the 55mph speed limit. (Прмер: "I conserve gasoline by running the double nickle.") |
Franka_LV |
176 |
18:31:39 |
eng-rus |
mil. |
preventive action |
мера по предотвращению |
Alex_Odeychuk |
177 |
18:31:14 |
eng |
loc.name. |
Bikini State |
A name given to Florida by truck drivers because of the beaches. ("I think I'll go to the "Bikini State" for my vacation.") |
Franka_LV |
178 |
18:27:51 |
eng |
abbr. |
Johnny Do Gooder |
A good kid. ("I thought Randy was a "Johnny do gooder," said the principal.") |
Franka_LV |
179 |
18:26:11 |
eng-rus |
mil. |
inadvertent use |
непреднамеренного использования |
Alex_Odeychuk |
180 |
18:26:03 |
eng |
gen. |
Dusted |
Popped a nuclear weapon |
Franka_LV |
181 |
18:25:46 |
eng-rus |
mil. |
steps to prevent inadvertent use of the item |
меры по предотвращению непреднамеренного использования изделия |
Alex_Odeychuk |
182 |
18:25:08 |
eng |
abbr. |
Yard Bird |
Chicken. |
Franka_LV |
183 |
18:24:13 |
eng-rus |
mil. |
step to prevent |
мера по предотвращению |
Alex_Odeychuk |
184 |
18:23:54 |
eng |
abbr. |
Bust-a-Grape |
To do something simple. (Example:"Get out of the way! You can't even Bust-a-Grape") |
Franka_LV |
185 |
18:21:37 |
eng-rus |
law |
document the nonconformance |
документировать несоответствие |
Alex_Odeychuk |
186 |
18:21:28 |
eng |
abbr. |
No way in Sam hell |
Absolutely not. ("No way in Sam hell", said Ralph, "I will not swim across that alligator infested river.") |
Franka_LV |
187 |
18:16:20 |
eng |
abbr. |
Catch You Later |
Good-bye until we meet again. (Example: "I'll catch you later", said Reginald, as he left Barbara for the evening.") |
Franka_LV |
188 |
18:12:10 |
eng |
abbr. inf. |
lemon |
a bad car actually any product or one that you have just purchased and it's no good (Probably leaving a bad or bitter taste in your mouth like a lemon: I purchased this new car and it turned out to be a lemon.) |
Franka_LV |
189 |
18:09:19 |
eng |
abbr. |
Five Finger Discount |
To steal something, or to have been stolen. (Пример: "William said he had some five finger discounted CD's for sale.") |
Franka_LV |
190 |
18:07:34 |
eng |
abbr. |
had enough |
Franka_LV |
191 |
18:02:38 |
eng |
modern |
wanna-be |
A wish or desire to be something different. (Example: "These are my singer "Wanna-be's", said the producer as he introduced the competitors.") |
Franka_LV |
192 |
17:57:12 |
eng |
abbr. |
Fence Sitter |
Will not take sides in a argument, opinion, or debate. (Example: "You cannot be a fence sitter in politics.") |
Franka_LV |
193 |
17:51:25 |
rus-est |
food.ind. |
тонизирующий |
ergutav |
aljona77 |
194 |
17:39:13 |
eng-rus |
met. |
desulphurizer |
десульфуратор (вещество, удаляющее серу) |
LyuFi |
195 |
17:38:18 |
eng-rus |
met. |
desulphurizer |
десульфатор |
LyuFi |
196 |
17:37:41 |
eng-rus |
geogr. |
Kristianstad |
Кристианстад (город в Швеции) |
Rudy |
197 |
17:16:45 |
rus-fre |
gen. |
Его Светлейшее Высочество |
S.A.S. |
Strider |
198 |
16:52:14 |
rus-est |
gen. |
общее правило |
kirvereegel |
aljona77 |
199 |
16:45:06 |
eng |
abbr. fin. |
financial capability analysis |
fincap |
kotechek |
200 |
16:44:01 |
rus-est |
gen. |
двояко |
nii ja naa |
aljona77 |
201 |
16:29:27 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
shift responsibility |
переложить ответственность (for something from someone to/onto someone) |
bookworm |
202 |
16:27:32 |
eng-rus |
construct. |
Commissioning Office |
Штаб пуско-наладочных работ |
Шакиров |
203 |
15:45:06 |
eng |
fin. |
fincap |
financial capability (analysis) |
kotechek |
204 |
15:43:53 |
eng-rus |
automat. |
shift-and-add |
метод сдвига-сложения |
surpina |
205 |
15:41:38 |
rus-est |
gen. |
лёгкая закуска перед основным приёмом пищи |
oode (E-v sõnaraamat, 2003) |
aljona77 |
206 |
15:39:07 |
rus-est |
food.ind. |
пищевая добавка |
lisaaine |
aljona77 |
207 |
15:33:22 |
rus-est |
food.ind. |
жевательная конфета |
kummikomm |
aljona77 |
208 |
15:16:37 |
rus-ita |
build.mat. |
тощий бетон |
magrone |
злобный гном с волосатыми ногами |
209 |
15:08:21 |
rus-ger |
auto. |
накладка на ступень |
Einstiegsblende (элемент тюнинга) |
Fedorenko |
210 |
14:56:29 |
eng-rus |
bank. |
metals account |
металлический счёт |
64$? |
211 |
14:35:02 |
eng-rus |
bank. |
metal deposit |
