
Terms for subject General containing 24-hour | all forms | in specified order only
24-hourкруглосуточный (denghu)
24-hour Advance Manifest Ruleправило о предварительной подаче за 24 часа грузового манифеста (24 AMR; U.S. Customs 24-hour Advance Cargo Manifest Declaration Rule Black_Swan)
24-hour bugоднодневное недомогание (medv78)
24-hour, by the dayпосуточный
24-hour clockвремя в 24-часовом формате (The 24-hour clock is the convention of time keeping in which the day runs from midnight to midnight and is divided into 24 hours, indicated by the hours passed since midnight, from 0 to 23. This system is the most commonly used time notation in the world today, and is used by international standard ISO 8601. In the practice of medicine, the 24-hour clock is generally used in documentation of care as it prevents any ambiguity as to when events occurred in a patient's medical history. It is popularly referred to as military time in the United States, English speaking Canada, and a handful of other countries where the 12-hour clock is still dominant. WK Alexander Demidov)
24-hour clock24-часовое исчисление времени (Alexander Demidov)
24-hour dayсутки (masizonenko)
24-hour detailсуточный наряд
24-hour dutyсуточный наряд
24-hour economyкруглосуточная экономика (24-часовая экономика – whereby the economy operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Artjaazz)
24-hour health emergency telephoneкруглосуточный телефон экстренной медицинской помощи (emirates42)
24-hour periodсутки (starting at midnight)
24-hour receptionкруглосуточная стойка регистрации (Voledemar)
24-hour shopкруглосуточный магазин (из учебника dimock)
24-hour shopдежурный магазин (из учебника dimock)
24-hour spanдвадцатичетырёхчасовой интервал (WiseSnake)
24-hour spell of dutyпосуточное дежурство
24-hour tailкруглосуточная слежка (Гевар)
24-hour timeвремя в 24-часовом формате (Alexander Demidov)
24-hour video surveillanceкруглосуточное видеонаблюдение (ROGER YOUNG)
24-hour windowсуточная отсрочка (vasik)
I have every fourth 24-hour period working scheduleя работаю сутки через трое (Taras)
in a 24-hour periodв течение 24 часов (financial-engineer)
keep a 24-hour watchустановить круглосуточное наблюдение (за кем-либо или чем-либо; e.g. Police kept a 24-hour watch on the house Anglophile)
using the 24-hour clockв 24-часовом исчислении (Alexander Demidov)

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