
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Tanya Gesse: 38

14.06.2019 18:25:10 abbr. CPAC Cable Public Affairs Channel (Canada) = Общественно-политический канал кабельного телевидения (Канада; cpac.ca)
14.06.2019 18:21:44 abbr. CPAC Cable Public Affairs Channel (http://www.cpac.ca/en/about-cpac/)
19.11.2018 22:26:58 abbr. law USA UDAA unlawfully driving away an automobile (monroecountylawyers.com)
19.11.2018 22:25:00 abbr. law USA TWOC taking without consent (burtoncopeland.com)
19.11.2018 22:25:00 abbr. law USA TDA taking and driving away
2.10.2018 17:39:26 abbr. UNWGAD United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
2.10.2018 17:39:26 abbr. United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention UNWGAD
10.09.2018 16:54:19 gen. mos def most definitely
25.11.2017 19:16:36 abbr. PC-OC Committee of Experts on the Operation of European Conventions on Co-operation in Criminal Matters-Комитет экспертов о функционировании европейских конвенций о сотрудничестве в уголовных делах
21.11.2017 6:41:40 abbr. PAI Pre-Approval Inspection (fda.gov)
21.11.2017 6:41:40 abbr. Pre-Approval Inspection PAI (https://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/SmallBusinessAssistance/UCM456376.pdf)
26.09.2017 5:25:53 abbr. OFF Oslo Freedom Forum
17.09.2017 22:58:59 gen. q.q. qualitate qua in the capacity of; in the function of
17.09.2017 22:58:59 gen. q.q. quarterfinal qualifier
17.09.2017 22:58:59 abbr. qualitate qua in the capacity of; in the function of q.q.
17.09.2017 22:58:59 abbr. quarterfinal qualifier q.q.
11.09.2017 0:43:05 law StAK Stichting Administratie Kantoor (http://www.the-best-of-both-worlds.com/dutch-stak.html)
16.08.2016 1:55:13 abbr. CCF Commission for the Control of Files Interpol (http://www.interpol.int/About-INTERPOL/Commission-for-the-Control-of-Files-CCF)
16.08.2016 1:55:13 abbr. Commission for the Control of Files Interpol CCF (http://www.interpol.int/About-INTERPOL/Commission-for-the-Control-of-Files-CCF)
3.03.2014 18:06:12 abbr. most definitely mos def
23.08.2013 18:06:57 abbr. C of O certificate of occupancy
20.10.2011 0:36:26 abbr. Europol Drugs Unit EDU
19.10.2011 23:36:26 abbr. EDU Europol Drugs Unit
3.08.2011 15:47:01 abbr. British Telecom BT (http://www.bt.com/)
31.07.2011 16:36:55 abbr. FDLE Florida Department of Law Enforcement (http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/content/getdoc/2952da22-ba08-4dfc-9e45-2d7932a803ea/Obtaining-Criminal-History-Information.aspx; Правоохранительная служба шт. Флорида, США)
22.07.2011 18:47:19 abbr. designer couturier
22.07.2011 18:47:19 abbr. fashion designer couturier
22.07.2011 17:47:19 gen. couturier fashion designer
22.07.2011 17:47:19 gen. couturier designer
25.06.2011 20:56:17 abbr. Korea National Isurance Corp. KNIC (http://www.nadr.co.uk/articles/published/Arbitration/Korea v Allianz No2 2008.pdf)
25.06.2011 19:56:17 abbr. KNIC Korea National Isurance Corp. (http://www.nadr.co.uk/articles/published/Arbitration/Korea v Allianz No2 2008.pdf)
22.06.2011 21:03:20 abbr. Vice Chancellor VC
22.06.2011 20:03:20 abbr. VC Vice Chancellor
30.10.2010 22:25:19 abbr. EPR evaporator pressure regulator
18.10.2010 17:26:37 abbr. SSC Small-scale contingency (http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/ssc.htm)
25.06.2010 1:15:34 abbr. Group Management Board GMB (http://www.arcelormittal.com/index.php?lang=en&page=49&tb0=142&tblng=1)
25.06.2010 0:15:34 abbr. GMB Group Management Board (http://www.arcelormittal.com/index.php?lang=en&page=49&tb0=142&tblng=1)
1.12.1999 14:00:00 abbr. police.jarg. 123 sing

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