металлический депозит (в золоте или серебре) |
64$? |
212 |
14:24:29 |
eng-rus |
real.est. |
putting into commission |
сдача (объекта) |
SkorpiLenka |
213 |
14:14:10 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
IQ |
качество изображения (Image Quality) в томографии) |
LeneiKA |
214 |
13:48:10 |
eng-rus |
O&G |
Governing Specifications |
Определяющие характеристики |
Aksakal |
215 |
13:37:59 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
Acoustic Housing |
Звукопоглощающий кожух |
Aksakal |
216 |
13:35:27 |
eng-rus |
law |
are hereby disclaimed |
ответственность по которым настоящим отрицается (OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. ... права третьих сторон, ответственность по которым настоящим отрицается .) |
Pothead |
217 |
13:31:31 |
eng |
abbr. securit. |
venture capital companies |
flamingovv |
218 |
13:28:16 |
spa |
gen. |
RR.HH. |
Recursos Humanos |
Chevere |
219 |
13:19:43 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
Ukrainian Classification of Commodities |
Украинский классификатор товаров внешнеэкономической деятельности (УКТВЭД) |
mewl2007 |
220 |
13:11:28 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
fratery |
братство (чаще всего монашеское или студенческое) |
Merc |
221 |
13:08:55 |
eng-rus |
econ. |
cost-effectiveness analysis |
оценка экономической эффективности (wikipedia.org) |
Alexander Matytsin |
222 |
13:06:40 |
eng-rus |
econ. |
cost-benefit analysis |
оценка экономической эффективности |
Alexander Matytsin |
223 |
13:06:14 |
eng-rus |
inf. |
bar |
монтировка |
Merc |
224 |
13:03:22 |
eng-rus |
mil., lingo |
burrow |
окапываться |
Merc |
225 |
12:56:24 |
eng-rus |
law |
laws and regulations |
нормативно-правовая база |
Alexander Matytsin |
226 |
12:52:46 |
eng-rus |
law |
sub-participation |
субучастие |
Alexander Matytsin |
227 |
12:41:09 |
rus-ger |
gen. |
не справиться с управлением |
die Kontrolle verlieren (автомобилем / über sein Fahrzeug; обиходный штамп) |
Abete |
228 |
12:40:46 |
eng-rus |
met. |
roll changing device |
устройство для перевалки валков |
LyuFi |
229 |
12:20:00 |
eng-rus |
chem. |
opalescent |
опалесцентная |
NadKol |
230 |
12:11:55 |
rus-ger |
gen. |
инженер-проектировщик |
Planungsingenieur |
Tusp |
231 |
12:05:52 |
eng-rus |
UK |
Financial Services Authority |
Управление по регулированию и надзору в сфере финансовых услуг |
Kovrigin |
232 |
11:54:55 |
eng-rus |
O&G |
compressor bundle |
трубчатка компрессора |
Aksakal |
233 |
11:53:47 |
eng-rus |
econ. |
absolute return |
абсолютный доход |
vertepa |
234 |
11:50:09 |
rus-ger |
auto. |
проходимость |
Geländetauglichkeit |
Fedorenko |
235 |
11:29:58 |
eng-rus |
inet. |
link popularity |
индекс цитируемости ссылки в поисковике |
Smartie |
236 |
11:27:12 |
eng-rus |
law |
expressed or implied warranties |
явно выраженные или подразумеваемые гарантии |
Pothead |
237 |
11:11:17 |
eng-rus |
pharma. |
extractable volume |
извлекаемый объём (параметр контроля – извлекаемый объём содержимого флакона (для жидких лекарственных форм)) |
sunirk |
238 |
10:50:19 |
eng-rus |
law |
on one's own behalf |
самостоятельно |
Alexander Matytsin |
239 |
10:50:10 |
eng-rus |
zool. |
whisker |
вибрис |
carinadiroma |
240 |
10:38:50 |
eng-rus |
law |
holder of a charge |
держатель залога |
Dorian Roman |
241 |
10:36:14 |
eng-rus |
bank. |
repayment pattern |
периодичность погашения |
Alex_Odeychuk |
242 |
10:22:59 |
eng-rus |
med. |
short-term therapy |
кратковременная терапия |
yakamozzz |
243 |
10:21:04 |
eng-rus |
chromat. |
headspace autosampler |
парофазный автодозатор |
sunirk |
244 |
10:18:23 |
eng-rus |
chromat. |
headspace method |
метод анализа паровой фазы над жидкостью, парофазный метод (также headspace technique) |
sunirk |
245 |
10:09:00 |
eng-rus |
O&G |
сокр. от Reservoir Characterization Instrument = прибор для определения характеристик пласта- коллектора (пластоиспытатель на кабеле, фирменное название) |
Углов |
246 |
10:07:35 |
eng-rus |
econ. |
farm equipment |
сельхозтехника |
Alex_Odeychuk |
247 |
10:03:21 |
eng-rus |
chromat. |
splitter injector |
инжектор с делением потока пробы (также split injector) |
sunirk |
248 |
10:01:50 |
eng-rus |
inet. |
nofollow |
