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QRM abbr.stresses
manag. система управления рисками (Ker-online)
oil качество, надёжность, ремонтопригодность (quality, reliability, maintainability)
radio помехи (вызванные работой другой станции; man-made interference kotechek); промышленная помеха (man-made interference; amateur radio Q code for "I have interference"); радиопомехи (вызванные искусственными причинами (напр., наводки от сети) Q-код OlCher)
 English thesaurus
QRM abbr.
abbr. Quick Response Manufacturing
abbr., avia. Narromine, New South Wales, Australia; quick release mechanism
abbr., el. artificial interference to transmission
abbr., manag. Quality Risk Management (Ker-online)
abbr., mil. Quantitative Risk Management
abbr., mil., avia. artificial interference to transmission or reception
abbr., radio, scient. Is my transmission being interfered with?
tech. quality, reliability, maintainability