
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Val_Ships: 1.507  >>

11.10.2023 23:59:21 amer. slang bull bullshit (You gonna believe this bull? – И ты поверишь в эту хрень?)
11.04.2023 19:40:04 abbr. amer. what the fuck? what the ...? (WTF when said or asked in a polite way)
17.04.2022 9:49:24 abbr. literal. CRT critical race theory
13.04.2022 23:40:52 abbr. law OVI abbr. for "Operating a Vehicle Impaired"
21.03.2022 21:00:08 abbr. inf. RINO Republican-In-Name-Only (US term)
5.12.2021 1:39:21 abbr. GOAT Greatest of all Time
15.07.2021 23:50:33 abbr. Liz short name for Elizabeth
24.06.2021 2:58:47 abbr. sport. TBD to be declared (in football)
1.10.2020 17:44:31 abbr. med. ER Emergency Room реанимационная палата (a medical ward or facility specializing in acute care)
20.07.2019 19:21:07 abbr. trooper state trooper
20.07.2019 19:12:44 abbr. SDMR Squad Designated Marksman Rifle
19.07.2019 4:06:56 abbr. QRT Quick Response Team
18.07.2019 19:07:34 abbr. TMT Thirty Meter Telescope
9.07.2019 4:20:07 abbr. BICED building-contained improvised explosive device
6.07.2019 4:27:58 mil., lingo interpreter terp (переводчик (в зоне боевых действий))
6.07.2019 4:11:43 abbr. interpreter terp (military slang)
4.07.2019 23:43:37 abbr. SoCal Southern California
28.09.2018 8:55:37 abbr. mil. MIA missed in action
28.09.2018 8:54:02 abbr. avia. VLJ very light jet (like Eclipse 550)
27.09.2018 21:59:49 abbr. fin. Special Purpose Vehicle SPV (финансовый инструмент)
20.09.2018 9:31:59 mil. airborne airborne troops
4.08.2018 15:39:07 abbr. skydive. BASE building, antenna, span, earth (BASE is an acronym that stands for four categories of fixed objects from which one can jump: building, antenna, span, and earth (or cliff))
31.07.2018 17:06:20 USA inclement weather stormy weather ?
24.07.2018 9:19:27 abbr. hooah HUA military acronym
24.07.2018 9:19:00 abbr. HUA military acronym hooah (which stands for "Heard Understood Acknowledged")
20.07.2018 6:37:36 abbr. avia. NMA New Mid-market Airplane (Boeing's project for 797)
20.07.2018 6:37:36 abbr. avia. New Mid-market Airplane NMA (Boeing's project for 797)
30.06.2018 6:40:36 abbr. BDE big dick energy
28.06.2018 6:51:02 abbr. ma'am madame
28.06.2018 6:51:02 abbr. madame ma'am
22.06.2018 6:51:50 abbr. super supervisor
22.06.2018 6:51:50 abbr. supervisor super
22.06.2018 6:51:24 abbr. super superintendent
19.06.2018 6:50:40 abbr. police Public Information Officer police PIO
26.04.2018 8:17:35 abbr. USA MAGA Make America Great Again (slogan by Trump's Republicans)
26.04.2018 8:16:22 abbr. USA Make America Great Again MAGA (slogan by Trump's Republicans)
26.04.2018 6:39:24 abbr. BrE CV curriculum vitae UK (резюме)
26.04.2018 6:39:24 abbr. BrE curriculum vitae UK CV (резюме)
21.04.2018 8:47:30 abbr. mil. TGIF Tactical Ground Intercept Facility (a US Military Intelligence collection platform)
21.04.2018 8:47:30 abbr. mil. Tactical Ground Intercept Facility TGIF (a US Military Intelligence collection platform)
21.04.2018 8:45:47 abbr. inet. TGIF Thank God It's Friday (a common expression)
21.04.2018 8:45:47 abbr. inet. Thank God It's Friday TGIF (a common expression)
10.04.2018 6:31:21 abbr. police MB murder book
7.04.2018 8:36:31 abbr. slaw coleslaw (salad made of sliced raw cabbage mixed with mayonnaise)
7.04.2018 8:36:31 abbr. coleslaw slaw (salad made of sliced raw cabbage mixed with mayonnaise)
7.04.2018 8:19:33 abbr. lav lavatory (туалет)
7.04.2018 8:19:33 abbr. lavatory lav (туалет)
3.04.2018 21:45:03 abbr. subm. AIP air-independent propulsion plant (operating without access to atmospheric oxygen)
3.04.2018 7:44:52 inf. 'do hairdo
24.03.2018 7:04:29 abbr. NDA non-disclosure agreement (a contract through which the parties agree not to disclose information covered by the agreement)
24.03.2018 6:48:07 abbr. JP Justice of the Peace (a local public officer having jurisdiction to try and determine minor civil and criminal cases)
24.03.2018 6:48:07 abbr. Justice of the Peace JP (a local public officer having jurisdiction to try and determine minor civil and criminal cases)
22.03.2018 8:25:39 police crim criminal (as in "he's a carrier crim")
22.03.2018 8:25:39 abbr. police criminal crim (as in "he's a carrier crim")
