
 English thesaurus - terms added by user semfromshire: 600  >>

26.09.2016 16:22:47 math. prequential predictive sequential (A general framework for assessing and comparing the predictive performance of a forecasting system. http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~apd/preqdot.pdf)
26.09.2016 16:19:46 abbr. math. predictive sequential prequential (A general framework for assessing and comparing the predictive performance of a forecasting system. http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~apd/preqdot.pdf)
16.02.2016 17:36:22 abbr. IT DTIM Delivery traffic indication message
14.12.2015 19:02:29 abbr. IT FCBF Fast Correlation Based Filter
14.12.2015 19:02:29 abbr. IT Fast Correlation Based Filter FCBF
3.12.2015 14:49:18 abbr. math. Bagging Bootstrap Aggregating
3.12.2015 14:49:18 abbr. math. Bootstrap Aggregating Bagging
2.12.2015 11:16:49 abbr. IT HCI-KDD Human-Computer Interaction and Knowledge Discovery/Data Mining
2.12.2015 11:16:49 abbr. IT Human-Computer Interaction and Knowledge Discovery/Data Mining HCI-KDD
2.12.2015 10:56:50 abbr. med. P4 medicine Predictive, Preventive, Participatory, Personalized Medicine
2.12.2015 10:56:50 abbr. med. Predictive, Preventive, Participatory, Personalized Medicine P4 medicine
27.11.2015 15:10:29 abbr. IT IREP iterative reduced-error pruning
27.11.2015 15:03:42 abbr. IT RIPPER Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction
27.11.2015 15:03:42 abbr. IT Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction RIPPER
30.10.2015 16:05:06 abbr. avia. CCD Coherent Change Detection
30.10.2015 16:05:06 abbr. avia. Coherent Change Detection CCD
31.07.2015 15:53:17 abbr. astronaut. CPOD CubeSat Proximity Operations Demonstration
31.07.2015 15:53:17 abbr. astronaut. CubeSat Proximity Operations Demonstration CPOD
31.07.2015 15:40:04 abbr. astronaut. EDSN Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks Mission
31.07.2015 15:40:04 abbr. astronaut. Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks Mission EDSN
30.07.2015 19:32:26 abbr. astronaut. TASC Triangular Advanced Solar Cell
30.07.2015 19:32:26 abbr. astronaut. Triangular Advanced Solar Cell TASC
30.07.2015 19:32:10 abbr. astronaut. SUM Six Unit Mount
30.07.2015 19:32:10 abbr. astronaut. Six Unit Mount SUM
30.07.2015 19:31:49 abbr. astronaut. SSTP Small Spacecraft Technology Program
30.07.2015 19:31:49 abbr. astronaut. Small Spacecraft Technology Program SSTP
30.07.2015 19:31:33 abbr. astronaut. SSPS Spaceflight Secondary Payload System
30.07.2015 19:31:33 abbr. astronaut. Spaceflight Secondary Payload System SSPS
30.07.2015 19:31:15 abbr. astronaut. SRPS Small Radioisotope Power System
30.07.2015 19:31:15 abbr. astronaut. Small Radioisotope Power System SRPS
30.07.2015 19:31:03 abbr. astronaut. SpW SpaceWire
30.07.2015 19:31:03 abbr. astronaut. SpaceWire SpW
30.07.2015 19:30:41 abbr. astronaut. SpaceX Space Exploration Technologies (компания Илона Маска)
30.07.2015 19:30:41 abbr. astronaut. Space Exploration Technologies SpaceX (компания Илона Маска)
30.07.2015 19:29:51 abbr. astronaut. SADM Solar Array Drive Mechanism
30.07.2015 19:29:51 abbr. astronaut. Solar Array Drive Mechanism SADM
30.07.2015 19:29:16 abbr. astronaut. RTGs Radioisotope Thermal Generators
30.07.2015 19:29:16 abbr. astronaut. Radioisotope Thermal Generators RTGs
30.07.2015 19:28:59 abbr. astronaut. ROSA Roll-Out Solar Array
30.07.2015 19:28:59 abbr. astronaut. Roll-Out Solar Array ROSA
30.07.2015 19:28:31 abbr. astronaut. RAMPART RApidprototyped MEMS Propulsion and Radiation Test
30.07.2015 19:28:31 abbr. astronaut. RApidprototyped MEMS Propulsion and Radiation Test RAMPART
30.07.2015 19:27:13 abbr. astronaut. P-POD Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer
30.07.2015 19:27:13 abbr. astronaut. Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer P-POD
30.07.2015 19:26:48 abbr. astronaut. OSL Office of Space Launch
30.07.2015 19:26:48 abbr. astronaut. Office of Space Launch OSL
30.07.2015 19:26:34 abbr. astronaut. OSAGS Open System of Agile Ground Stations
30.07.2015 19:26:34 abbr. astronaut. Open System of Agile Ground Stations OSAGS
