
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Maria Klavdieva: 1.057  >>

25.12.2024 23:54:57 gen. arrest on trumped-up charges арестовать по сфабрикованному делу
25.12.2024 0:17:30 gen. ones of us наши
25.12.2024 0:17:30 gen. part of us наши
17.12.2024 20:43:16 gen. life and professional journey жизненный и творческий путь
17.12.2024 20:42:19 gen. professional journey творческий путь
13.11.2024 16:28:24 gen. pull in привлечь (The plaintiff's team might pull in an expert witness to provide the same information)
4.10.2024 12:13:07 gen. repartee веселая пикировка
4.10.2024 12:12:43 gen. repartee остроумная пикировка
3.10.2024 12:54:17 gen. go out for some air выйти на улицу подышать (I had to be in this little room, scared to go out and take a breath of fresh air)
3.10.2024 12:54:17 gen. go out to get some air выйти на улицу подышать (I had to be in this little room, scared to go out and take a breath of fresh air)
3.10.2024 12:54:17 gen. go out to get some fresh air выйти на улицу подышать (I had to be in this little room, scared to go out and take a breath of fresh air)
3.10.2024 12:51:01 gen. go out and take a breath of fresh air выйти на улицу подышать (I had to be in this little room, scared to go out and take a breath of fresh air)
26.09.2024 11:27:10 hist. Ministry for Nature Management and Environmental Protection Министерство природопользования и охраны окружающей среды
25.09.2024 11:50:26 hist. public and political activities общественно-политическая деятельность (...Hermann Hagedorn has written the biography of one of the United States' most influential and popular presidents, not by concentrating on his public and political activities but by relating the saga of Theodore Roosevelt through his relations...)
23.09.2024 22:39:53 hist. biobibliographical dictionary биобиблиографический словарь
20.09.2024 23:48:29 gen. put into good humour привести в хорошее настроение (To a man thus put into good humour by a pleasing object, religion itself looked more amiably.)
15.09.2024 2:56:39 idiom. dampener Обескураживающее событие или реплика сбивающее настроение событие или реплика (A discouraging event or remark: It was a dampener; and for a little while each was silent... • ...the news was a dampener on the mood of the evening...)
12.09.2024 21:47:43 gen. staircase neighbours соседи по подъезду (We were first greeted by the Scots Pines of Memorial Court, and welcomes from our college families and staircase neighbours.)
12.09.2024 21:47:12 gen. staircase neighbors соседи по подъезду
31.08.2024 11:47:49 gen. rate best признать лучшим (Sussex hospital trust rated best by patients)
23.08.2024 12:21:44 gen. newfangled новоиспеченный
19.08.2024 22:59:45 gen. less studied малоизученный (the work casts light on some of the less studied aspects of the life and atmosphere)
19.08.2024 20:09:54 hist. book of maps чертежная книга
14.08.2024 9:26:35 lit. discourse сюжет (as opposed to story/fabula)
14.07.2024 7:18:56 gen. gain a new momentum for получить новый импульс
21.06.2024 0:22:51 gen. No city: no publisher Б.м.: б.и. (Без места: без издательства)
10.06.2024 21:43:56 gen. verve страсть
10.06.2024 21:32:36 gen. verve вдохновение (Enthusiasm, rapture, spirit, or vigour, especially of imagination such as that which animates an artist, musician, or writer, in composing or performing.)
15.05.2024 20:12:14 gen. leave a profound legacy in literature, science, etc. оставить глубокий след в литературе, науке и пр.
2.05.2024 23:41:14 police.jarg. take a collar произвести арест (I took the collar. I gave the caution, I clicked the handcuffs)
2.05.2024 23:41:14 police.jarg. take a collar задержать (I took the collar. I gave the caution, I clicked the handcuffs)
2.05.2024 23:41:14 police.jarg. take a collar арестовать (I took the collar. I gave the caution, I clicked the handcuffs)
5.03.2024 11:57:25 gen. healthy foods полезные продукты
5.03.2024 11:56:29 gen. salubrious foods полезные продукты
5.03.2024 11:55:16 gen. salubrious habits полезные привычки
3.03.2024 17:43:57 gen. connive вступать в сговор (синоним collude и conspire)
27.02.2024 15:56:19 gen. sign one's autographs давать автографы
24.02.2024 19:01:50 gen. in only a few months' time уже через несколько месяцев
24.02.2024 19:00:57 gen. in only a few years' time уже через несколько лет
24.02.2024 18:56:21 gen. as it is по факту
22.02.2024 12:59:05 gen. jinx навести порчу
17.02.2024 13:51:13 agric. selected variety селекционный сорт (selected and local varieties)
14.02.2024 18:56:02 agric. stripling росток с оборванными листьями
3.02.2024 20:06:30 hist. Historical account Историческая записка
3.02.2024 18:16:18 hist. émigré-returnee эмигрант-возвращенец
3.02.2024 16:42:26 hist. famine typhus голодный тиф
29.01.2024 19:13:12 hist. Corps of Mining Engineers Корпус гонных инженеров
28.01.2024 20:33:29 biol. dendrovore древесноядный
20.12.2023 22:54:00 hist. Socialist bloc of nations Социалистический блок стран
