
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Victor Parno: 29

16.04.2007 17:58:11 abbr. oil SRFO Straight-run fuel oil
22.07.2006 16:12:34 abbr. low-sulphur diesel lsd (mindblowing stuff)
22.07.2006 15:12:34 gen. lsd low-sulphur diesel (mindblowing stuff)
17.07.2006 9:56:15 abbr. oil VDU vacuum distillation unit
1.12.2005 17:05:17 abbr. Bordeaux Bdx
1.12.2005 16:05:17 abbr. Bdx Bordeaux
30.11.2005 11:21:54 abbr. southbound s/b
30.11.2005 10:21:54 abbr. s/b southbound
10.11.2005 23:35:52 abbr. oil Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel ULSD
10.11.2005 22:35:52 abbr. oil ULSD Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel
19.09.2005 15:23:40 abbr. European Investment Corporation EIC
19.09.2005 14:23:40 abbr. EIC European Investment Corporation
19.09.2005 2:31:28 abbr. CIS Center for Internet Security
11.04.2005 15:20:25 abbr. NCC normally closed contact
11.04.2005 15:18:37 abbr. NOC normally opened contact
21.02.2005 12:07:40 abbr. SG iron spheroidal graphite iron
18.02.2005 15:04:25 abbr. CCCW closed circuit cooling water
18.02.2005 14:34:47 abbr. LEV local exhaust ventilation
22.09.2004 16:50:11 abbr. Federal Treasury Automated System FTAS
22.09.2004 15:50:11 abbr. FTAS Federal Treasury Automated System
12.09.2004 20:54:42 abbr. American Council of Teachers of Russian ACTR
12.09.2004 20:19:18 abbr. International University IU
12.09.2004 19:54:42 abbr. ACTR American Council of Teachers of Russian
12.09.2004 19:19:18 abbr. IU International University
5.09.2004 18:27:56 abbr. somebody smb
5.09.2004 18:15:00 abbr. people ppl
5.09.2004 17:27:56 abbr. smb somebody
5.09.2004 17:25:40 abbr. smth something
5.09.2004 17:15:00 abbr. ppl people

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