
 English thesaurus - terms added by user ABelonogov: 510  >>

18.05.2014 7:08:51 abbr. Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated V.T.C.A.
9.05.2013 5:05:40 abbr. Norwegian Professional Council for Education and Certification of Inspectors for Surface Treatment FROSIO (Faglig Råd for Opplæring og Sertifisering av Inspektører innen Overflatebehandling)
9.05.2013 4:05:40 abbr. FROSIO Norwegian Professional Council for Education and Certification of Inspectors for Surface Treatment (Faglig Råd for Opplæring og Sertifisering av Inspektører innen Overflatebehandling)
21.03.2012 1:48:41 abbr. National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters NAATI
21.03.2012 0:48:41 abbr. NAATI National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters
23.09.2011 4:59:35 abbr. President Police Medal PPM (Бангладеш)
23.09.2011 4:59:05 abbr. Bangladesh Police Medal BPM
23.09.2011 4:53:50 abbr. Additional Superintendent of Police Addl SP (Бангладеш)
23.09.2011 4:53:07 abbr. District Special Branch DSB (Бангладеш)
23.09.2011 3:59:35 abbr. PPM President Police Medal (Бангладеш)
23.09.2011 3:59:05 abbr. BPM Bangladesh Police Medal
23.09.2011 3:53:50 gen. Addl SP Additional Superintendent of Police (Бангладеш)
23.09.2011 3:53:07 abbr. DSB District Special Branch (Бангладеш)
7.09.2011 14:21:44 abbr. Secondary School Certificate SSC (Bangladesh)
7.09.2011 14:20:45 abbr. Higher Secondary Certificate HSC (Bangladesh)
7.09.2011 13:21:44 abbr. SSC Secondary School Certificate (Bangladesh)
7.09.2011 13:20:45 abbr. HSC Higher Secondary Certificate (Bangladesh)
30.06.2011 2:17:26 abbr. Designated School Official DSO
30.06.2011 2:16:26 abbr. Foreign Student Advisor FSA
30.06.2011 1:17:26 abbr. DSO Designated School Official
30.06.2011 1:16:26 abbr. FSA Foreign Student Advisor
26.03.2011 16:03:10 abbr. International Standard Banking Practice ISBP
26.03.2011 15:03:10 abbr. ISBP International Standard Banking Practice
25.11.2010 23:28:47 abbr. RCP rate combination point (авианакладная)
11.11.2010 0:17:51 O&G, sakh. FiB Finance in Business
11.11.2010 0:17:51 abbr. Finance in Business FiB
10.11.2010 23:09:18 abbr. SoD segregation of duties (SEIC)
22.09.2010 0:46:34 abbr. Contracting & Procurement Procedure C&P Procedure (SEIC)
21.09.2010 23:46:34 gen. C&P Procedure Contracting & Procurement Procedure (SEIC)
21.09.2010 8:22:00 abbr. Projects & Technology P&T (Shell)
21.09.2010 7:22:00 abbr. P&T Projects & Technology (Shell)
10.09.2010 0:33:51 abbr. LOPC Loss of Primary Containment
6.07.2010 7:04:58 abbr. Road Safety Steering Committee RSSC (SEIC)
6.07.2010 6:04:58 abbr. RSSC Road Safety Steering Committee (SEIC)
6.07.2010 5:24:24 abbr. Life Saving Rules LSR (SEIC)
6.07.2010 4:24:24 abbr. LSR Life Saving Rules (SEIC)
30.06.2010 8:48:36 abbr. Offshore Emergency Response Team Member OERTM
30.06.2010 8:46:57 abbr. Offshore Emergency Response Team Leader OERTL
30.06.2010 7:48:36 abbr. OERTM Offshore Emergency Response Team Member
30.06.2010 7:46:57 abbr. OERTL Offshore Emergency Response Team Leader
30.06.2010 7:44:14 abbr. MOME Management of Major Emergencies
26.03.2010 3:30:53 abbr. ELINCS European List of Notified Chemical Substances
26.03.2010 3:27:35 abbr. EINECS European Inventory of Existing Commercial Substances
20.01.2010 9:29:50 abbr. Major Tender Board MTB (SEIC)
20.01.2010 9:28:12 abbr. Executive Tender Board ETB (SEIC)
20.01.2010 9:25:42 abbr. Special Tender Board STB (SEIC)
20.01.2010 8:29:50 abbr. MTB Major Tender Board (SEIC)
20.01.2010 8:28:12 abbr. ETB Executive Tender Board (SEIC)
