
Terms for subject Energy distribution containing Power | all forms | exact matches only
cause a power outageпривести к обесточиванию (предприятия, жилых районов и т.д.: In 2020, beavers in Dawson Creek and Prince George caused over 700 customer outages when large branches from their dam construction fell into power lines. The same year, a bear outside of Nakusp climbed a cherry tree, breaking several branches. The branches fell on electrical equipment and caused a power outage. (burnabynow.com) • Ошибка рабочих привела к обесточиванию крупнейших заводов в Хакасии (vesti.ru) • Сбой на кабельных линиях привёл к временному обесточиванию в ряде зданий в ЦАО. (news.rambler.ru) ART Vancouver)
downed power lineобрыв линии электропередачи (Hoskins Road is closed between Arborlynn Drive and Davenport Place due to a downed power line. Please avoid the area. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
planned power outageплановое отключение электроэнергии (в жилом районе: Outage Notification: We're performing work on our system in your area that requires us to temporarily turn off your electricity service. Planned power outage details: Location ... From: ... To: ... Reason: System Upgrade. ART Vancouver)
power demandпотребность в электроэнергии (More electricity is needed to power EVs, appliances in the home (with the phasing out of natural gas), and the upcoming green hydrogen fuel industry, which uses electricity to break apart water molecules, he stated. However, the biggest demand for electricity comes from the burgeoning AI field, which depends on huge data centers and cloud operations. "It's projected that the data center consumption is going to rise from 4% to 20% of power demand within ten years," he cautioned. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
restore power to the customersвозобновить подачу электроэнергии потребителям ("A squirrel managed to enter the substation, which took out a few circuits causing the power outage," a BC Hydro spokesperson said. "Once our crew helped the squirrel exit the facility, we were able to restore power to the customers." (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
take down the power gridвывести из строя энергосистему (The talked-about Russian space technology may be the equivalent of an EMP weapon, Weichert cautioned, which possibly could be used to take down US power grids. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
take the peak strain off the power gridснизить потребление электроэнергии в часы пиковой нагрузки (In effect, BC Hydro would charge five cents less per kilowatt-hour for any power used in the overnight hours — 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. — and five cents more for what is used during peak hours — from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. The idea is to take the peak strain off the power grid, take advantage of cheaper times to produce and transmit electricity, and allow customers who are able to charge their car or use appliances like a dishwasher or laundry overnight to save money. reddit.com ART Vancouver)