
 English thesaurus - terms added by user lxu5: 175  >>

16.09.2022 11:56:32 abbr. multimed. PQI Picture Quality Index
1.02.2021 0:27:10 abbr. vent. VRP ventilation rate procedure
16.08.2019 14:11:56 abbr. USA IRT Interboro Rapid Transportation System
18.04.2018 1:08:32 geol. high field strength elements HFSE
18.04.2018 1:08:32 abbr. geol. HFSE high field strength elements
6.04.2018 13:00:42 abbr. T&T valve trip and throttle valve
28.03.2018 16:46:35 abbr. ELI European Legislation Identifier
28.03.2018 16:46:35 abbr. European Legislation Identifier ELI
2.03.2018 12:39:45 geol. bielkite biehlite
2.03.2018 12:39:45 abbr. geol. biehlite bielkite
21.01.2018 15:02:21 abbr. geol. CSD Cambridge Structural Database
21.01.2018 15:02:21 abbr. geol. Cambridge Structural Database CSD
21.01.2018 15:01:52 abbr. geol. ICSD Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
21.01.2018 15:01:52 abbr. geol. Inorganic Crystal Structure Database ICSD
19.01.2018 17:28:46 abbr. tech. MPPC multi-pixel photon counter
19.01.2018 6:13:02 abbr. tech. PSH pressure safety high
12.01.2018 18:32:45 geol. inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry ICP AES
12.01.2018 18:32:45 abbr. geol. ICP AES inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
12.01.2018 17:08:26 abbr. geol. AAS atomic-absorption spectrometry
10.01.2018 14:53:08 abbr. A/S cycle accommodation and sediment cycle
10.01.2018 14:51:47 abbr. A/S ratio accommodation and sediment ratio
27.12.2017 14:34:34 abbr. tech. ATIEL Technical Association of the European Lubricants Industry
27.12.2017 14:34:34 abbr. tech. Technical Association of the European Lubricants Industry ATIEL
27.12.2017 14:33:34 abbr. tech. European Engine Lubricants Quality Management System EELQMS
21.12.2017 17:30:00 abbr. geol. AOM amorphous organic matter
21.12.2017 17:14:18 geol. winchite aluminowinchite
21.12.2017 17:14:18 abbr. geol. aluminowinchite winchite
12.12.2017 23:10:44 abbr. CAPMAS Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (Египет)
23.11.2017 12:45:21 geol. chondrite uniform reservoir CHUR
23.11.2017 12:45:21 abbr. geol. CHUR chondrite uniform reservoir
23.11.2017 8:58:50 abbr. geol. PDF planar deformation features
23.11.2017 0:31:01 abbr. geol. LHB late heavy bombardment
8.11.2017 19:15:14 abbr. microbiol. TMC total microbial count
8.11.2017 19:12:03 abbr. microbiol. TFC total fungal count
5.11.2017 17:40:37 bot. Carex rostrata Carex inflata V. Krecz. sensu (Осока носатая)
5.11.2017 17:40:37 abbr. bot. Carex inflata V. Krecz. sensu Carex rostrata (Осока носатая)
4.11.2017 14:05:10 abbr. geogr. F. Mohs Ф. Mоoc (немецкий ученый)
24.10.2017 16:53:02 abbr. tech. IGM Instantaneous Gain Modulation
24.10.2017 16:53:02 abbr. tech. Instantaneous Gain Modulation IGM
18.10.2017 17:57:02 abbr. oil IPEC Iranian Petroleum and Energy Club
18.10.2017 17:57:02 abbr. O&G Iranian Petroleum and Energy Club IPEC
8.10.2017 16:11:28 mining. tremolite-asbestos amianthus
8.10.2017 16:11:28 abbr. mining. amianthus tremolite-asbestos
8.10.2017 16:11:12 mining. tremolite-asbestos amianthoide
8.10.2017 16:11:12 abbr. mining. amianthoide tremolite-asbestos
8.10.2017 16:10:21 mining. tremolite-asbestos amiantinite
8.10.2017 16:10:21 abbr. mining. amiantinite tremolite-asbestos
8.10.2017 16:10:00 mining. amiant tremolite-asbestos
8.10.2017 16:10:00 abbr. mining. tremolite-asbestos amiant
8.10.2017 16:09:19 mining. tremolite-asbestos amianth
8.10.2017 16:09:19 abbr. mining. amianth tremolite-asbestos
8.10.2017 16:05:22 mining. columbite manganocolumbite
8.10.2017 16:05:22 abbr. mining. manganocolumbite columbite
8.10.2017 15:38:18 mining. uvarovite calcium-chromium garnet
8.10.2017 15:38:18 abbr. mining. calcium-chromium garnet uvarovite
2.10.2017 18:54:25 abbr. tech. FV full vaccum
2.10.2017 16:34:20 abbr. tech. H.C.V. Horizontal Cylindrical Vessels
2.10.2017 16:34:20 abbr. tech. Horizontal Cylindrical Vessels H.C.V.
