
 English thesaurus - terms added by user igisheva: 1.678  >>

27.11.2024 17:58:48 abbr. UK NEAB Northern Examinations and Assessment Board
27.11.2024 17:54:52 abbr. UK SEG Southern Examining Group
2.10.2024 23:14:48 abbr. corp.gov. JW job work
2.10.2024 23:11:25 abbr. qual.cont. PPI process performing indicator
2.10.2024 23:06:47 abbr. qual.cont. NC nonconformity
2.10.2024 22:58:26 abbr. procur. STRS stores
2.10.2024 22:42:37 abbr. qual.cont. QF quality format
2.10.2024 21:53:55 abbr. Canada HC Health Canada
28.09.2024 17:14:15 abbr. law.enf. CSL community supervision for life
28.09.2024 17:12:55 abbr. law.enf. PSL parole supervision for life
23.09.2024 14:53:17 abbr. health. BIA bioelectrical impedance analysis
23.09.2024 14:53:17 abbr. health. BIA body impedance analysis
23.09.2024 14:51:05 abbr. health. BI body impedance
22.09.2024 13:30:16 abbr. microbiol. FBS foetal bovine serum
16.09.2024 15:48:21 abbr. clin.trial. SD Sprague Dawley
16.09.2024 13:10:44 abbr. microbiol. LC large colony
16.09.2024 13:09:46 abbr. microbiol. SC small colony
16.09.2024 12:50:30 abbr. microbiol. CG cell growth
16.09.2024 12:36:54 abbr. microbiol. RV relative viability
16.09.2024 12:30:17 abbr. microbiol. RS relative survival
15.09.2024 12:51:01 abbr. genet. RSG relative suspension growth
15.09.2024 12:49:35 abbr. genet. SG suspension growth
8.09.2024 23:19:02 abbr. org.chem. 2-AA 2-aminoanthracene
8.09.2024 23:17:10 abbr. org.chem. 2-AF 2-aminofluorene
8.09.2024 23:13:54 abbr. org.chem. 2-NF 2-nitrofluorene
8.09.2024 23:00:18 abbr. org.chem. 9-AA 9-aminoacridine
7.09.2024 2:41:40 abbr. Jap. FDSC Food and Drug Safety Center
20.08.2024 9:55:59 abbr. Germ. RKI Robert Koch Institute
19.08.2024 5:55:27 abbr. surg. PLIF posterior lumbar interbody fusion
16.08.2024 3:46:42 abbr. org.chem. CP cyclophosphamide
16.08.2024 3:24:44 abbr. drug.name MMC mitomycin C
16.08.2024 3:17:52 abbr. pharm. MMC minimum microbicidal concentration
16.08.2024 2:50:22 abbr. cytol. CHL Chinese hamster lung
15.08.2024 23:08:16 abbr. oncol. SCM structuredness of cytoplasmic matrix
15.08.2024 23:01:12 abbr. oncol. SCM squamous cell metaplasia
15.08.2024 22:03:57 abbr. genet. MF mutation frequency
15.08.2024 18:50:33 abbr. org.chem. TFX trifloxystrobin
6.08.2024 15:09:40 abbr. China CFDA China Food and Drug Administration
5.08.2024 21:44:10 abbr. biochem. SSO sunflower seed oil
5.08.2024 18:00:40 abbr. cytol. RPR relative proliferation rate
3.08.2024 21:53:38 abbr. polym. HXLPE highly cross-linked polyethylene
24.07.2024 15:23:47 abbr. org.name. DGM Dangerous Goods Management
4.07.2024 16:44:43 abbr. uncom. SBHCI state budgetary healthcare institution
4.07.2024 16:44:43 abbr. uncom. SBHI state budgetary healthcare institution
1.07.2024 14:15:59 abbr. uncom. PJSIC public joint-stock insurance company
29.06.2024 16:49:16 abbr. India AOP association of persons
17.06.2024 20:17:50 abbr. USA OIS Office of Intelligence Support
14.06.2024 19:20:07 abbr. pmp. AOP active online pump
7.06.2024 19:55:14 abbr. Russia FTD Federal Treasury Department
5.06.2024 11:34:40 abbr. qual.cont. PDI pre-dispatch inspection
2.06.2024 14:49:47 abbr. EU. NANDO New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations
