
 English thesaurus - terms added by user inspirado: 115  >>

10.07.2024 13:12:19 abbr. med. HEP home exercise program
10.04.2016 16:27:13 abbr. med. POT plan of treatment
10.04.2016 16:26:47 abbr. med. PUM patient under management
15.04.2015 12:40:19 abbr. med. INO internuclear ophthalmoplegia
17.02.2015 23:17:11 abbr. med. SOT sacro-occipital technique (остеопатия)
31.01.2015 15:16:35 abbr. med. NIM non-inferiority margin
24.01.2015 20:30:04 abbr. med. C.A.M. complementary and alternative medicine
11.01.2015 14:19:41 abbr. med. Chronic Low Back Pain CLBP
7.01.2015 17:08:27 abbr. med. genu varum bow legs
29.12.2014 23:50:31 abbr. med. PHE prone hip extension
20.12.2014 18:27:32 abbr. med. CMT chiropractic manipulative therapy
5.10.2014 10:00:51 abbr. med. EDCF endothelium-derived constricting factor
24.05.2014 12:30:31 abbr. med. Heart Governor HG (второе название меридиана перикарда)
24.05.2014 11:30:31 abbr. med. HG Heart Governor (второе название меридиана перикарда)
20.04.2014 15:53:06 abbr. med. STLT systemic thrombolytic therapy
13.04.2014 18:40:39 abbr. med. CAPS catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome
10.03.2014 16:58:28 abbr. med. SOF superior orbital fissure
5.02.2014 22:22:25 abbr. med. IST immunosupressive therapy (иммуносупрессивная терапия)
2.02.2014 20:36:47 abbr. fragile subject fragile patient
2.02.2014 20:36:24 abbr. fragile patient fragile subject
14.01.2014 21:13:48 abbr. med. TAB Type A behavior
1.11.2013 6:29:23 abbr. med. Homogeneous Pulse Technology HPT
1.11.2013 5:29:23 abbr. med. HPT Homogeneous Pulse Technology
31.10.2013 19:40:52 abbr. med. CALMS cafe-au-lait macules
29.09.2013 21:24:53 abbr. med. OCD obsessive-compulsive disorder
29.09.2013 21:22:05 abbr. med. Learning Difficulties and Disabilities LDD
29.09.2013 20:23:03 abbr. med. LDD Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
12.09.2013 20:22:27 abbr. lat. OVLT organum vascularum laminae terminalis
1.09.2013 8:33:39 abbr. med. suprascapular notch scapular notch
1.09.2013 7:33:39 med. scapular notch suprascapular notch
28.08.2013 8:46:13 abbr. med. clergyman's knee carpet layers' knee
28.08.2013 7:46:13 med. carpet layers' knee clergyman's knee
27.08.2013 13:42:09 abbr. GVA system general visceral afferent system (http://vanat.cvm.umn.edu/ans/pages/CNScontrol.html)
27.08.2013 13:39:06 abbr. GSA system general somatic afferent system (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/GSA)
27.08.2013 7:43:18 abbr. med. DCML dorsal column-medial lemniscus tract
16.08.2013 11:42:13 abbr. med. PRP Panretinal Photocoagulation
15.08.2013 22:01:57 abbr. med. scolex scolices (мн.ч.)
15.08.2013 21:01:57 med. scolices scolex (мн.ч.)