28.09.2017 13:28:39 abbr. LWT longitudinal welded tubes
28.09.2017 13:24:22 abbr. SCA South and Central Asia
28.09.2017 13:24:22 abbr. South and Central Asia SCA
28.09.2017 9:19:14 abbr. 2017E estimated
24.09.2017 19:12:01 abbr. combust. CBO condition based operation
19.09.2017 16:40:00 abbr. CTS customer technical support
5.09.2017 21:46:33 abbr. HW error hardware error
5.09.2017 12:26:57 abbr. astronaut. UTCG Universal Time Code Generator
5.09.2017 12:26:57 abbr. astronaut. Universal Time Code Generator UTCG
29.08.2017 18:47:18 abbr. chem. HDPP high density polypropylene
16.08.2017 19:34:34 mining. dynamic condition dynamic phenomenon
16.08.2017 19:34:34 abbr. mining. dynamic phenomenon dynamic condition
8.08.2017 9:10:30 abbr. tech. MPCMS machinery pant control and monitoring system
31.07.2017 14:26:59 abbr. terabecquerel TBq
31.07.2017 14:26:59 abbr. TBq terabecquerel
3.06.2017 13:58:30 abbr. commun. MCXO microcomputer compensated crystal oscillator
27.05.2017 17:38:27 abbr. stratigr. ISSC International Sub-commission on Stratigraphic Classification
27.05.2017 17:38:27 abbr. stratigr. International Sub-commission on Stratigraphic Classification ISSC
27.05.2017 17:35:18 abbr. stratigr. IWGSS International Working Group on Sequence Stratigraphy
27.05.2017 17:35:18 abbr. stratigr. International Working Group on Sequence Stratigraphy IWGSS
20.05.2017 16:34:13 abbr. dril. UMRP upper marine riser package
20.05.2017 14:56:35 abbr. dril. DSC drill string compensator
5.04.2017 13:36:04 abbr. F.A.S.L. feet above sea level
21.03.2017 10:41:16 abbr. RC-divider resistive-capacitive divider
12.03.2017 17:39:40 abbr. el. ASCR aluminium-conductor steel-reinforced cable
8.03.2017 17:03:11 abbr. el. ASUI average service unavailability index
7.03.2017 9:04:48 abbr. tech. BTD bearing temperature detector
16.02.2017 12:48:46 abbr. microel. EBTN enhanced brightness TN
16.02.2017 12:48:39 abbr. microel. EBTN enhanced brightness twisted nematic
16.02.2017 12:48:06 abbr. microel. EBTN enhanced background TN
16.02.2017 12:47:38 abbr. microel. EBTN enhanced black TN
16.02.2017 12:47:16 abbr. microel. EBTN enhanced background twisted nematic
19.01.2017 23:05:29 abbr. avia. CI/LI Corrosion Inhibitor/Lubricity Improver (присадка ингибирования коррозии/повышения смазывающей способности для топлива)
19.01.2017 23:04:54 abbr. avia. Corrosion Inhibitor/Lubricity Improver CI/LI (присадка ингибирования коррозии/повышения смазывающей способности для топлива)
19.01.2017 20:38:56 abbr. avia. BOCLE Ball-on-Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator
19.01.2017 18:29:25 abbr. avia. JIG Joint Inspection Group
19.01.2017 18:29:25 abbr. avia. Joint Inspection Group JIG
18.01.2017 2:54:57 abbr. nucl.pow. VTS turbine building ventilation system
18.01.2017 2:53:30 abbr. nucl.pow. UET unfavorable exposure time
18.01.2017 2:47:24 abbr. nucl.pow. PXS passive core cooling system
18.01.2017 2:41:14 abbr. nucl.pow. LRF large release frequency
18.01.2017 2:35:43 abbr. nucl.pow. HCSD hot/cold shutdown

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