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Terms for subject Military (73276 entries)
"logistic support" function Operational function covering all the activities enabling the Army's formations to fulfill their missions in peace, crisis or war time, by providing and administrating the required resources. The logistic support function covers the 12 following activities: 1. administration
risk characterization ,The formal process by which intended and unintended effects of a non - lethal technology are identified, examined, and evaluated to determine its effectiveness and safety
innocent passage ,the international legal concept by which a foreign ship sails through a territorial sea in a continuous and expeditious way for the purpose of
headquarters logistic support - aid to deployment
headquarters logistic support - maintenance
headquarters logistic support - stationing support, - manpower support (including medical support)
headquarters logistic support - supply.
1.54 Megabits per Second Throughput T1
"logistic support" function 10. living conditions enhancement in operations
100BASE-T 100 Megabits per second, Baseband, Twisted pair
101st Airborne Division 101AD
102 RQS 102nd Rescue Squadron
"logistic support" function 11. hygiene and sanitation in operations
"logistic support" function 12. environment protection.
121st Air Refueling Wing 121ARW
129 RQW 129th Rescue Wing
13th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment 13 SCVI
15 Militia Group 15MG
17th Airborne Division 17AD
1CAV 1st Cavalry Division