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тугодум nstresses
gen. heavy mind; slowcoach; lead-footed; slow on the draw (Anglophile); lead footed; mentally slow; stupid; slow thinker (муж/жен род Rapunzel); short of wit (Morning93); dim-witted (Morning93); slow-witted (Marina_Onishchenko); not a quick thinker (VseZnaika); slow coach (Ремедиос_П); sluggish (His thinking processes were sluggish. Stanislav Silinsky)
amer. marble (a slow-witted person. Teen slang US, 1958 Taras)
chess.term. sitter; slow-witted player
disappr. tortoise on the uptake (Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, inf. slow-witted person
idiom. slow poke (Vadim Rouminsky); slowpoke (Vadim Rouminsky)
inf. slow (SirReal); dimwit
invect. ass maggot (Taras)
rude pump
sl., teen. birk
slang cabbage (SAKHstasia); blubberhead; dumb ox; flat; knucklehead; thick; knuckle-head
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects
American usage, not spelling1