12.08.2013 23:52:42 abbr. med. Anti-Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibodies anti-LKM
12.08.2013 22:52:42 med. anti-LKM Anti-Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibodies
25.07.2013 21:32:24 abbr. med. TRIM transfusion-related immune modulation
24.05.2013 16:09:52 abbr. med. GVP Good pharmacovigilance practices
21.05.2013 21:58:50 abbr. med. SSB supersafe sampling trasport bag
21.04.2013 18:14:21 abbr. Random Glucose non-fasting glucose
8.04.2013 13:47:15 abbr. med. Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation tests PRWE
8.04.2013 12:47:15 abbr. med. PRWE Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation tests
25.03.2013 21:04:10 abbr. med. AVP arginine-vasopressine
19.03.2013 22:19:45 abbr. med. STAR steroidogenic acute regulatory protein
17.03.2013 10:52:07 abbr. med. NWR Nociceptive Withdrawal Reflex
17.03.2013 10:48:40 abbr. med. ARF Flexor Reflex Afferent
20.01.2013 15:22:54 abbr. med. GTT glucose challenge
2.12.2012 20:37:50 abbr. med. Short Physical Performance Battery SPPB
2.12.2012 19:37:50 abbr. med. SPPB Short Physical Performance Battery
2.11.2012 21:51:16 abbr. MHx medical history
30.09.2012 21:07:57 abbr. med. MAP microtubule-associated proteins
11.08.2012 11:00:56 abbr. med. Euporean Wound Management Association EWMA
11.08.2012 10:00:56 abbr. med. EWMA Euporean Wound Management Association
11.05.2012 19:09:05 abbr. med. PRIH prolactin release inhibiting hormone (гормон, тормозящий высвобождение пролактина)
11.05.2012 18:09:38 abbr. med. PRIH prolactin release inhibiting hormone
11.05.2012 18:01:51 abbr. med. CTRH corticotropin-releasing hormone
3.04.2012 18:45:30 abbr. med. EOP external occipital protuberance
21.02.2012 20:51:41 abbr. med. HPLC human periodontal ligament cell
19.02.2012 12:43:13 abbr. med. TDI Transition Dyspnea Index
19.02.2012 10:48:56 abbr. med. LLOQ lower limit of quantitation
17.02.2012 18:55:42 abbr. med. GINA Global Initiative for Asthma
29.12.2011 20:28:31 abbr. med. PCDU penile color doppler ultrasound
17.10.2011 19:18:03 abbr. med. RH radical hysterectomy
28.08.2011 18:50:24 abbr. DJ junction duodeno-jejunal junction
16.07.2011 6:03:28 abbr. med. SSE standard error of estimate
2.06.2011 20:06:03 abbr. med. OVR oculovestibular reflex
2.06.2011 20:05:31 abbr. med. OCR oculocephalic reflex
24.05.2011 15:45:54 abbr. med. PSL prednisolon
20.05.2011 16:28:26 abbr. med. MIBE measles inclusion body encephalitis
17.05.2011 16:43:45 abbr. med. HLH hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
12.05.2011 23:34:15 abbr. med. hyperarousal hyperalertness
12.05.2011 22:34:15 med. hyperalertness hyperarousal
12.05.2011 19:49:54 abbr. med. neonatal respiratory depression neonatal depression
12.05.2011 18:49:54 med. neonatal depression neonatal respiratory depression
12.05.2011 16:32:16 abbr. med. ABE actual base excess
9.05.2011 22:19:52 abbr. med. FASD fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
9.05.2011 22:12:21 abbr. med. MMR measles, mumps, rubella (вакцина)
8.05.2011 13:15:00 abbr. med. Sturge-Weber Syndrome SWS
17.02.2011 12:51:13 abbr. med. GADD34 growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein 34
24.01.2011 21:47:10 abbr. med. Saline, Adenine, Glucose, Mannitol SAGM (консервант крови)
24.01.2011 20:47:10 abbr. med. SAGM Saline, Adenine, Glucose, Mannitol (консервант крови)
18.01.2011 21:14:32 abbr. tech. FXD fixed bed dryer
18.01.2011 21:06:38 abbr. tech. FBD fluidised bed dryer
16.01.2011 14:25:49 abbr. med. SCDA soyabean casein digest agar
4.01.2011 10:05:24 abbr. med. DRG dorsal root ganglion
30.11.2010 17:27:59 abbr. med. SomatoEmotional Release SER
30.11.2010 16:26:05 abbr. med. SER SomatoEmotional Release
8.11.2010 23:10:55 abbr. pharma. certificate of analysis c of a
8.11.2010 22:10:55 pharma. c of a certificate of analysis
21.09.2010 16:25:20 abbr. med. MSC mesenchymal stem cell
10.08.2010 21:45:10 abbr. pharma. EUDRALEX European Union Law On drug regulatory affairs
28.03.2010 14:20:17 abbr. med. DOV day of visit (в клинических исследованиях)
19.01.2010 14:02:16 abbr. med. GMC geometric mean concentration
17.01.2010 16:19:46 abbr. med. Age-Adjusted International Prognostic Index aaIPI
17.01.2010 15:19:46 med. aaIPI Age-Adjusted International Prognostic Index
11.01.2010 13:48:35 abbr. med. continuous intravenous infusion civ

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