30.07.2015 19:25:48 abbr. astronaut. NPSCul Naval Postgraduate School’s CubeSat Launcher
30.07.2015 19:25:48 abbr. astronaut. Naval Postgraduate School’s CubeSat Launcher NPSCul
30.07.2015 19:24:57 abbr. astronaut. NOFB Nitrous Oxide Fuel Blend
30.07.2015 19:24:57 abbr. astronaut. Nitrous Oxide Fuel Blend NOFB
30.07.2015 19:24:44 abbr. astronaut. NLS NASA Launch Services
30.07.2015 19:24:44 abbr. astronaut. NASA Launch Services NLS
30.07.2015 19:24:15 abbr. astronaut. NLAS NanoSat Launch Adapter System
30.07.2015 19:24:15 abbr. astronaut. NanoSat Launch Adapter System NLAS
30.07.2015 19:23:56 abbr. astronaut. NEXT NLS Enabling eXploration & Technology
30.07.2015 19:23:56 abbr. astronaut. NLS Enabling eXploration & Technology NEXT
30.07.2015 19:23:42 abbr. astronaut. MPAP Multiple Payload Adapter Plate
30.07.2015 19:23:42 abbr. astronaut. Multiple Payload Adapter Plate MPAP
30.07.2015 19:23:19 abbr. astronaut. MMRTG Multi-Mission RTG
30.07.2015 19:23:19 abbr. astronaut. Multi-Mission RTG MMRTG
30.07.2015 19:22:58 abbr. astronaut. MiXI Miniature Xenon Ion Thruster
30.07.2015 19:22:58 abbr. astronaut. Miniature Xenon Ion Thruster MiXI
30.07.2015 19:22:00 abbr. astronaut. LS Laser Sintering
30.07.2015 19:22:00 abbr. astronaut. Laser Sintering LS
30.07.2015 19:21:39 abbr. astronaut. LPPTS-R Radiation Tolerant Low Power Precision Time Source
30.07.2015 19:21:39 abbr. astronaut. Radiation Tolerant Low Power Precision Time Source LPPTS-R
30.07.2015 19:21:22 abbr. astronaut. LHP Large Homogeneous Portfolio
30.07.2015 19:21:22 abbr. astronaut. Large Homogeneous Portfolio LHP
30.07.2015 19:20:46 abbr. astronaut. J-SSOD Japanese Small Satellite Orbital Deployer
30.07.2015 19:20:46 abbr. astronaut. Japanese Small Satellite Orbital Deployer J-SSOD
30.07.2015 19:20:27 abbr. astronaut. IMPACT Integrated Micro Primary Atomic Clock Technology
30.07.2015 19:20:27 abbr. astronaut. Integrated Micro Primary Atomic Clock Technology IMPACT
30.07.2015 19:20:00 abbr. astronaut. GPIM Green Propellant Infusion Mission
30.07.2015 19:20:00 abbr. astronaut. Green Propellant Infusion Mission GPIM
30.07.2015 19:19:45 abbr. astronaut. GENSO Global Educational Network for Satellite Operations
30.07.2015 19:19:45 abbr. astronaut. Global Educational Network for Satellite Operations GENSO
30.07.2015 19:19:25 abbr. astronaut. FASTSAT Fast, Affordable, Science and Technology Satellite
30.07.2015 19:19:00 abbr. astronaut. ESPA EELV Secondary Payload Adapter
30.07.2015 19:19:00 abbr. astronaut. EELV Secondary Payload Adapter ESPA
30.07.2015 19:18:13 abbr. astronaut. DICE Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment
30.07.2015 19:18:13 abbr. astronaut. Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment DICE
30.07.2015 19:17:45 abbr. astronaut. CTERA Coefficient Thermal Expansion Release Actuator
30.07.2015 19:17:45 abbr. astronaut. Coefficient Thermal Expansion Release Actuator CTERA
30.07.2015 19:17:07 abbr. astronaut. CSD Canisterized Satellite Dispenser
30.07.2015 19:17:07 abbr. astronaut. Canisterized Satellite Dispenser CSD
30.07.2015 19:16:50 abbr. astronaut. CSAC Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks
30.07.2015 19:16:50 abbr. astronaut. Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks CSAC
30.07.2015 19:16:31 abbr. astronaut. CNC Computer Numerical Controller
30.07.2015 19:16:31 abbr. astronaut. Computer Numerical Controller CNC
30.07.2015 19:16:10 abbr. astronaut. CMGs Control Moment Gyros
30.07.2015 19:16:10 abbr. astronaut. Control Moment Gyros CMGs
30.07.2015 19:15:55 abbr. astronaut. CDS CubeSat Design Specification
30.07.2015 19:15:55 abbr. astronaut. CubeSat Design Specification CDS
30.07.2015 19:14:03 abbr. astronaut. CAT CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster
30.07.2015 19:14:03 abbr. astronaut. CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster CAT
30.07.2015 19:13:37 abbr. astronaut. CAP C-Adapter Platform
30.07.2015 19:13:37 abbr. astronaut. C-Adapter Platform CAP
30.07.2015 19:12:53 abbr. astronaut. Command and Data Handling C&DH

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