
 English thesaurus - terms added by user agrabo: 85

2.12.2020 16:28:32 abbr. UN MHEWS Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems
19.03.2020 18:45:25 abbr. dermat. ADSS Atopic Dermatitis Sleep Scale
18.03.2020 14:11:38 abbr. stat. MCFB mean change from baseline
17.03.2020 18:57:09 abbr. stat. PCFB Percent Change from Baseline
17.03.2020 17:53:34 abbr. mLOCF modified last-observation-carried-forward
16.03.2020 14:25:20 abbr. PGI-S-AD Patient Global Impression of Severity–Atopic Dermatitis
5.03.2020 21:23:41 abbr. multiple-reaction-monitoring method MRM (proz.com)
21.01.2020 6:58:19 abbr. environ. RCC radiation and chemical control
20.01.2020 13:58:53 abbr. automat. PAU power alarm unit
2.11.2019 5:48:23 abbr. spectr. PESI Probe Electrospray Ionization
2.11.2019 5:16:41 spectr. electron spectroscopic imaging ESI
5.07.2019 15:06:42 abbr. indust.hyg. ISS Incinerated Sewage Sludge
5.07.2019 15:05:36 abbr. O&G ISS Industrial Sewage Sludge
5.07.2019 10:30:36 abbr. O&G PFO Pyrolysis Fuel Oil
22.06.2019 9:44:47 abbr. econ. NAC National Accreditation Commission
17.06.2019 11:29:26 abbr. life.sc. ICH International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
26.03.2019 20:21:05 abbr. pharma. EHG Empty Hard Gelatin
5.02.2019 3:36:42 abbr. O&G. tech. HRV High-pressure Relief Valve
5.02.2019 3:35:48 O&G. tech. High-pressure Relief Valve HRV
28.11.2018 18:57:02 O&G temporary metering and separation station TMSS
23.10.2018 15:09:41 IT Integrated Service Information Display ISID
23.10.2018 15:05:18 abbr. IT ISID Integrated Service Information Display
23.10.2018 14:59:50 auto. Car Key Memory CKM
13.10.2018 23:05:21 abbr. med.appl. SPAS Stent Positioning Assistant System
18.08.2018 15:48:05 abbr. automat. RTDM Real-Time Decision Manager
11.06.2018 18:38:21 abbr. sociol. Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Intersex Affairs Office of LGBTQI Affairs
11.06.2018 18:34:32 abbr. sociol. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, and Intersex Community LGBTQI
11.06.2018 18:25:28 abbr. sociol. LGBTQI community Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, and Intersex Community
11.06.2018 15:56:06 abbr. sociol. WHRD Women Human Rights Defenders
11.06.2018 9:24:05 abbr. sociol. LGBTQI Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning
10.03.2018 14:00:08 abbr. geol. CGWC Conditional Gas-Water Contact
10.03.2018 14:00:08 abbr. geol. Conditional Gas-Water Contact CGWC
9.02.2018 12:04:56 abbr. energ.ind. RTTR Real Time Thermal Rating
9.02.2018 12:04:29 abbr. energ.ind. Real Time Thermal Rating RTTR
9.02.2018 10:52:54 abbr. econ. B2M Business-to-many
8.02.2018 18:10:58 abbr. energ.ind. DTS Digital Temperature Sensor
8.02.2018 18:10:58 abbr. energ.ind. Digital Temperature Sensor DTS
24.01.2018 12:03:11 abbr. stat. CCA Canonical Correlation Analysis
24.01.2018 12:03:11 abbr. stat. Canonical Correlation Analysis CCA
24.01.2018 12:01:16 abbr. Comprehensive Cardiac Analysis CCA
24.01.2018 11:58:21 abbr. cardiol. CCA Comprehensive Cardiac Analysis
17.01.2018 7:43:45 O&G underground-gas-storage-facility UGSF
17.01.2018 7:43:45 abbr. O&G UGSF underground-gas-storage-facility
11.01.2018 18:55:02 abbr. health. PHRT Public Health Response Team
11.01.2018 18:55:02 abbr. health. Public Health Response Team PHRT
3.01.2018 12:16:31 abbr. nucl.pow. ICDA Incore Detector Assembly
26.12.2017 11:28:55 nucl.pow. Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility LRWTF
26.12.2017 11:28:55 abbr. nucl.pow. LRWTF Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility
26.12.2017 11:21:15 abbr. Solid Radioactive Waste Treatment and Storage Facility SRWTSF
26.12.2017 11:18:30 abbr. nucl.pow. SRWTSF Solid Radioactive Waste Treatment and Storage Facility
26.12.2017 11:02:00 abbr. nucl.pow. RLWTF Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility
26.12.2017 11:02:00 abbr. nucl.pow. Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility RLWTF
25.12.2017 10:48:40 abbr. nucl.pow. IMSD Integrated Management Systems Department
25.12.2017 10:48:40 abbr. nucl.pow. Integrated Management Systems Department IMSD
17.12.2017 14:19:40 abbr. transp. ASLRRA American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association
17.12.2017 14:19:40 abbr. transp. American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association ASLRRA
9.11.2017 7:28:54 abbr. UN LACRO Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office
9.11.2017 7:28:54 abbr. UN Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office LACRO
9.11.2017 7:19:23 abbr. UN LCR Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office
9.11.2017 7:19:23 abbr. UN Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office LCR
9.11.2017 7:04:27 abbr. UN LCR Landcare Research
25.10.2017 23:17:13 abbr. industr. BCSA British Constructional Steelwork Association
25.10.2017 23:17:13 abbr. industr. British Constructional Steelwork Association BCSA
15.10.2017 12:33:50 abbr. energ.syst. PSCS Power Supply Monitoring and Control System
15.10.2017 12:33:50 abbr. energ.syst. Power Supply Monitoring and Control System PSCS
10.09.2017 10:11:54 abbr. econ. UN/TDED UN/Trade Data Element Directory
10.09.2017 10:11:54 abbr. econ. UN/Trade Data Element Directory UN/TDED
17.06.2017 10:37:33 abbr. telecom. SLD Synchronous Long Distance Topology
17.06.2017 10:32:34 abbr. telecom. PSS Photonic Service Switch
9.06.2017 7:57:22 abbr. avia. DDA Derived Decision Altitude
31.05.2017 6:14:01 India Cr. crore
30.05.2017 5:05:26 abbr. industr. ESDM Electronic Systems Design and Manufacturing
29.05.2017 14:48:56 abbr. energ.ind. EPC Engineering Procurement Contract
30.04.2017 12:03:36 abbr. el. PVR Performance Validation Routines
29.04.2017 15:33:59 abbr. el. RCU Reject Confirmation Unit
27.04.2017 8:57:58 abbr. econ. FLM Front Line Manager
6.03.2017 12:31:41 agric. International Database Transport for Feed IDTF
3.03.2017 17:50:28 abbr. agric. TASCC Trade Assurance Scheme for Combinable Crops
2.03.2017 19:30:27 abbr. agric. EFISC European Feed Ingredients Safety Certification
22.09.2016 23:37:48 abbr. polit. ICPS International Center for Policy Studies
12.09.2016 15:21:49 abbr. forestr. SFM Sustainable Forest Management
30.11.2015 13:53:27 abbr. water.suppl. BS EN British Standard European Norm
30.11.2015 13:53:27 abbr. water.suppl. British Standard European Norm BS EN
16.02.2014 21:47:49 abbr. law Law Enforcement Information Portal LEIP (Канада)
16.02.2014 20:47:49 abbr. law LEIP Law Enforcement Information Portal (Канада)

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