
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Power | all forms | exact matches only
active power planтекущая схема управления питанием
Active State Power Managementуправление питанием в активном состоянии (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
active-state power managementуправление питанием в активном состоянии (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
Advanced Power Managementавтоматическое управление питанием
balanced power profileсбалансированный профиль питания (Rori)
broadband over power linesвысокоскоростное соединение по силовым линиям (A type of high-speed Internet connection using existing electrical wiring. With BPL, you plug a modem directly into a power outlet. BPL connection speeds are comparable to those of other broadband technologies, such as digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable)
idle-state power managementуправление питанием в состоянии простоя
low power stateсостояние пониженного энергопотребления (Andy)
non-peak power planсхема управления электропитанием в нерабочее время (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied outside peak hours or business hours)
OnNow Power Initiativeуправление питанием OnNow
peak power planсхема управления электропитанием в рабочее время (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied during the peak hours or business hours that you specify)
Power balladбаллады пауэр-метал
Power BI Admin CenterЦентр администрирования Power BI (A portal for IT Administrators in Power BI)
Power BI Provisioning Guideруководство по подготовке Power BI (The guide for IT administrators to learn how to provision Power BI)
power deviceустройство питания (Andy)
Power Efficiency DiagnosticДиагностика эффективности энергопотребления (A Wizard-based interface for maximizing battery life based on user preferences)
power eventсобытие питания (Windows 8 ssn)
power offотключить питание
power optimizationэнергосбережение (The capability to automatically turn off a virtual host machine that is not needed to meet resource requirements within a host cluster and then turn the virtual host machine back on when it is needed again)
Power Optionsэлектропитание (A Control Panel icon in Windows Vista that takes user to the Power Options dialog box where the user can manage the battery life settings)
power planсхема управления питанием
power readerопытный пользователь-читатель (A server role that grants read-only access to all dashboard elements on the PerformancePoint Server server, and is primarily used for alerts. It enables users to download dashboard elements from the PerformancePoint Server server)
power schemeсхема управления питанием
power throttlingрегулирование энергопотребления (outsidethebox.ms MasterK)
power trendlineстепенная линия тренда (A curved trendline that is used with data sets that compare measurements that increase at a specific rate)
power trip pointточка срабатывания по питанию
Scenario Power Managerдиспетчер сценариев электропитания (The entity in the operating system that decides on and manages performance and power settings for certain user scenarios)
scenario power managerдиспетчер сценариев электропитания (ssn)
there was a power outage.Произошёл сбой питания (Windows Vista)
zero power ODDс нулевым потреблением питания при простое (Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use)
zero power optical disk driveс нулевым потреблением питания при простое (Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use)