20.01.2010 8:25:42 abbr. STB Special Tender Board (SEIC)
20.01.2010 3:44:16 abbr. Sakhalin Technical Services Network STSN
20.01.2010 2:44:16 abbr. STSN Sakhalin Technical Services Network
3.12.2009 6:13:17 abbr. Electronic Access Control EAC (SEIC)
3.12.2009 5:13:17 abbr. EAC Electronic Access Control (SEIC)
29.11.2009 11:28:31 abbr. Unified State Register of Legal Entities USRLE
29.11.2009 10:28:31 abbr. USRLE Unified State Register of Legal Entities
2.10.2009 9:39:37 abbr. among others a.o. (invitations were sent to a.o.: xxx, yyy)
2.10.2009 8:39:37 gen. a.o. among others (invitations were sent to a.o.: xxx, yyy)
2.10.2009 8:04:52 abbr. HSES Management Committee HSES-MC (SEIC)
2.10.2009 7:04:52 abbr. HSES-MC HSES Management Committee (SEIC)
2.10.2009 2:13:29 abbr. PCF position change form (SEIC)
2.10.2009 1:39:26 abbr. MPP manpower plan (SEIC)
2.10.2009 0:23:43 abbr. MOR managed open resourcing (SEIC)
1.10.2009 3:40:56 abbr. Land and Compensation Board LCB (SEIC)
1.10.2009 2:40:56 abbr. LCB Land and Compensation Board (SEIC)
21.09.2009 9:34:58 abbr. Hazards and Effects Register H&E Register
21.09.2009 9:23:22 abbr. Hazards and Effects Register HER
21.09.2009 8:34:58 gen. H&E Register Hazards and Effects Register
21.09.2009 8:23:22 abbr. HER Hazards and Effects Register
21.09.2009 2:43:11 abbr. NA death non-accidental death
4.09.2009 8:32:54 abbr. UFP ultrasonic flow processor
25.08.2009 7:19:22 abbr. Business Expense Report BER (SEIC)
25.08.2009 6:50:17 abbr. Special Recognition Award SRA (SEIC)
25.08.2009 6:19:22 abbr. BER Business Expense Report (SEIC)
24.08.2009 4:37:44 abbr. MRP modular retrievable packer (Schlumberger)
18.08.2009 7:20:43 abbr. Rio Grande do Sul RS
18.08.2009 6:20:43 abbr. RS Rio Grande do Sul
20.07.2009 9:00:39 abbr. CFO code of foreign organization
20.07.2009 8:59:20 abbr. CRR code of reason for registration
10.07.2009 3:09:02 abbr. Fountain Incident Management FIM (SEIC)
10.07.2009 2:09:02 abbr. FIM Fountain Incident Management (SEIC)
6.07.2009 2:30:51 abbr. Key Result Areas KRA (SEIC)
6.07.2009 1:30:51 abbr. KRA Key Result Areas (SEIC)
12.06.2009 15:52:32 abbr. Advanced Independent Computing Architecture Advanced ICA
12.06.2009 15:51:53 abbr. Advanced Telecommunication Computing Architecture Advanced TCA
12.06.2009 15:50:21 abbr. Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect Compact PCI
12.06.2009 15:49:43 abbr. Extended Industrial Standard Architecture EISA
12.06.2009 15:47:29 abbr. Industrial Standard Architecture ISA
12.06.2009 15:45:54 abbr. ISDN Basic Rate Interface ISDN BRI
12.06.2009 15:44:14 abbr. ISDN Primary Rate Interface ISDN PRI
12.06.2009 15:43:22 abbr. Peripheral Component Interconnect Express PCI Express
12.06.2009 14:52:32 gen. Advanced ICA Advanced Independent Computing Architecture
12.06.2009 14:51:53 gen. Advanced TCA Advanced Telecommunication Computing Architecture
12.06.2009 14:50:21 gen. Compact PCI Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect
12.06.2009 14:49:43 abbr. EISA Extended Industrial Standard Architecture
12.06.2009 14:47:29 abbr. ISA Industrial Standard Architecture
12.06.2009 14:45:54 gen. ISDN BRI ISDN Basic Rate Interface
12.06.2009 14:44:14 gen. ISDN PRI ISDN Primary Rate Interface
12.06.2009 14:43:22 gen. PCI Express Peripheral Component Interconnect Express
9.06.2009 5:29:19 abbr. Euro-Azian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification EASC
9.06.2009 4:29:19 abbr. EASC Euro-Azian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

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