
 English thesaurus - terms added by user triumfov: 102  >>

15.03.2018 1:42:18 abbr. J-SOX Financial Instruments and Exchange Act ((Japan))
18.01.2018 19:42:12 abbr. CBCA Canada Business Corporations Act
18.01.2018 19:42:12 abbr. Canada Business Corporations Act CBCA
28.10.2017 23:58:07 abbr. tobac. RIP reduced ignition propensity cigarettes
14.12.2014 20:41:52 abbr. cinema International Standard Audiovisual Number ISAN ISAN
2.11.2013 2:52:00 abbr. med. New Therapeutic Entities NTE
2.11.2013 1:52:00 abbr. med. NTE New Therapeutic Entities
23.09.2013 20:05:00 abbr. museum. the exhibition will last for two weeks the exhibition will extend for a fortnight
23.09.2013 19:05:00 museum. the exhibition will extend for a fortnight the exhibition will last for two weeks
15.07.2013 10:19:51 abbr. Sl. No. starting line number
15.07.2013 9:19:51 gen. starting line number Sl. No.
13.02.2013 2:48:16 abbr. tobac. Know Your Supplier KYS
13.02.2013 2:32:19 abbr. market. Global Supply Chain GSC
13.02.2013 1:48:16 abbr. tobac. KYS Know Your Supplier
13.02.2013 1:41:14 abbr. GHE gift, hospitality, and entertainment
13.02.2013 1:32:19 abbr. market. GSC Global Supply Chain
11.02.2013 22:56:12 abbr. waste.man. 3R reduce, reuse, recycle
11.02.2013 12:32:42 abbr. telecom. Power Line Communications PLC
4.02.2013 1:38:08 abbr. telecom. Usage-Based Billing UBB
4.02.2013 0:38:08 abbr. telecom. UBB Usage-Based Billing
28.01.2013 13:32:38 abbr. cinema FVOD Free Video-on-Demand
28.01.2013 13:28:16 abbr. cinema AVOD Advertised Video-on-Demand
25.01.2013 10:22:37 abbr. Designated Responsible Individual DRI
25.01.2013 9:22:37 abbr. DRI Designated Responsible Individual
23.01.2013 14:24:51 abbr. cinema IFTA Independent Film & Television Alliance
12.12.2012 13:03:32 abbr. tobac. Global Flagship Brand GFB
12.12.2012 12:03:32 abbr. tobac. GFB Global Flagship Brand
6.12.2012 22:12:58 abbr. cinema Digital Cinema Package DCP
6.12.2012 21:17:53 abbr. cinema TVOD transactional video on demand
6.12.2012 21:15:09 abbr. cinema SVOD subscription video on demand
6.12.2012 21:12:58 abbr. cinema DCP Digital Cinema Package
3.06.2012 22:56:04 abbr. ecol. International Climate Initiative ICI
3.06.2012 21:56:04 abbr. ecol. ICI International Climate Initiative
12.04.2012 14:05:00 abbr. LFL like-for-like
16.03.2012 13:34:46 abbr. telecom. Operations Support Systems OSS
16.03.2012 13:14:48 abbr. telecom. Mobile Switching Center Server MSS
16.03.2012 12:34:46 abbr. telecom. OSS Operations Support Systems
16.03.2012 12:14:48 abbr. telecom. MSS Mobile Switching Center Server
15.02.2012 16:49:41 abbr. telecom. FTTN Fiber to the Node
15.02.2012 11:18:06 abbr. telecom. Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications BEREC
15.02.2012 10:42:10 abbr. telecom. Next Generation Access Network NGA network
15.02.2012 10:18:06 abbr. telecom. BEREC Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications
15.02.2012 9:42:10 telecom. NGA network Next Generation Access Network
30.01.2012 12:24:55 abbr. Long Term Incentive Program LTI
30.01.2012 11:24:55 abbr. LTI Long Term Incentive Program
20.12.2011 14:58:06 abbr. adv. Cost Per Thousand CPT
20.12.2011 13:58:06 abbr. adv. CPT Cost Per Thousand
20.12.2011 10:57:07 abbr. PS Core packet switched core network
20.12.2011 10:55:53 abbr. CS Core circuit switched core network
