
Terms for subject General containing purchasing power | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
boost purchasing powerприводить к росту покупательной способности (Alexander Demidov)
cash purchasing powerпокупательная способность денег
consumer purchasing powerпотребительская способность (Inflation decreases consumer purchasing power. MWALD Alexander Demidov)
consumer purchasing powerпокупательская способность населения (Alexander Demidov)
consumer purchasing powerпокупательная способность населения (Consumer purchasing power measures the value in money for which consumers may purchase goods or services. Tied to the Consumer Price Index, or the Cost of Living Index as it is also known in the United States, consumer purchasing power indicates the degree to which inflation affects consumers' ability to buy. As a general rule, if income rises at the same rate as inflation, consumers can maintain their present standard of living. If, however, income rises faster than the rate of inflation, the standard of living will improve. By the same token, if inflation rises faster than income, even if wages and salaries also increase, then the standard of living will decline as consumers, although receiving more money in their paychecks, find their income inadequate to counteract rising prices. Alexander Demidov)
dropping consumer purchasing powerрезкое падение покупательной способности населения (2014, the Russian economy entered a very difficult period as it was hit hard by record-low oil prices, dropping consumer purchasing power, a food import ban which pushed up inflation, and ruble devaluation. Alexander Demidov)
Laspeyres, Paasche purchasing power parityформула Ласпейреса, Пааше (паритет покупательной способности валют по формуле... Lavrov)
purchasing powerпокупательная способность
purchasing powerпокупная способность
purchasing powerплатёжеспособность (Nika Franchi)
purchasing powerплатёжеспособный спрос
purchasing powerпокупательская способность населения (1.General: Extent to which a person, firm, or group has available funds to make purchases. 2.Economics: (1) Money and credit available for spending and consumption of goods and services. Demand and prices cannot rise beyond the available purchasing power. Also called buying power. (2) Exchange rates: Value of money (currency) measured by the quantity and quality of goods and services it can buy. Alexander Demidov)
purchasing powerпотребительская способность (1. money that people have available to buy goods with • The cost of houses has risen faster than purchasing power. 2. the amount that a unit of money can buy • the peso's purchasing power. OALD Alexander Demidov)
purchasing buying powerпокупательная способность
Purchasing Power of US Dollarпокупательская способность доллара (Джонни)
Purchasing Power ParityППС (Паритет покупательной способности rechnik)
Purchasing Power ParityПаритет покупательной способности (rechnik)
Purchasing Power Parity(ППС (Паритет покупательной способности rechnik)
purchasing-power parityпаритет покупательной способности
rural purchasing powerпокупательная способность сельского населения

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