22.03.2018 7:50:36 abbr. construct. CD construction document
20.03.2018 6:47:59 abbr. subm. ESM electronic-sensor mast
20.03.2018 5:58:57 mil., navy 'gator navigator (корабельный штурман)
20.03.2018 5:58:57 abbr. mil., navy navigator 'gator (корабельный штурман)
17.03.2018 8:50:27 abbr. scub. COB Chief of the Boat (главстаршина или боцман (в ВМФ России)
15.03.2018 6:31:20 abbr. med. REM rapid eye movement in sleep
10.03.2018 8:39:22 law persona non grata PNG (from "persona non grata")
10.03.2018 8:36:43 abbr. law PNG persona non grata (an unacceptable or unwelcome person)
6.03.2018 9:04:14 abbr. VPOTUS Vice President of the United States
3.03.2018 7:58:45 abbr. commun. UCN Ultra Compact Network (a telecommunication system)
3.03.2018 7:56:41 abbr. commun. Ultra Compact Network UCN (a telecommunication system)
3.03.2018 7:44:06 abbr. mil., navy HMNB Her Majesty's Naval Base
3.03.2018 7:44:06 abbr. mil., navy Her Majesty's Naval Base HMNB
27.02.2018 8:21:07 abbr. missil. ACES Advanced Cryogenic Evolved Stage (an upper stage of the ULA rocket system)
27.02.2018 8:21:07 abbr. missil. Advanced Cryogenic Evolved Stage ACES (an upper stage of the ULA rocket system)
27.02.2018 8:15:21 abbr. tech. Moving Target Indicator MTI (for a telescope camera)
21.02.2018 7:29:37 abbr. weap. AOS Aquisition of Signal
17.02.2018 8:06:26 abbr. police SWAT Special Weapons And Tactics team (полицейский спецназ)
17.02.2018 8:06:26 abbr. police Special Weapons And Tactics team SWAT (полицейский спецназ)
15.02.2018 6:59:26 abbr. lab.law. EEO equal employment opportunity (in the workplace)
14.02.2018 18:25:43 inf. tee T-shirt
10.02.2018 9:13:52 gen. n-word a rude euphemism for the word "nigger"
9.02.2018 9:43:45 abbr. ed. PTA parent-teacher association (a formal organization composed of parents, teachers and staff to facilitate parental participation in a school)
6.02.2018 9:39:09 abbr. food.ind. GM genetically modofied (containing genetic material that has been artificially altered)
6.02.2018 8:58:33 abbr. busin. VIP very important person (важная персона)
25.01.2018 7:39:58 abbr. sec.sys. CS Confidential Source
25.01.2018 7:38:40 abbr. sec.sys. Confidential Source CS (an FBI acronym)
23.01.2018 7:29:43 inf. blood kin родственники relatives
19.01.2018 7:40:30 abbr. BJC Board of Judicial Conduct
19.01.2018 7:40:30 abbr. Board of Judicial Conduct BJC
19.01.2018 7:27:09 abbr. USA CHIP Children’s Health Insurance Program
19.01.2018 7:27:09 abbr. USA Children’s Health Insurance Program CHIP (a US federal government program)
19.01.2018 7:23:24 abbr. USA DACA Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (temporary protection to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the US as children)
19.01.2018 7:23:24 abbr. USA Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DACA (temporary protection to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the US as children)
18.01.2018 9:45:47 abbr. PTD personal transportation device (such as an electric-powered board or solo-wheel rider)
17.01.2018 8:01:22 med. MoCA test Montreal Cognitive Assessment (a rapid screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction)
17.01.2018 8:01:22 abbr. med. Montreal Cognitive Assessment MoCA test (a rapid screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction)
16.01.2018 10:09:16 abbr. USA PGS Prompt Global Strike
16.01.2018 10:09:16 abbr. mil. Prompt Global Strike PGS (a United States military effort to develop a system that can deliver airstrike anywhere in the world within one hour)
11.01.2018 7:30:03 abbr. sol.pow. BPV biophotovoltaic (as in "a BPV device")
4.01.2018 6:56:21 abbr. gambl. GA Gamblers Anonymous (a twelve-step program for people who have a gambling problem)
4.01.2018 6:56:21 abbr. gambl. Gamblers Anonymous GA (a twelve-step program for people who have a gambling problem)
2.01.2018 11:38:32 abbr. intell. OTP one-time pad (одноразовый шифровальный блокнот)
30.12.2017 9:22:02 abbr. police California Highway Patrol traffic CHP
23.12.2017 10:31:12 abbr. food.ind. MRE Meal-Ready-to-Eat
21.12.2017 8:00:59 abbr. Vette Corvette (a sports car)

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