
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Maria Klavdieva: 14

11.03.2022 9:55:51 abbr. R&D. STS science and technology studies
14.12.2014 13:09:08 abbr. slang ginormous gianormous
16.04.2014 18:12:06 abbr. BrE BIS The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (UK)
3.10.2013 9:33:16 abbr. med. CRO contract researh organization
18.06.2013 17:05:03 abbr. med. RRT renal replacement therapy
1.08.2012 21:18:25 abbr. area of the peak representing the internal standard base peak aist (chromatography)
1.08.2012 20:18:25 chem. aist area of the peak representing the internal standard base peak (chromatography)
15.06.2009 18:56:41 abbr. Purchase to Pay P2P
15.06.2009 17:56:41 abbr. P2P Purchase to Pay
14.02.2008 2:18:09 abbr. econ. AFR annual financial return
22.02.2007 18:13:16 abbr. econ. Travel & Subsistence T&S
22.02.2007 17:13:16 abbr. econ. T&S Travel & Subsistence
19.09.2006 21:46:32 abbr. polit. Public Service Agreement PSA (соглашение о государственных услугах)
19.09.2006 20:46:32 abbr. polit. PSA Public Service Agreement (соглашение о государственных услугах)

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