нестандартный HTML атрибут, значение которого используется, чтобы указать поисковым системам, что данная гиперссылка, не влияет на рейтинг страницы в индексе поисковых систем, на которую она указывает (seoblog.com.ua) |
Smartie |
249 |
10:00:27 |
eng-rus |
econ. |
agricultural machinery |
сельхозтехника |
Alex_Odeychuk |
250 |
9:59:13 |
eng-rus |
chromat. |
splitless injector |
инжектор без деления потока пробы |
sunirk |
251 |
9:56:43 |
eng-rus |
auto. |
glove box |
бардачок |
Kitinka |
252 |
9:55:32 |
eng-rus |
O&G |
анализ пластовых дебитов (от) Formation Rate Analysis при пластоиспытании) |
Углов |
253 |
9:44:53 |
rus-ger |
construct. |
глухая дверь |
Volltür (дверь без остекления) |
Steppenwolf |
254 |
9:40:37 |
eng-rus |
weld. |
fcw |
порошковая проволока (flux cored wire) |
a.ducalis |
255 |
8:23:54 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
grudge |
вражда |
Merc |
256 |
8:19:43 |
eng-rus |
slang |
postal dude |
отморозок |
Merc |
257 |
8:19:10 |
eng-rus |
slang |
postal |
чокнутый |
Merc |
258 |
7:29:05 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
unavoidability |
неотвратимость |
tfennell |
259 |
6:08:53 |
eng-rus |
chromat. |
loop injector |
петлевой кран-дозатор, петлевой инжектор |
sunirk |
260 |
4:39:58 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
have a snack |
перекусывать |
Yokky |
261 |
4:35:29 |
eng-rus |
law |
Federal Law "About the Days of War Glory /Victory Days/ of Russia" |
ФЗ "О днях воинской славы /Победных днях России/" |
SergeyL |
262 |
4:31:33 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
Federal Law About the Days of War Glory Victory Days of Russia |
федеральный закон "О днях воинской славы Победных днях России" |
SergeyL |
263 |
3:31:27 |
rus-fre |
fig. |
вычёркивать |
rayer (Je t'avais rayé de ma vie.) |
Helene2008 |
264 |
3:22:41 |
eng-rus |
amer. |
Executive Office |
референтура |
Maggie |
265 |
3:06:01 |
eng-rus |
amer. |
check the paperwork |
поднять бумаги |
Maggie |
266 |
2:28:42 |
eng-rus |
med. |
cell of origin |
клетка-предшественница |
Tusyonok |
267 |
2:22:41 |
rus |
amer. |
референтура |
помещение секретно-шифровального отдела посольства (Found on the internet...) |
Maggie |
268 |
2:07:04 |
rus-lav |
gen. |
районный союз потребительских обществ |
RPBS (rajona patērētāju biedrību savienība) |
Censonis |
269 |
1:40:10 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
in-demand |
ходовой |
Anglophile |
270 |
1:32:24 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
library shelver |
помощник библиотекаря (по возврату сданных читателями книг на полки книгохранилища) |
Anglophile |
271 |
1:28:00 |
eng-rus |
econ. |
business growth rate |
темп роста бизнеса |
Alex_Odeychuk |
272 |
1:27:24 |
eng-rus |
econ. |
rate of business growth |
темп роста бизнеса |
Alex_Odeychuk |
273 |
1:21:30 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
non-judgemental |
толерантный |
Anglophile |
274 |
1:21:27 |
eng-rus |
econ. |
business and financial performance indicators |
результаты финансово-хозяйственной деятельности |
Alex_Odeychuk |
275 |
1:19:41 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
judgemental |
нетерпимый |
Anglophile |
276 |
0:55:12 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
shelving assistant |
помощник библиотекаря (по возврату сданных читателями книг на полки книгохранилища) |
Anglophile |
277 |
0:49:10 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
parking attendant |
парковщик |
denghu |
278 |
0:49:04 |
rus-spa |
gen. |
осведомлённость |
toma de conciencia |
Chevere |
279 |
0:48:14 |
rus-spa |
gen. |
информированность |
toma de conciencia |
Chevere |
280 |
0:35:12 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
reassert control |
восстановить контроль |
Anglophile |
281 |
0:30:00 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
frenetic pace |
бешеный темп |
Anglophile |
282 |
0:26:25 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
re-energise |
оживить |
Anglophile |
283 |
0:14:32 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
critical isthmus |
критический перешеек (между овальной ямкой и митральным клапаном) |
SvetlanaC |
284 |
0:10:00 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
be taken as a given |
считаться само собой разумеющимся |
Anglophile |
285 |
0:07:07 |
eng-rus |
gen. |
pre-biblical |
добиблейский |
Anglophile |