20.12.2023 22:54:00 hist. Socialist bloc of nations соцлагерь
23.11.2023 21:11:29 hist. the wild 1990s лихие девяностые
19.11.2023 18:09:21 gen. ceremonial meeting торжественное собрание
15.11.2023 0:25:15 gen. thoughts were swirling around in my head мысли крутились в голове
11.11.2023 17:21:01 gen. business acumen коммерческая жилка
6.11.2023 10:37:07 gen. stay completely still не шелохнуться
29.10.2023 9:28:57 lit. The paternal instruction Завещание отеческое
28.10.2023 12:19:26 polit. Détente разрядка (Following the humiliation of the Vietnam War , the USA made an effort to improve relations with the USSR and China, leading to a period in the 1970s known as Détente, a word meaning the relaxing of tension)
27.10.2023 10:35:36 gen. international scientific links международные научные связи (Increasing international scientific links is an important goal of the Royal Society's 350th anniversary campaign)
26.09.2023 20:53:13 gen. sciomancy гадание по теням
26.09.2023 17:36:38 gen. indisputable value непреложная ценность
26.09.2023 16:49:56 hist. All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft/Industrial Exhibition Всероссийская сельскохозяйственная и кустарно-промышленная выставка
28.08.2023 11:19:38 gen. inkling туманное представление
9.08.2023 22:37:10 gen. anything that catches your eye все, что глянется
8.08.2023 20:44:05 gen. museal activities музейная деятельность (...host a blog about museum studies, and provide a centralized online space for museal activities.)
5.08.2023 17:52:53 gen. painted and sculpted portraits живописные и скульптурные портреты
4.08.2023 20:29:05 gen. in reminiscence of в память о (The phrase "in reminiscence of" is correct and can be used in written English. It is generally used to describe the action of remembering or recalling a person, event, or experience with fondness or nostalgia: The family held a ceremony in reminiscence of their late grandmother)
4.08.2023 20:26:46 gen. in the reminiscences в воспоминаниях
4.08.2023 20:26:46 gen. in reminiscences в воспоминаниях
4.08.2023 20:25:32 gen. in the reminiscences of contemporaries в воспоминаниях современников
4.08.2023 18:21:21 gen. serious wrongdoing тяжёлая ошибка (мн.ч. – serious wrongdoings)
3.08.2023 19:12:38 sport. training and competition loads тренировочные и соревновательные нагрузки
3.08.2023 18:25:50 R&D. radically new принципиально новый (... that hacking isn't a radically new method of compromising a system...)
2.08.2023 17:34:33 R&D. range of research topics научная тематика
2.08.2023 17:33:29 R&D. range of research themes научная тематика
1.08.2023 1:20:16 gen. at the beginnings у истоков
14.07.2023 22:43:22 gen. ventosity надутость
13.07.2023 13:04:15 gen. outlandish неслыханный
28.05.2023 18:00:18 gen. officious подхалимствующий
21.05.2023 20:40:13 med. preclinical subjects доклинические предметы (анатомия, физиология, биохимия, патология, фармакология)
21.05.2023 18:01:24 med. demonstrator ассистент преподавателя (a teacher or teacher's assistant who demonstrates the principles that are being taught: graduate students, clinicians and research scientists who teach human anatomy, neuroanatomy and histology to medical students in years 1 to 3)
21.05.2023 18:00:24 med. demonstrator преподаватель (a teacher or teacher's assistant who demonstrates the principles that are being taught: students, clinicians and research scientists who teach human anatomy, neuroanatomy and histology to medical students in years 1 to 3)
10.04.2023 10:33:21 lit. bowdlerize порезать
24.03.2023 22:31:32 lit. illaudable достойный порицания
6.03.2023 13:00:54 gen. foray into попробовать себя (Board of Refex Industries decided to foray into power trading business)
28.02.2023 0:19:31 med. eye clinic глазная клиника
20.02.2023 8:44:28 biol. bioacoustician биоакустик
22.11.2022 23:49:22 psychol. primal phantasm первофантазм (...infant—provided one includes with it the care it receives from its mother—from its mother—does almost realize a psychical system of this kind... called primal phantasm)
27.10.2022 20:40:24 hist. architectural historian учёный-архитектор
27.10.2022 11:41:29 gen. the women's issue женский вопрос
13.10.2022 12:45:57 gen. decorous достойный
13.08.2022 20:01:06 hist. history of technology community историко-техническое сообщество
10.08.2022 15:28:09 ed. graduate thesis student дипломник
2.06.2022 17:41:09 gen. artistic evaluation художественная экспертиза
2.06.2022 17:36:04 R&D. scientific expert assessment научная экспертиза
2.06.2022 17:18:09 R&D. scientific assessment научная экспертиза
29.04.2022 17:51:00 gen. émigré scientists учёные-эмигранты
29.04.2022 17:50:28 gen. émigré scientist учёный-эмигрант
24.04.2022 17:24:17 gen. more fool him ну и дурак
22.04.2022 18:11:37 gen. emotional attuning эмоциональная настройка
30.03.2022 18:18:06 gen. chagrin горечь

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