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Terms for subject Law (8359 entries)
"assises" "Assises"
24th Judicial District Court 24JDC
virtual data room виртуальная комната данных 'More
voluntary waste доброволна загуба алешаB­G
voluntary winding-up доброволно прекратяване алешаB­G
voluntary waste разсипничество алешаB­G
As Applicable to Co-operative Societies AACS Ker-on­line
ATA Asset Transfer Agreement 'More
binding corporate rules BCR Michae­lBurov
Business Law Reports Bus LR spanis­hru
Bus LR Business Law Reports spanis­hru
BusOpsSpecialist Business Operations Specialist EnAs
condition precedent (suspensive condition) Condition Precedent (Suspensive Condition) A condition precedent is a clause in a contract that provides that the performance of the contract or certain obligation will only come into effect on the completion or waiver of a future uncertain event within an agreed time period. Therefore, assuming the essential elements of a contract have been satisfied, a binding contract may be formed but the performance of the contract or certain obligations in the contract will only become due on the fulfilment or waiver of the condition precedent. LadaP
voluntary waste умишлено или съзнателно увреждане на имущество алешаB­G
DSA Data Sharing Agreement 'More
enhanced equipment trust certificate EETC Ker-on­line
Interagency Council on Juvenile Justice ICJJ Ker-on­line
International Limited Liability Company ILLC spanis­hru
copyright creep In essence, copyright creep is an effort to expand copyright restrictions and/or allowing new parties to impose them in new ways. A.Rezv­ov
NOC No Objection Certificate Ker-on­line