2.06.2024 14:37:54 abbr. formal NB notified body
1.06.2024 16:07:35 abbr. mach.comp. MT medium thickness
17.04.2024 16:27:30 abbr. ed. PEI private educational institution
5.04.2024 21:30:27 opt. optical back coupling оптическая обратная связь
5.04.2024 21:29:51 abbr. opt. OBC optical back coupling
5.04.2024 20:36:43 abbr. law, contr. TP total price
5.04.2024 19:58:49 abbr. uncom. TP total payment
18.03.2024 17:12:27 abbr. med.appl. MHU mobile health unit
18.03.2024 17:12:07 abbr. med.appl. MMU mobile medical unit
12.03.2024 17:48:02 abbr. India SAS Sahibzada Ajit Singh
15.02.2024 15:21:10 abbr. uncom. SM sole member
15.02.2024 15:20:53 abbr. corp.gov. SM single member
14.02.2024 20:00:46 abbr. law, contr. EC employment contract
8.02.2024 17:09:57 abbr. med.appl. CR cruciate-retaining
8.02.2024 17:09:23 abbr. med.appl. PS posterior-stabilized
7.02.2024 12:32:56 abbr. med.appl. MDF medical device file
7.02.2024 12:32:13 abbr. org.name. SMPL Smit Medimed Private Limited
5.02.2024 17:55:26 abbr. med.appl. SWT shockwave therapy
30.01.2024 10:41:06 abbr. product. HDT horizontal delta T
30.01.2024 10:40:37 abbr. product. VDT vertical delta T
20.01.2024 11:19:27 abbr. mach.mech. BSR back-side rinse
20.01.2024 11:19:27 abbr. mach.mech. BSR backside rinse
20.01.2024 11:14:14 abbr. mach.mech. EBR edge bead remover
29.12.2023 19:18:36 abbr. toxicol. PDII primary dermal irritation index
27.12.2023 19:21:29 environ. POPs persistent organic pollutants
27.12.2023 16:16:29 environ. HAPs hazardous air pollutants
27.12.2023 15:48:03 abbr. USA CDR Chemical Data Reporting
21.12.2023 17:22:04 abbr. mech. RTDMA real-time dynamic mechanical analysis
13.12.2023 13:21:20 abbr. police MD municipal department
22.11.2023 12:26:43 abbr. Russia SFR Social Fund of Russia
18.11.2023 19:04:19 abbr. qual.cont. STP standard test protocol
14.11.2023 20:04:56 abbr. softw. CMS change management software
14.11.2023 19:57:49 abbr. labor.org. CMP change management procedure
18.10.2023 16:39:47 abbr. magn.tomogr. MRI magnetic resonance imager
30.09.2023 15:27:48 abbr. biochem. PRP polyribosylribitol phosphate
29.09.2023 20:22:51 abbr. health. CMA care management agency
18.09.2023 1:15:39 abbr. mun.plan. HOA homeowner association
18.09.2023 1:15:39 abbr. mun.plan. HOA homeowners' association
14.09.2023 4:10:54 abbr. Australia JAS-ANZ Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand
13.09.2023 23:50:48 abbr. qual.cont. BSCIC Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industry Corporation
7.09.2023 14:45:43 abbr. India GSTIN Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number
28.08.2023 18:10:05 anal.chem. p.a. pro analysis
5.08.2023 23:57:53 abbr. R&D. DD design department
5.08.2023 21:42:34 abbr. qual.cont. PQMS product quality management system
5.08.2023 21:17:05 abbr. qual.cont. PQM product quality management
5.08.2023 12:20:41 abbr. work.fl. EI executive instrument
31.07.2023 18:57:56 abbr. formal CC central committee
25.07.2023 5:49:18 abbr. chem.comp. MF molecular formula
24.07.2023 14:46:02 abbr. Philipp. PICCS Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances

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