20.12.2011 10:54:49 abbr. CS Core network circuit switched core network
15.11.2011 9:52:01 abbr. law SHA Shareholders' Agreement
12.11.2011 20:15:23 abbr. account. Selling, General and Administrative Expenses SGA
12.11.2011 20:13:55 abbr. account. Selling, General and Administrative Expenses SG&A
12.11.2011 19:15:23 abbr. account. SGA Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
12.11.2011 19:13:55 abbr. account. SG&A Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
11.11.2011 16:53:12 abbr. telecom. Mobile Termination Rate MTR
11.11.2011 15:53:12 abbr. telecom. MTR Mobile Termination Rate
10.11.2011 12:42:15 abbr. corp.gov. Related Party Transactions RPT
10.11.2011 12:23:44 abbr. Sale and Purchase Agreement SPA
10.11.2011 11:42:15 abbr. corp.gov. RPT Related Party Transactions
10.11.2011 11:23:44 abbr. SPA Sale and Purchase Agreement
2.11.2011 17:20:52 abbr. telecom. Stock Appreciation Rights Plan SAR
2.11.2011 17:05:32 abbr. Research, Development and Engineering RD&E
2.11.2011 16:46:28 abbr. telecom. Service Quality Management SQM
2.11.2011 16:35:37 abbr. telecom. Disclosure Review Committee DRC
2.11.2011 16:23:45 abbr. telecom. TCO trial commercial operations
2.11.2011 16:20:52 abbr. telecom. SAR Stock Appreciation Rights Plan
2.11.2011 16:18:17 abbr. telecom. Subscriber Acquisition Cost SAC
2.11.2011 16:05:32 abbr. RD&E Research, Development and Engineering
2.11.2011 16:01:51 abbr. telecom. Transport Network TN
2.11.2011 15:54:54 abbr. telecom. CIP Construction in Progress
2.11.2011 15:46:28 abbr. telecom. SQM Service Quality Management
2.11.2011 15:46:21 abbr. General Framework Agreement GFA
2.11.2011 15:35:37 abbr. telecom. DRC Disclosure Review Committee
2.11.2011 15:18:17 abbr. telecom. SAC Subscriber Acquisition Cost
2.11.2011 15:11:29 abbr. corp.gov. IPT interested party transactions
2.11.2011 15:01:51 abbr. telecom. TN Transport Network
2.11.2011 14:57:32 abbr. SPTA spare parts, tools and accessories
2.11.2011 14:46:21 abbr. GFA General Framework Agreement
1.11.2011 13:50:12 abbr. National Regulatory Agencies NRA
1.11.2011 12:50:12 abbr. NRA National Regulatory Agencies
1.11.2011 12:20:07 abbr. telecom. PAP public access point
1.11.2011 11:41:51 abbr. telecom. Receiving Party Pays RPP
1.11.2011 11:37:27 abbr. telecom. Bill and Keep B&K
1.11.2011 11:14:21 abbr. S&B salaries and benefits
1.11.2011 11:06:42 abbr. telecom. TRX transceiver
1.11.2011 10:41:51 abbr. telecom. RPP Receiving Party Pays
1.11.2011 10:37:27 abbr. telecom. B&K Bill and Keep
1.11.2011 10:35:49 abbr. telecom. BAK Bill and Keep
5.04.2011 10:52:38 abbr. FSA Financial Services Authority Listing Rules "Purple Book" Purple Book
5.04.2011 9:52:38 gen. Purple Book FSA Financial Services Authority Listing Rules (“Purple Book”)
10.02.2011 16:02:57 abbr. Customer Lifetime Value CLV
10.02.2011 15:02:57 abbr. CLV Customer Lifetime Value
31.01.2011 17:52:09 abbr. telecom. Call Drop Rate CDR
31.01.2011 16:52:09 abbr. telecom. CDR Call Drop Rate
9.12.2010 13:20:22 abbr. telecom. Call Unsuccessful Rate CunSR
9.12.2010 13:17:32 abbr. telecom. Call Success Rate CSR
9.12.2010 12:20:22 telecom. CunSR Call Unsuccessful Rate
9.12.2010 12:17:32 abbr. telecom. CSR Call Success Rate
12.11.2010 17:13:58 abbr. telecom. Branded Trading Stands BTS (брендированные стойки)

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